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Sermons - Wednesday Evening

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  • Part I: Overcoming The Personal Anxiety Of Overwhelming Responsibilities - 08/30/1995 (Joshua 1:1-9)
  • Part X: Overcoming An Apparent Shortage Of Resources To Perform God's Will - 10/31/1995 (Joshua 10:1-43)
  • Part XI: Overcoming A Dependence On Material Resources To Do God's Work - 11/15/1995 (Joshua 11:1-12:24)
  • Part XII: Overcoming A Complacent Spirit To Continue Doing God's Work - 11/29/1995 (Joshua 13:1-8; 14:5, 6-15)
  • Part XV: Overcoming A Lack Of Effective Spiritual Influence In A Region - 12/19/1995 (Joshua 21:1-45)
  • Part XIV: Overcoming A Judgmental Spirit To Protect Innocent People - 12/20/1995 (Joshua 20:1-9)
  • Part XVI: Overcoming The Temptation To "Improve" On God's Program - 01/10/1996 (Joshua 22:1-34)
  • Part XVII: Overcoming A "Drift" Into Apostasy By God's People Through Alert Leadership - 01/17/1996 (Joshua 23:1-16)
  • Part XVIII: Overcoming A "Drift" Into Apostasy By Reminding God's People Of Their Roots - 01/24/1996 (Joshua 24:1-33)
  • Part XIX: Overcoming Inadequate Preplanning To Continue God's Work Posthumously - 01/31/1996 (Joshua 24:32 with Genesis 50:25 and Hebrews 11:22)
  • Part I: Certification Of God's Servant For Service - 02/06/1996 (Mark 1:1-15)
  • Part II: The Authority Of God's Servant For Service - 02/14/1996 (Mark 1:15-34)
  • Part III: The Continuing Spiritual Revitalization For Divine Service - 02/21/1996 (Mark 1:21-39)
  • Part IV: The Need For Presenting God's Truth To Others On DIVINE SCHEDULE - 02/28/1996 (Mark 1:40-45)
  • Part V: Settling In Our Minds The Issue Of The Incarnation Of Jesus Christ - 03/06/1996 (Mark 2:1-12)
  • Part VI: Understanding The LIMITS Of Separation And Fellowship In Ministry - 03/27/1996 (Mark 2:13-20)
  • Part VII: Understanding The BOUNDARY LINES Of Dispensations In Bible Exposition - 04/03/1996 (Mark 2:18-22)
  • Part VIII: Understanding The PURPOSES Of Scripture's Commands In Bible Exposition - 04/10/1996 (Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5)
  • Part IX: Working Within One's PRACTICAL LIMITATIONS In Serving God - 04/17/1996 (Mark 3:7-21)
  • Part X: Properly Evaluating The Spiritual Credibility Of A Ministry Under Fire - 04/24/1996 (Mark 3:22-30)
  • Part XI: Being Sure When Reputable Ties Counter What We Believe - 05/01/1996 (Mark 3:21, 31-35)
  • Part XII: A Sharp Admonition Regarding How We Respond To God's Word - 05/08/1996 (Mark 4:1-25)
  • Part XIII: An Unveiling Of The Supernatural Nature Of Discipleship Development - 05/15/1996 (Mark 4:26-29, 30-34)
  • Part XIV: An Unveiling Of The Supernatural Power Of God's Discipleship Through Bible Teaching (Mark 4:35-41) - 05/22/1996
  • Part XV: Identifying And Overcoming Demonic Pressures In Discipling An Area - 05/29/1996 (Mark 5:1-20; 7:31; 8:1-9)
  • Part XVI: Learning To Keep Going With God's PAST Directives Of Encouragement - 06/05/1996 (Mark 5:21-43)
  • Part XVII: Learning To Keep Going Amidst Godless Opposition From Family Members - 06/12/1996 (Mark 6:1-6)
  • Part XVIII: Hiding Within God's Supplied Resources To Disciple Others Effectively - 06/19/1996 (Mark 6:7-13)
  • Part XIX: Expecting Severe Persecution For A Godly Stand That Severely Convicts - 06/26/1996 (Mark 6:14-29; Matthew 11:2, 7-11)
  • Part XX: Practicing The Principle Of Taking A Spiritual Vacation - 07/03/1996 (Mark 6:30-32)
  • Part XXI: Dealing With The Problem Of Limited Resources In Serving God - 07/10/1996 (Mark 6:32-44)
  • Part XXII: Dealing With Our Fears In Serving God - 07/17/1996 (Mark 6:45-52)
  • Part XXIII: Serving God With Boundless Grace Toward Those Needing To Be Discipled - 07/24/1996 (Mark 6:53-56)
  • Part XXIV: Serving God With Adherence To Scripture Above Man's Tradition And Program - 08/14/1996 (Mark 7:1-13)
  • Part XXV: Serving God By Valuing The Heart's Condition Above External Actions - 08/21/1996 (Mark 7:14-23)
  • Part XXVI: Serving God With An Eye For Encouraging All Who Are Open To The Truth - 08/28/1996 (Mark 7:24-30)
  • Part XXVII: Serving God By Communicating To The Understanding Of Our Disciples - 09/04/1996 (Mark 7:31-37)
  • Part XXVIII: Discerning God's Meaning In Our Repeated Cycles Of Shortages - 09/11/1996 (Mark 8:1-10)
  • Part XXIX: Encouragement And Direction For God's People When Ministry Resources - 09/18/1996 (Mark 8:1-10)
  • Part XXX: God's Encouraging Program When His People Are Spiritually Blind - 09/25/1996 (Mark 8:10-30)
  • Part XXXI: Encouragement To Face Inevitable Persecution - 10/02/1996 (Mark 8:31-9:4)
  • Part XXXII: Learning To Accept The Way Of The Cross To Build God's Kingdom - 10/09/1996 (Mark 8:29-9:8)
  • Part XXXIII: God's Edifying Use Of Recalled Precedents To Offset Present Doubts - 10/16/1996 (Mark 9:9-13 with 2 Peter 1:15-2:9)
  • Part XXXIV: Diagnosing And Overcoming Dependency Upon Self For Ministry Success - 10/23/1996 (Mark 9:14-29)
  • Part XXXV: The Need For Uncomfortable Bible Truths In Bible Teaching - 10/30/1996 (Mark 9:30-32)
  • Part XXXVI: The Route To Having Peace With Fellow Believers - 11/06/1996 (Mark 9:33-50)
  • Part XXXVII: Successfully Handling Entrapment Efforts By Opponents - 11/20/1996 (Mark 10:1-12)
  • Part XXXVIII: Valuing The Welfare Of Little Children As A Priority In Ministry - 12/04/1996 (Mark 10:1-12 with 10:13-16)
  • Part XIII: Overcoming A Fear Of People That Inhibits Our Work For God - 12/06/1996 (Joshua 17:12-18:3; 19:49-50)
  • Part XXXIX: Putting The Value Of Material Possessions In Its Proper Place - 12/11/1996 (Mark 10:17-31)
  • Part XL: Learning To Submit Our Ambitions Of Glorious Achievement To God's Will - 12/18/1996 (Mark 10:32-45)
  • Part XLI: Learning That God Always Blesses Faith Even If It Arises From Great Darkness - 01/08/1997 (Mark 10:46-52)
  • Part XLII: Learning That Leadership In God's Work Is Always For Selflessly Helping Others - 01/19/1997 (Mark 11:1-11)
  • Part XLIII: Learning To Pray For RESULTS In FAITH - 01/22/1997 (Mark 11:12-26)
  • Part XLIV: Learning To Use Third Party Precedents To Reveal Credibility - 01/29/1997 (Mark 11:27-33)
  • Part XLV: God's Exposing And Warning About Continual Spiritual Insubordination - 02/05/1997 (Mark 12:1-12)
  • Part XLVI: Discerning Between Our Tax Liability And The Government's Deeds With Our Tax Payments - 02/12/1997 (Mark 12:13-17)
  • Part XLVII: Discerning How To Counter Classical Liberal Mishandling Of Scripture - 02/19/1997 (Mark 12:18-27)
  • Part XLVIII: Discerning How To Counter Theological Errors In Errant Conservatives - 02/26/1997 (Mark 12:28-34, 35-37)
  • Part XLIX: Discerning Which Parties Are To Be Avoided And Which Are Edifying - 03/05/1997 (Mark 12:38-44 with 12:28-37)
  • Part L: Understanding The Schedule Of Christ's End Time Event Predictions - 03/12/1997 (Mark 13:1-37)
  • Part LI: The Believer's Need To WATCH OUT From Being SIDETRACKED From God's Will - 03/19/1997 (Mark 13:1-37)
  • Part LII: Choices In Stewardship When All Our Biblical Financial Duties Have Been Met - 03/26/1997 (Mark 14:1-9)
  • Part LIII: Learning To Leave Our Protection Needs With God In Christian Service - 04/02/1997 (Mark 14:10-18)
  • Part LIV: Offsetting Discouraging Spiritual Defeats With Future Divinely-Promised Triumphs - 04/09/1997 (Mark 14:17-31)
  • Part LV: Resting With Our Weaknesses In The All-Sufficient Shepherdship Of Christ - 04/16/1997 (Mark 14:32-42)
  • Part LVI: Accepting The Role Of Pacifism For Believers Facing Religious Persecution - 04/23/1997 (Mark 14:43-52 et al.)
  • Part LVII: Drawing Encouragement From God's Final Outcome While Under Persecution - 04/30/1997 (Mark 14:53-65)
  • Part LVIII: Learning To Pay Attention To God's Warnings Of Our Spiritual Declines - 05/07/1997 (Mark 14:66-72)
  • Part XIX: Learning To Yield To Awful, Relentless Injustices Against Us As God's Will - 05/14/1997 (Mark 15:1-41)
  • Part XX: Learning To Be Gentle With The Failure Of Others In View Of Our Own Failings (Mark 14:43-54) - 05/21/1997
  • Part XXI: Learning To Carry A Defenseless Spirit When Persecuted For Our Spiritual Stand - 05/28/1997 (Mark 14:55-65)
  • Part XXII: Learning To Watch Out For The Company We Keep - 06/04/1997 (Mark 14:66-72)
  • Part XXIII: Learning How To Leave An Effective Witness When Our Integrity Is Challenged - 06/11/1997 (Mark 15:1-41)
  • Part XXIV: Learning To Stay Responsible As A Subordinate When Leaders Are Irresponsible - 06/18/1997 (Mark 15:37-41 et al.)
  • Part XXV: Learning To Follow Christ As Our Supreme Priority At All Costs - 07/02/1997 (Mark 15:42-46)
  • Part XXVI: Learning To Trust God With Our Well-Intended, But Ineffective Plans And Efforts (Mark 15:47-16:8) - 07/09/1997
  • Part XXVII: Handling Portions Of Scripture With Questioned Manuscript Pedigree - 07/16/1997 (Mark 16:9-20)
  • Part I: The Verification Of Christian Apologetics As A Ministry - 07/23/1997 (Luke 1:1-4)
  • Part II: Credible Evidences For The Divine Appointment Of John As Messiah's Forerunner - 07/30/1997 (Luke 1:5-25)
  • Part III: Christianity's Validation In Christ's Rise To Greatness Out Of Oppressive Origins - 08/20/1997 (Luke 1:24-56)
  • Part IV: Biblical Christianity's Validity Opposite Mariolotry According To Mary's Magnificat - 08/27/1997 (Luke 1:41-56)
  • Part V: Christianity's Divine Validity In View Of Christ's Early Unconventional Roots - 09/03/1997 (Luke 1:57-80)
  • Part VI: Christianity's Validity Via Its Founder's Divine Royalty Regardless Of Rome's Rulership - 09/10/1997 (Luke 2:1-20)
  • Part VII: Christianity's Validity Via Predictions Of Christ's Sufferings When He Was But A Baby - 09/17/1997 (Luke 2:21-38)
  • Part VIII: Christianity's Validity Via The Childhood Perfection Of Jesus Of Nazareth - 09/24/1997 (Luke 2:39-52)
  • Part IX: Christianity's Validity By Way Of The Roots Of Its Message - 10/01/1997 (Luke 3:1-6)
  • Part X: Christianity's Validity Via Its Call To Love And Subordination To God's Messengers By John - 10/08/1997 (Luke 3:7-14)
  • Part XI: Christianity's Certification Through Its Addressing SIN En Route To Divine Blessing - 10/15/1997 (Luke 3:15-22)
  • Part XII: Christianity's Certification By Evidence Of Christ's Genealogy - 10/22/1997 (Luke 3:23-38)
  • Part XIII: God's Certification By Permitted Trial Of Christ's Qualification As Man's Sinbearer - 10/28/1997 (Luke 4:1-13)
  • Part XIV: God's Certification Of Christ's Assignment To Minister In Preaching - 11/12/1997 (Luke 4:14-30)
  • Part XV: God's Encouraging Certification Of Christ's Credibility Though He Was Rejected - 11/19/1997 (Luke 4:18-44)
  • Part XVI: God's Certification Of Christ's INITIAL CALL For Peter's Discipleship - 12/03/1997 (Luke 5:1-11)
  • Part XVII: God's Supply For Our Credibility When We SEEK It HIS WAY - 12/10/1997 (Luke 5:12-16)
  • Part XVIII: Certifying Christ's OWN, CLEAR Claim To Be God Come In The Flesh - 12/31/1997 (Luke 5:17-26)
  • Part XIX: Certifying That Christ's Authority Extended Over Traditionalism - 01/07/1998 (Luke 5:27-6:5)
  • Part XX: Certifying Christ's Power To Heal By Way Of Evidence From Hostile Witnesses - 01/14/1998 (Luke 6:6-11)
  • Part XXI: Certifying Christ's Power To Make Disciplers Succeed Against Formidable Opponents - 01/21/1998 (Luke 6:12-26)
  • Part XXII: Certifying The VALUE Of Living In TRUE Righteousness As Believers - 01/28/1998 (Luke 6:27-49)
  • Part XXIII: Certifying The Divine Authority Of Jesus According To His OWN View - 02/04/1998 (Luke 7:1-10)
  • Part XXIV: Inadvertently Certifying The VALIDITY Of Christ's Old Testament Prophetic Roots - 02/11/1998 (Luke 7:11-17)
  • Part XXV: God's Certifying The Witness Of Christ's Claims By Way Of Empirical Evidence - 02/18/1998 (Luke 7:18-23)
  • Part XXVI: God's Certifying The Credibility Of His Servants' Witness Regardless Of Their Temporal Plight - 02/25/1998 (Luke 7:24-35)
  • Part XXVII: God's Certifying God's Truth For Those With A REASONABLE Cause Of Doubt - 03/11/1998 (Luke 7:36-50)
  • Part XXVIII: God's Certifying The LIFESTYLE CONTRAST Of Heeding Or Not Heeding Christ's Word - 03/18/1998 (Luke 8:1-3, 4-18, 19-21)
  • Part XXIX: God's Certifying Jesus To Be God Incarnate By The DIVINE Authority Of His Words - 03/25/1998 (Luke 8:22-25)
  • Part XXX: Certifying Christ's Divine Identity Through His Displayed Power Over Demons - 04/01/1998 (Luke 8:26-39)
  • Part XXXI: Certifying The Credibility Of Christ's Lordship Through His Capacity To Unify Opposite Parties - 04/08/1998 (Luke 8:40-56)
  • Part XXXII: Certifying Christ's Messiahship Via His Ministry Through His Servants' Weaknesses - 04/15/1998 (Luke 9:1-17)
  • Part XXXIII: Certifying The Way Of The Cross Before The Crown For Messiah And His Followers - 04/22/1998 (Luke 9:18-36)
  • Part XXXIV: The Credibility Of Christ's Authorship Of Christianity Versus Authorship By His Disciples - 04/29/1998 (Luke 9:36-50)
  • Part XXXV: The Credibility Of Christianity Signaled By Its COMPREHENSIVELY High Discipleship Cost - 05/06/1998 (Luke 9:51-62)
  • Part XXXVI: The Credibility Of Christianity As Shown By God's Grace-Based Directives To His Messengers - 05/17/1998 (Luke 10:1-16)
  • Part XXXVII: The Credibility Of Christianity Seen Via The Amazing Success Of Its Frail Human Messengers - 05/20/1998 (Luke 10:17-24)
  • Part XXXVIII: The Credibility Of Christianity Seen In Christ's Call For Unlimited Neighborliness - 05/27/1998 (Luke 10:25-37 with Judges 19-20)
  • Part XXXIX: The Credibility Of Christianity Via Its PRIORITIZING Communing With God Over Service - 06/03/1998 (Luke 10:38-42)
  • Part XL: The Credibility Of Christianity Viewed In The WAY Christ Told Men To Pray - 06/10/1998 (Luke 11:1-4)
  • Part XLI: The Credibility Of Christianity Via The CERTAINTY Of Its - 06/17/1998 (Luke 11:5-13)
  • Part XLII: The Credibility Of Christianiy Seen In The Illogical Route Its Opponents Often Take To Reject It - 06/24/1998 (Luke 11:14-36)
  • Part XLIII: Christianity's Validity Seen In Christ's Clear, Righteous Opposition To Errant Leaders - 07/01/1998 (Luke 11:37-54)
  • Part XLIV: The Validity Of Christianity Seen In Christ's Call To Promote An Honest Faith - 07/08/1998 (Luke 12:1-12)
  • Part XLV: The Credibility Of Christianity Seen In Its Leader's Conquest Of Covetousness - 07/15/1998 (Luke 12:13-34)
  • Part XLVI: The Credibility Of Christianity Via Its Godly LAITY's And MINISTERS' Conquests Of Greed - 07/22/1998 (Luke 12:35-48)
  • Part XLVII: The Credibility Of Christianity Seen In The Certain Relationship Conflicts Of Its Followers - 07/29/1998 (Luke 12:49-59)
  • Part XLVIII: The Credibility Of The Christian Faith Seen In Christ's Absolute Impartiality In Judging Men - 08/05/1998 (Luke 13:1-9)
  • Part XLIX: The Credibility Of The Christian Faith In Spite Of Objections Raised By Its Religious Opponents - 08/26/1998 (Luke 13:10-21)
  • Part L: The Credibility Of Christianity Though Christ Was Incompatible With Most Men He Encountered - 09/02/1998 (Luke 13:22-35)
  • Part LI: The Credibility Of Christ Seen In His Actions Under Social Persecution Pressure - 09/09/1998 (Luke 14:1-6 with Luke 6:6-11 and 13:10-17)
  • Part LII: The Credibility Of Christ's Messiahship Seen In His Superior Quality Of Love - 09/16/1998 (Luke 14:1-6 with 7-35)
  • Part LIII: The Credibility Of The Christ Though Associating With SAVED Sinners - 09/23/1998 (Luke 15:1-32)
  • Part LIV: The Credibility Of Christ Viewed From His Idea That Man's Money SERVE God's Interests - 09/30/1998 (Luke 16:1-13)
  • Part LV: The Credibility Of Christ Viewed From His Idea That ANY Covetousness Is SIN - 10/07/1998 (Luke 16:14-31)
  • Part LVI: Christ's Credibility Seen In The IMPARTIAL View He Promoted Regarding Sin In Relationships - 10/14/1998 (Luke 17:1-10)
  • Part LVII: Christ's Claim To Deity Seen In His EXPECTING To Receive Man's Worship - 10/21/1998 (Luke 17:11-19)
  • Part LVIII: The Credibility Of Christ Evidenced In His Offer Of A Tangible Messianic Kingdom - 10/28/1998 (Luke 17:20-37)
  • Part LIX: The Credibility Of Christianity Seen In Christ's Cure For "Spiritual Fainting Spells" - 11/04/1998 (Luke 18:1-14)
  • Part LX: The Credibility Of The Christian Faith In Christ's PURE GRACE Focus With Men - 11/18/1998 (Luke 18:15-30)
  • Part LXI: God's Gracious Use Of Human Spiritual Weakness Or Dullness In Christ's Followers - 12/02/1998 (Luke 18:31-34)
  • Part LXII: Certifying The Credibility Of Christ Though Israel Failed To Confess Jesus As Messiah - 12/09/1998 (Luke 18:35-43)
  • Part LXIII: Certifying The Christian Faith In Its Life-Changing Effects On Sinners - 12/16/1998 (Luke 19:1-10)
  • Part LXIV: Certifying The Christian Faith By Displaying Christ's OWN Eschatology On The Kingdom - 12/23/1998 (Luke 19:11-27)
  • Part LXV: Certifying Christianity By Exhibiting Christ's Truly Messianic Actions In His Triumphal Entry - 12/30/1998 (Luke 19:28-44)
  • Part LXVI: Certifying The Christian Faith In Revealing Christ's High Quality Demands Of Worship - 01/06/1999 (Luke 19:45-48)
  • Part LXVII: Certifying The Christian Faith By Examining Christ's Credentials Of Messianic Authority - 01/20/1999 (Luke 20:1-18)
  • Part LXVIII: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its Respect-But-Separate Stance Toward Man's Government - 01/27/1999 (Luke 20:19-26)
  • Part LXIX: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its Messiah's Commanding Knowledge And Use - 02/03/1999 (Luke 20:27-47)
  • Part LXX: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its Messiah's GREAT Sensitivity Toward The Downtrodden - 02/10/1999 (Luke 21:1-4)
  • Part LXXI: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its Messiah's Verifiably Accurate End Time Prophecies - 02/17/1999 (Luke 21:5-38)
  • Part LXXII: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its Messiah's Sovereignty Over Satan In The Passion Week - 02/24/1999 (Luke 22:1-6, 7-16)
  • Part LXXIII: Certifying Christianity By Christ's Cross-Before-The-Crown Teaching At The Last Supper - 03/03/1999 (Luke 22:15-23)
  • Part LXXIV: Certifying The Christian Faith By Its REVERSE Order Of Leadership Style - 03/10/1999 (Luke 22:24-38)
  • Part LXXV: Certifying Christianity By Viewing Christ's Arrest As God's Allowing Satan's Reign For Glory - 03/24/1999 (Luke 22:31-62)
  • Part LXXVI: Certifying Christianity Via Christ's Keeping His Claims Under Threat Of Death To The Contrary - 03/31/1999 (Luke 22:63-71)
  • Part LXXVII: Certifying Christianity Via The GREAT INJUSTICES It Took To Crucify Jesus - 04/21/1999 (Luke 23:1-25)
  • Part LXXVIII: Certifying Christianity Via Christ's Faithfulness To His Mission Even In Facing Death - 04/28/1999 (Luke 23:26-46)
  • Part LXXIX: Certifying Christianity Via Evidences Of Christ's ACTUAL DEATH Before His Resurrection - 05/05/1999 (Luke 23:47-56)
  • Part LXXX: Certifying Christianity Via TANGIBLE Evidences Of Christ's RESURRECTION From The Dead - 05/12/1999 (Luke 24:1-12)
  • Part LXXXI: Certifying Christ's Resurrection Using Evidence Available To NON-Eyewitnesses - 05/19/1999 (Luke 24:13-35, 36)
  • Part LXXXII: The Risen Lord's Focus On Prophecy To Show The Ageless Biblical Continuity Of Christianity - 05/26/1999 (Luke 24:36-53)
  • Part I: Appreciating The Message Of Salvation By Understanding The Messenger
  • A. Valuing The Message On Gaining Eternal Life As The Messenger Is The Creator Of Life - 06/02/1999 (John 1:1-3, 14, 17)
  • B. Valuing The Message As Its Author Went To Enormous Lengths To Communicate It - 06/16/1999 (John 1:4-18)
  • Part II: Presentation Of The Messenger Of Salvation
  • A. Christ's Credentials Given By A Credible Witness - 06/23/1999 (John 1:19-39)
  • B. Christ's Credentials Exposed Unto Men
  • 1. Christ's Credentials Exposed In His Power To Disciple To And Through His Own - 06/30/1999 (John 1:40-51)
  • 2. Christ's Authority And Ability Exposed To Bring New Life From Corruption - 07/07/1999 (John 2:1-11)
  • 3. Christ's Credential Of Sinlessness Exposed In His Holy Intolerance - 07/14/1999 (John 2:12-25)
  • 4. Christ's Message Of Salvation Credibly Exposed To Israel's Leaders - 07/21/1999 (John 3:1-21)
  • B. Christ's Credential Exposed Unto Men
  • 5. Christ's Credibility Condoned By His Overshadowing His Yielding, Godly Prophet - 07/28/1999 (John 3:22-36)
  • 6. Christ's Gospel of Unmerited Favor Revealed In His Encounter With The Ungodly Samaritan - 08/04/1999 (John 4:1-42)
  • 7. Christ's Call For A TRUE Salvation Faith Exposed - 08/25/1999 (John 4:43-54)
  • Part III: Presentation Of The Messenger Of Salvation
  • C. Christ's Credentials Revealed In Confrontations With Men
  • 1. Christ's Saving Supremacy Over Man's Bondages To Superstitions - 09/01/1999 (John 5:1-9)
  • 2. Christ's Ardent Claims To Deity With The Father Before Opponents - 09/08/1999 (John 5:10-47)
  • 3. Christ's REAL Messianic Identity Evidenced In Accepting The Cross Before The Crown - 09/15/1999 (John 6:1-15)
  • 4. Christ's Identity Seen In Overcoming His Disciples' Natural Limitations - 09/22/1999 (John 6:16-21)
  • 5. Christ's Identity Seen In WHO Responded To Him In Faith - 09/29/1999 (John 6:22-46)
  • 6. Christ's Identity Seen In WHO Remained With Him By Faith - 10/06/1999 (John 6:47-71)
  • 7. Christ's Identity Seen In Why He Was Alienated From People In The World - 10/13/1999 (John 7:1-36)
  • 8. Christ's Claims Supported Through The Errant Ignorance Of His Opponents - 10/20/1999 (John 7:40-52; 8:12-13)
  • 9. Handling A Questionable God-Appointed Authority Entity Well - 10/27/1999 (John 7:53-8:11)
  • 10. Christ's Credentials Seen In Contrasting How He Related To His Enemies And They Toward Him - 11/03/1999 (John 8:13-58)
  • 11. Christ's Credentials Seen By How The Theologically Ignorant Exposed Inexcusable Unbelief In Jesus - 11/10/1999 (John 9:1-44)
  • 12. Christ's Credentials Seen In His SUPERIOR Oversight Of God's Flock - 12/01/1999 (John 10:1-21)
  • 13. Christ's Credibility Via The CLARITY Of His Credentials' Presentation - 12/08/1999 (John 10:22-42)
  • 14. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Undisputed Power Over Physical Death - 12/15/1999 (John 11:1-57)
  • 15. Christ's Credibility Seen In The CONTRASTING Responses Of Close Eyewitnesses - 12/22/1999 (John 12:1-8)
  • 16. Christ's Credibility Seen In The CONTRASTING Responses Of Distant Eyewitnesses - 12/29/1999 (John 12:9-50)
  • Part IV: Presentation Of The Messenger Of Salvation
  • D. Christ's Credentials Revealed In His Preparations For The Cross
  • 1. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Graciously Facing His Betrayal Unto Death - 01/05/2000 (John 13:1-20)
  • 2. Christ's Credibility Seen In His INSIGHT And SOLUTION To Painfully Deceptive Relationships - 01/12/2000 (John 13:21-35)
  • 3. Christ's Credibility Seen In Encouraging His Disciples In VIEW Of His Coming Cross
  • a. Christ's Encouragement Offsetting The Sense Of Abandonment In His Disciples - 01/19/2000 (John 13:33-14:11)
  • b. Christ's Encouragement Offsetting His Disciples' Sense Of Failure - 01/26/2000 (John 13:48; 14:1, 11-14)
  • c. Christ's Encouragement Offsetting His Disciples' Sense Of Leaderlessness - 02/02/2000 (John 13:33, 36; 14:15-26)
  • d. Christ's Supply Of Peace That Offsets Human Unrest In A Sin-Afflicted World - 02/09/2000 (John 14:27-31)
  • e. Christ's Directive For Ministry Productivity Because Of The Cross - 02/16/2000 (John 15:1-17)
  • f. Christ's Equipping His Disciples To Handle Persecution In VIEW Of His Cross - 02/23/2000 (John 15:18-16:15)
  • g. Christ's Equipping His Disciples To Handle The Events Of His Cross Directly - 03/01/2000 (John 16:16-33)
  • 4. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Intercession For The Church In VIEW Of His Coming Cross
  • a. Christ's Credibility Revealed In His Prayer Regarding Himself In Preparation For The Cross - 03/08/2000 (John 17:1-5)
  • c. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Intercession For US Future Believers - 03/29/2000 (John 17:20-26)
  • Part V: The Atonement Of The Messenger Of Salvation
  • A. Christ's Credibility Seen In The Unusual Events Of His Arrest - 04/05/2000 (John 18:1-11)
  • B. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Trial Before The High Priest - 04/12/2000 (John 18:12-23)
  • C. Christ's Lordship Credibility Seen In His Trial Before Civil Authority - 04/19/2000 (John 18:24-19:16)
  • D. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Death - 04/26/2000 (John 19:17-37)
  • Part VI: The Burial Of The Messenger Of Salvation: Christ's Credibility Seen In His Burial - 05/03/2000 (John 19:38-42)
  • Part VII: The Resurrection Of The Messenger Of Salvation
  • A. Christ's Credibility Seen In The REPORT Of The PHYSICAL Evidence Of His Resurrection - 05/10/2000 (John 20:1-10)
  • B. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Post-Resurrection Appearance To Mary Magdalene - 05/17/2000 (John 20:11-18)
  • C. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Post-Resurrection Appearance To Thomas - 05/24/2000 (John 20:19-31)
  • D. Christ's Credibility Seen In His Post-Resurrection Appearance By The Sea Of Galilee - 05/31/2000 (John 21:1-25)
  • Part I: The Path To Gaining Fellowship With God (Leviticus 1-10)
  • A. The Burnt Offering's Revelation Of The Basis Of Acceptable Dedication Unto God - 06/07/2000 (Leviticus 1:1-17)
  • B. The Grain Offering's Revelation Of The Basis Of The Sinner's Personal Acceptance By God - 06/14/2000 (Leviticus 2:1-16)
  • C. The Peace Offering's Revelation Of Having Peace With God And Others In Christ - 06/21/2000 (Leviticus 3:1-17)
  • D. The Sin Offering's Revelation Of The Sinner's BASIS Of Forgiveness With God - 06/28/2000 (Leviticus 4:1-5:13)
  • E. The Guilt Offering's Revelation Of God's GRACE In Handling Sin's DAMAGES - 07/05/2000 (Leviticus 5:14-6:7)
  • F. God's Call For PERPETUAL CONSECRATION By His SPIRIT In The Burnt Offering's Ashes - 07/12/2000 (Leviticus 6:8-13)
  • G. God's Call For PERPETUAL Dependence Upon God's Spirit For Service Effectiveness" - 07/19/2000 (Leviticus 6:14-23)
  • H. God's Signal For Our Resting In The Effectiveness Of Christ's Death - 07/26/2000 (Leviticus 6:24-30)
  • I. God's Signal To Rest In The Efficacy Of The Cross For Sin's Damages - 08/02/2000 (Leviticus 7:1-10)
  • J. God's Instructions On Practical Holiness For Believers - 08/09/2000 (Leviticus 7:11-21)
  • K. God's Revelation Of Sustaining The Believer's Spiritual Life By Grace - 08/30/2000 (Leviticus 7:22-38)
  • L. God's Revelation Of The Believer's Preparation For Effective Service - 09/06/2000 (Leviticus 8:1-36)
  • M. God's Revelation Of The Believer's Provision For Lasting Service - 09/13/2000 (Leviticus 9:1-24)
  • N. God's Revelation Of The Believer's Higher Accountability For Leadership Roles - 09/20/2000 (Leviticus 10:1-11)
  • O. God's Revelation Of His Mercy With The Believer's Errors Done Under Duress - 09/27/2000 (Leviticus 10:12-20)
  • Part II: The Path Of Walking In Fellowship With God (Leviticus 11-27)
  • A. Israel's Testimony Regarding Idolatry By Way Of Her Diet - 10/04/2000 (Leviticus 11:1-47)
  • B. God's Revelation Of Original Sin And Its Solution - 10/11/2000 (Leviticus 12:1-8)
  • C. God's Revelation Of Handling Sins With Varying Degrees Of Contagion - 10/18/2000 (Leviticus 13:1-14:57)
  • D. God's Revelation Of Handling Private Sins - 10/25/2000 (Leviticus 15:1-33)
  • E. God's Revelation Of HIMSELF In Christ's Atonement - 11/01/2000 (Leviticus 16:1-34; Matthew 27:50-51; Hebrews 10:19-25)
  • F. God's Call For Separation From Our Culture's Sins - 11/08/2000 (Leviticus 17:1-16)
  • G. God's Call For Sexual Purity - 11/29/2000 (Leviticus 18:1-30)
  • H. God's Call For Holiness In ALL Of Life - 12/06/2000 (Leviticus 19:1-37)
  • I. God's Call And Rationale For Capital Punishment - 12/13/2000 (Leviticus 20:1-27; Genesis 9:6)
  • J. God's Call For Higher Separation Standards For Leaders - 12/20/2000 (Leviticus 21:1-24)
  • K. God's Call For Vigilance In Holiness Among Spiritual Leaders - 12/27/2000 (Leviticus 22:1-16)
  • L. God's Call For The Respectful Worship Of Himself - 01/03/2001 (Leviticus 22:17-33 with Malachi 1:6-14)
  • M. God's Prophetic Assemblies Of Christ's Redemption
  • 1. The Sabbatical Assembly: Foretelling The Rest Offered By Christ's Redemption - 01/10/2001 (Leviticus 23:1-3; Exodus 19:9-11; Hebrews 4:3-10)
  • 2. The Passover And Unleavened Bread: Foretelling Christ's Death For Sin - 01/17/2001 (Leviticus 23:4-8)
  • 3. The Feast Of Firstfruits: Foretelling Christ's And The Believer's Resurrections - 01/24/2001 (Leviticus 23:9-14)
  • 4. The Feast Of Pentecost: Foretelling The Church Era - 01/31/2001 (Leviticus 23:15-22)
  • 5. The Feast Of Trumpets: Foretelling Israel's Millennial Kingdom Regathering - 02/07/2001 (Leviticus 23:23-25)
  • 6. The Feast Of The Day Of Atonement: Foretelling Israel's National Repentance - 02/21/2001 (Leviticus 23:26-32)
  • 7. The Feast Of Tabernacles: Foretelling Christ's Victory Over Sin's Livelihood Consequences - 02/28/2001 (Leviticus 23:33-44)
  • N. Revealing The Believer's Perpetually Available And Adequate Guidance And Power For Service - 03/07/2001 (Leviticus 24:1-23)
  • O. Revealing Our Need To Rely Upon God Over Commercial Enterprise - 03/21/2001 (Leviticus 25:1-7, 8-55)
  • P. Learning From God's Preparations For Israel's ACTUAL Pilgrimage - 03/28/2001 (Leviticus 26:1-46)
  • Q. Revealing How Our Efforts For God Can Be Acceptable - 04/04/2001 (Leviticus 27:1-34)
  • Part I: Handling The British Israelism Issue - 04/11/2001
  • Part II: Handling Baha'ism Scripturally - 04/18/2001
  • Part III: The Believer's Eternal Security - 04/25/2001 (Ephesians 4:30; John 5:24 et al.)
  • Part IV: False And True Evangelism - 05/02/2001
  • Part V: Dealing With Contemporary Christian Pharisaism - 05/09/2001
  • Part I: Christ Predicted In His Birth - 05/16/2001 (Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-2, 6-7)
  • Part II: Christ Predicted In His Childhood - 05/23/2001 (Isaiah 49:1-3; Luke 2:40-52)
  • Part III: Christ Predicted In His Earthly Ministry - 05/30/2001 (Isaiah 9, 11, 61, 35, 50, 53 and 49)
  • Part IV: Christ Predicted In His Death, Burial And Resurrection - 06/06/2001 (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
  • Part V: Christ Predicted In His Current Heavenly Ministry - 06/13/2001 (Isaiah 53:12; 49:5-6)
  • Part I: God's Call To Focus On Stabilizing Positional Truths To Stand Up To Apostates - 06/20/2001 (Jude :1-4)
  • Part II: Distinguishing The Ministry Profiles Of Apostates From Godly Leaders - 06/27/2001 (Jude :5-16)
  • Part III: Victory When FACING Apostasy - 07/04/2001 (Jude :17-25)
  • Part I: The Genesis 1:1-2a "Gap Theory" Issue - 07/11/2001
  • Part II: Examining The Theistic Evolution And Special Creationism Views - 07/18/2001
  • Part III: Examining The Scientific Credibility Of Evolution And Creation Views - 07/25/2001
  • Part IV: Biblically Explaining The Fossil Record's Origin - 08/01/2001
  • Part V: Explaining The Scientific Credibility Of Noah's Ark - 08/08/2001
  • Part I - Knowing WHO We ARE And WHERE We FIT IN With God's FLOCK For Victory - 08/15/2001 (Numbers 1:1-2:34)
  • Part II - Triumph In Faithfully Doing Our INDIVIDUAL, GOD ASSIGNED Tasks - 08/22/2001 (Numbers 3:1-4:49)
  • Part III - Triumph By Separating From Sinners, Sins And The Suspicion Of Sin - 09/19/2001 (Numbers 5:1-31)
  • Part IV - Rich Lifestyle Blessings By Total Consecration Unto God - 09/26/2001 (Numbers 6:1-21, 22-27)
  • Part V - Blessing In Knowing God Treasures Every Godly Deed Of Each Believer's Ministry - 10/03/2001 (Numbers 7:1-89)
  • Part VI - Blessing By Serving God Within His Inspired Word's Directives - 10/10/2001 (Numbers 8:1-4; 7:1-89 and 8:5-26)
  • Part VII - Keys To God's Blessing For Lifelong Spiritual Service - 10/17/2001 (Numbers 8:5-26)
  • Part VIII - Blessing By Currently And Closely Following God's Leading - 10/24/2001 (Numbers 9:1-14, 15-23)
  • Part IX - Blessing By Following God Through His Appointed Human Leaders' Actions - 10/31/2001 (Numbers 9:15-10:10)
  • Part X - Missing God's Blessing By Being Leavened With An Unbiblical Influence - 11/07/2001 (Numbers 11:1-35)
  • Part XI - Missing God's Blessing By Sinfully Criticizing God's Overseers - 11/28/2001 (Numbers 12:1-16)
  • Part XII - Following God In Addressing Our Livelihood Shortages - 12/05/2001 (Numbers 13:1-14:39)
  • Part XIII - Missing Blessing By Living Independent Of God And His Leaders - 12/12/2001 (Exodus 2-4; Numbers 14:1-23, 39-45)
  • Part XIV - Blessing By Learning From The Sinful Tragedies Of Others - 12/19/2001 (Numbers 15:1-41)
  • Part XV - Missing God's Blessing Through Not Recognizing God's Leadership Appointments - 12/26/2001 (Numbers 16:1-40)
  • Part XVI - Blessing By Heeding God's Supernatural Evidence Regarding His Appointed Leaders - 01/02/2002 (Numbers 16:41-17:13)
  • Part XVII - Avoiding God's Discipline By Heeding His Clarifications Of Oversight Roles - 01/09/2002 (Numbers 18:1-32; 16:8-10)
  • Part XVIII - Enjoying God's Blessing By Consistently Countering Errant Beliefs - 01/16/2002 (Numbers 19:1-22)
  • Part XIX - Missing God's Blessing In Oversight By Glorifying One's Self - 01/23/2002 (Numbers 20:1-13)
  • Part XX - Wisely Functioning With Difficult Relatives - 01/30/2002 (Numbers 20:14-22)
  • Part XXI - Blessing Through Looking BEYOND Human Leaders To Lean On God ALONE - 02/06/2002 (Numbers 20:23-29 with Hebrews 7:23-28)
  • Part XXII: Blessing By Handling A Trial By Faith Instead Of Complaining - 02/13/2002 (Numbers 21:1-3 et al.)
  • Part XXIII: God's Use Of REPEATED Trials To KEEP Our FOCUS On Himself, NOT Our HARDSHIPS - 02/20/2002 (Numbers 21:4-9)
  • Part XXIV: God's Gracious Victory Over Man's Habitual Sins - 02/27/2002 (Numbers 21:10-18)
  • Part XXV: God's Blessing Of GREAT Progress Due To A Persistent, United Trust In Him - 03/06/2002 (Numbers 21:16-35)
  • Part XXVI: God's Sovereignty Over Influential Leaders Influenced By Greed - 03/27/2002 (Numbers 22:1-35; 2 Peter 2:15-16)
  • Part XXVII: God's Providential Prophetic Outline Of Israel's Future - 04/03/2002 (Numbers 23-24)
  • Part XXVIII: The Need For Human Leaders To Resist Compromise With Sin For Blessing - 04/10/2002 (Numbers 25:1-18)
  • Part XXIX: Becoming Two Out Of One Million, Two Hundred Thousand To Survive By Faith - 04/17/2002 (Numbers 26:1-65)
  • Part XXX: Blessing For ASKING God For Blessing - 04/24/2002 (Numbers 27:1-11; 1 John 5:14-15)
  • Part XXXI: God's WISE Way Of Raising Up GOOD NEW Leaders For His People - 05/01/2002 (Numbers 27:12-23)
  • Part XXXII: Basing Our Life And Service To God Upon Our Relationship With Christ - 05/08/2002 (Numbers 28-29)
  • Part XXXIII: Blessing By Keeping Our Responsibilities Before God - 05/15/2002 (Numbers 30:1-16)
  • Part XXXIV: Blessing By A CONSTANT Separation From Worldliness - 05/22/2002 (Numbers 31:1-54)
  • Part XXXV: Blessing By Avoiding Unnecessary Wealth - 05/29/2002 (Numbers 32:1-42 with Joshua 22:1-34; 1 Timothy 6:6-19)
  • Part XXXVI: Blessing In Contemplating God's Faithfulness Throughout Our Lives - 06/05/2002 (Numbers 33:1-49)
  • Part XXXVII: Blessing In Practicing Biblical Separation - 06/12/2002 (Numbers 33:50-56)
  • Part XXXVIII: Blessing By Resting In The THOROUGHNESS Of God's Livelihood Oversight - 06/19/2002 (Numbers 34-36)
  • Part XXXIX: Blessing By Valuing Human Life Even In Accidental Manslaughter Cases - 06/26/2002 (Numbers 35:16-34)
  • Part I: Teaching Subordinates To Follow God When Their Human Spiritual Leaders Fail - 07/03/2002 (Deuteronomy 1:1-46)
  • Part II: Teaching Others To Trust God's Provisions For All Livelihood Needs - 07/10/2002 (Deuteronomy 2:1-3:11)
  • Part III: Teaching Others Not To Fail Where We Have Failed The Lord - 07/17/2002 (Deuteronomy 3:12-29)
  • Part IV: Influencing Others To Heed God's Word - 07/24/2002 (Deuteronomy 4:1-40)
  • Part V: Doing ALL We CAN DO To Example Scripture Obedience For Disciples - 07/31/2002 (Deuteronomy 4:41-43)
  • Part VI: Encouraging Others To Respect God As A Priority - 08/14/2002 (Deuteronomy 5:1-33)
  • Part VII: Discipling Parents On Discipling Their Children In The Lord - 08/21/2002 (Deuteronomy 6:1-7:6)
  • Part VIII: Discipling Those With Improper Self-Images To Heed God For His Greatness And Objectivity - 09/11/2002 (Deuteronomy 7:7-26)
  • Part IX: Recalling Past Lessons From Trials To Lead Others To Trust God Now - 09/18/2002 (Deuteronomy 8:1-10:11)
  • Part X: Motivating Others To Heed God By Showing The Personable Ways He Interacts With Them - 09/25/2002 (Deuteronomy 10:12-11:32)
  • Part XI: Discipling Others On The Biblical Worship Of God - 10/02/2002 (Deuteronomy 12:1-32)
  • Part XII: Discipling Others To KNOW and HEED The TRUTH Above All Pressures To The Contrary - 10/09/2002 (Deuteronomy 13:1-18)
  • Part XIII: Discipling Others On Holiness Regarding Everyday Functions - 10/16/2002 (Deuteronomy 14:1-21)
  • Part XIV: Discipling Others On Giving To The Lord - 10/30/2002 (Deuteronomy 14:22-29 with New Testament passages)
  • Part XV: Discipling Others On Being Their Brother's Financial Keeper - 11/06/2002 (Deuteronomy 15:1-17)
  • Part XVI: Discipling Others On The Value Of Corporate Worship - 11/20/2002 (Deuteronomy 16:1-17)
  • Part XVII: Discipling Others On Developing As Quality Spiritual Leaders - 12/04/2002 (Deuteronomy 16:18-17:20)
  • Part XVIII: Discipling Others On Being Godly Subordinates - 12/11/2002 (Deuteronomy 18:1-22)
  • Part XIX: Discipling Others On Respecting Everything Belonging To Their Neighbors - 01/08/2003 (Deuteronomy 19:14-21)
  • Part XX: Discipling Others To Prepare To Stand For Righteousness In Conflicts - 01/15/2003 (Deuteronomy 20:1-20)
  • Part XXI: Discipling Others On Caring For Their Neighbors - 01/22/2003 (Deuteronomy 21:1-22:12)
  • Part XXII: Discipling Others On GOD'S View Of Marital Arrangements - 01/29/2003 (Deuteronomy 22:13-30; Leviticus 18)
  • Part XXIII: Discipling Others On BOUNDARIES Of Worship Service FELLOWSHIP - 02/05/2003 (Deuteronomy 23:1-18)
  • Part XXIV: Discipling Others On Their Responsibility Toward The Weaker - 02/12/2003 (Deuteronomy 23:19-25:19)
  • Part XXV: Discipling Others To Focus On Their Need For God In Times Of Abundance - 02/19/2003 (Deuteronomy 26:1-19)
  • Part XXVI: Motivating Others To Heed God By Special Emphases In Group Meetings - 02/26/2003 (Deuteronomy 27:1-28:14)
  • Part XXVII: Motivating Others To Heed God By Explaining The Results Of NOT Doing So - 03/05/2003 (Deuteronomy 28:15-68)
  • Part XXVIII: Directing The Weak On Restoration In View Of Their Probable Failures - 03/19/2003 (Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20)
  • Part XXIX: Discipling Others Into Responsible Spiritual Oversight - 03/26/2003 (Deuteronomy 31:1-23)
  • Part XXX: Discipling Others To Relate Well To God's Discipline - 04/02/2003 (Deuteronomy 31:16-29)
  • Part XXXI: Discipling Others On God's USE Of Enemies To Cause Us To Return To Him - 04/09/2003 (Deuteronomy 31:30-32:43)
  • Part XXXII: Learning Lessons From Reviewing The Failures Of Great Believers - 04/16/2003 (Deuteronomy 32:48-52; 34:1-6 and Luke 9:27-31)
  • Part XXXIII: Discipling Others On Knowing And Succeeding In God's Personal Assignments - 04/23/2003 (Deuteronomy 33:1-29)
  • Part XXXIV: Discipling Others Through Evaluating Past Personal Records - 04/30/2003 (Deuteronomy 34:1-12)
  • Part I: Discerning False From True Fellowship In The Lord - 05/07/2003 (2 John 1-6)
  • Part II: Knowing And Heeding The Limits Of God's Fellowship - 05/14/2003 (2 John 7-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 et al.)
  • Part I: Defining Who To INCLUDE In God's Circle Of True Fellowship - 05/21/2003 (3 John 1-8)
  • Part II: Defining ERRANT EXCLUSIONS From God's Circle Of True Fellowship - 05/28/2003 (3 John 9-14)
  • Part I: Learning Not To Evaluate God's Goodness While In The Heat Of Our Trials - 06/04/2003 (Job 1:1-3:13)
  • Part II: Learning God ALWAYS Has A GOOD REASON For Trials Even Though We Do Not Know It - 06/11/2003 (Job 1:9-11; 31:35; 38:1-3)
  • Part III: Learning The Proper Response To Overwhelming, Confusing Trials - 06/18/2003 (Job 42:1-6, 7-17)
  • Part I: Finding Lasting Purpose In View Of This Life's Futile Cycles - 06/25/2003 (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 with 12:13-14)
  • Part II: Knowing What Provides Lasting Purpose In View Of The Failure Of Human Wisdom To Reveal It - 07/02/2003 (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 with 12:13-14)
  • Part III: Finding Lasting Fulfillment In View Of The Vanity Of This Life's Pleasures And Wealth - 07/09/2003 (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 with 12:13-14)
  • Part IV: Finding Lasting Fulfillment In View Of The Vanity Of Mortal Life Itself - 07/23/2003 (Ecclesiastes 2:12-23 with 12:13-14)
  • Part V: Solomon's Parenthetical Suggestion On Life's Achievements: As Our Achievement Levels Are Divinely Assigned, We Must Accept And Fulfill Them In Accountability To God - 07/30/2003 (Ecclesiastes 2:24-3:22)
  • Part VI: Finding Lasting Fulfillment In View Of The Vanity Of Life's Circumstances
  • A. Handling The Seeming Futility Of This Life's Oppressions And Work - 08/06/2003 (Ecclesiastes 4:1-3, 4-12 with 12:13-14)
  • B. Handling The Seeming Futility Of Political Success - 08/13/2003 (Ecclesiastes 4:13-16 with 12:13-14)
  • C. Handling The Futility Of Man's Religious Efforts In View Of Man's Sinful Weakness - 08/20/2003 (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 with 12:13-14)
  • D. Handling The Futility Of Hoarded Riches - 09/10/2003 (Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 with 12:13-14)
  • E. Handling The Futility Of Accumulated Wealth - 09/17/2003 (Ecclesiastes 6:1-12; 12:13-14)
  • Part VII: Advice On Living This Life In View Of Man's Limitations To Find Meaning In It
  • A. Living In View Of Life's Unplanned Adversities And Prosperity - 09/25/2003 (Ecclesiastes 7:1-14)
  • B. Living With This Life's Seeming Exceptions To God's Punishment For Sin - 10/01/2003 (Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 with 12:13-14)
  • C. Living With Our Imperfect Human Righteousness And Limited Wisdom - 10/08/2003 (Ecclesiastes 7:19-29 with 12:13-14)
  • D. Living With Our Inadequate Understanding Of God's Punishments - 10/15/2003 (Ecclesiastes 8:1-17 with 12:13-14)
  • E. Living With The Uncertainty Of What Will Occur In Our Futures
  • 1. Adjusting To The Fact That The Righteous And Unrighteous Alike Face Uncertain Futures - 10/22/2003 (Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 with 12:13-14)
  • 2. Adjusting To The Fact That Wisdom's Value Is Limited Due To The Uncertain Future - 10/29/2003 (Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:11 with 12:13-14)
  • 3. Adjusting To The Fact That Criticizing Others Is Risky Due To Our Ignorance Of The Future - 11/05/2003 (Ecclesiastes 10:12-20 with 12:13-14)
  • 4. Adjusting To The Fact Business Venture Is Risky Due To Our Ignorance Of The Future - 11/12/2003 (Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 with 12:13-14)
  • F. Living Sensibly In View Of The Certainty Of Death [Or The Rapture] - 12/03/2003 (Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:7 with 12:13-14)
  • Part VIII: The Need To Heed Ecclesiastes Over Secular Books On World Views - 12/10/2003 (Ecclesiastes 12:9-12 with 12:13-14)
  • Part I: Applying The Truth That Believers Are In God's Eternal Plan - 12/17/2003
  • Part II: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Redeemed By Christ's Death - 01/07/2004
  • Part III: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Reconciled To God - 01/14/2004
  • Part IV: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Related To God Through Propitiation - 01/21/2004 (1 John 1:8-2:2)
  • Part V: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Forgiven All Trespasses - 01/28/2004 (Colossians 2:13 with Ephesians 1:7; 4:32; Colossians 1:14; 3:13)
  • Part VI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Vitally Conjoined To Christ
  • For The Judgment Of The Old Sin Nature Unto A New Walk' - 02/04/2004 (Romans 6:1-10)
  • Part VII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Free From The Law - 02/11/2004
  • Part VIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Children Of God - 02/18/2004
  • Part IX: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Placed As Adult Sons Into God's Family - 02/25/2004
  • Part X: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Acceptable To God By Jesus Christ - 03/03/2004
  • Part XI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Justified By God - 03/10/2004
  • Part XII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Brought Near To God - 03/17/2004 (Ephesians 2:13 ESV et al.)
  • Part XIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Delivered >From The Power Of Darkness - 03/24/2004 (Colossians 1:13 et al.)
  • Part XIV: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Translated Into The Kingdom Of God's Beloved Son - 03/31/2004 (Colossians 1:13 et al.)
  • Part XV: Applying The Truth That Believers Are On The Rock, Christ Jesus - 04/14/2004 (Matthew 7:24-27 et al.)
  • Part XVI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are A Gift From God The Father To Christ - 04/21/2004 (John 17:2, 6 (twice), 9, 11, 12, 24)
  • Part XVII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Circumcised In Christ - 04/28/2004 (Colossians 2:11 et al.)
  • Part XVIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Partakers Of A Holy And Royal Priesthood - 05/12/2004
  • Part XIX: Applying The Truth That Believers Are A Chosen Generation, A Holy Nation, A Peculiar People - 05/19/2004 (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Part XX: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Heavenly Citizens - 06/09/2004 (Philippians 3:20 et al.)
  • Part XXI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Of The Household And Family Of God - 06/16/2004 (Ephesians 2:19)
  • Part XXII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are In The Fellowship Of The Saints - 06/23/2004 (John 17:11, 21-23; Ephesians 4:1-3)
  • Part XXIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Have A Heavenly Association - 06/30/2004
  • Part XXIV: Applying The Truth That Believers Have Access To God - 07/07/2004
  • Part XXV: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Within The Much More Care Of God - 07/14/2004
  • Part XXVI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are God's Inheritance - 07/21/2004 (Ephesians 1:18 et al.)
  • Part XXVII: Applying The Truth That Believers Have The Inheritance Of The Saints - 07/28/2004 (1 Peter 1:4; Ephesians 1:14; Colossians 3:24 and Hebrews 9:15)
  • Part XXVIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Light In The Lord - 08/04/2004 (Ephesians 5:8 et al.)
  • Part XXIX: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Vitally United To The Father, The Son And Holy Spirit - 08/11/2004
  • Part XXX: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Blessed With The Earnest Or First-Fruits Of The Spirit - 08/18/2004 (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:14 and Romans 8:23, et al.)
  • Part XXXI: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Positionally Glorified - 09/08/2004 (Romans 8:30 et al.)
  • Part XXXII: Applying The Truth That Believers Are Complete In Christ - 09/15/2004 (Colossians 2:9-10 in context)
  • Part XXXIII: Applying The Truth That Believers Possess Every Spiritual Blessing In Christ - 09/22/2004 (Ephesians 1:3)
  • Part II: God's Encouraging Confirmations For His Assignments Amidst Evil Peer Pressures - 10/06/2004 (Jeremiah 1:11-19)
  • Part III: God's Sure Guidance For His Servants Amidst Evil Peer Pressures To The Contrary - 10/13/2004 (Jeremiah 1:1-19)
  • Part IV: Prophecies Concerning Judah
  • A. The Cause, Result And Cure For The Apostasy Of God's People - 10/27/2004 (Jeremiah 2:1-3:5)
  • B. God's Call And Rich Blessings For Turning To Him ALONE For Fulfillment - 11/03/2004 (Jeremiah 3:6-4:4)
  • C. Heeding God's Word Over Competing Views Due To His Infinitely Sovereign Authority - 11/10/2004 (Jeremiah 4:5-31)
  • D. The Need For A True HEART To Overcome Errant Beliefs - 11/17/2004 (Jeremiah 5:1-31)
  • E. Our Need To Adjust To The CERTAINTY Of God's Word To Us - 12/01/2004 (Jeremiah 6:1-30)
  • F. Shifting From Relying On Our Spiritual Heritage To Relying On The Lord - 12/08/2004 (Jeremiah 7:1-8:3)
  • G. God's Requirement That We Repent From Willfully Illogically Misusing His Word - 12/15/2004 (Jeremiah 8:4-17)
  • H. Making The Hard Choice To Put Heart Righteousness Above Human Relationships - 12/22/2004 (Jeremiah 8:18-9:26)
  • I. Learning To Resist Heeding All Forms Of Pagan Error As Leaders Of God's People - 12/29/2004 (Jeremiah 10:1-25)
  • J. Properly Handling Vicious Reprisals From Colleagues For Doing God's Will - 01/05/2005 (Jeremiah 11:1-23)
  • K. Properly Handling Vicious Reprisals From FAMILY Members For Doing God's Will - 01/12/2005 (Jeremiah 12:1-6 in light of Jeremiah 11:1-23)
  • L. Our Accountability Before God For How We Relate To His Servants - 01/19/2005 (Jeremiah 12:7-17)
  • M. Our DIRE Need To FLEE Prideful Complacency In Our Walk With God - 01/26/2005 (Jeremiah 13:1-27)
  • N. Our Need To Heed God's Call To Repent Before 'Sinning Unto Death'" - 02/02/2005 (Jeremiah 14:1-15:9 with 1 John 5:16-17)
  • O. Overcoming The Ungodly Viewpoints Of Influential Colleagues - 02/09/2005 (Jeremiah 15:10-21)
  • P. Encouragement God WILL Instruct Our Disciples Without or With His Whip - 02/16/2005 (Jeremiah 16:1-21)
  • Q. Tapping Into God's Spiritual Nurture Amidst A Perverse, Draining Generation - 02/23/2005 (Jeremiah 17:1-27)
  • R. Focusing On God's Sovereignty To Heed Him When Tempted To Do Otherwise - 03/02/2005 (Jeremiah 18:1-11)
  • S. Adjusting To God's Need To Judge Hardened Sinners (Vessels) - 03/09/2005 (Jeremiah 18:12-19:15)
  • T. Handling Persecution With Trust In God's Foreordination And Infinite Power - 03/16/2005 (Jeremiah 20:1-18 with 1:4-8 and 2 Timothy 1:6-9)
  • Part V: Prophecies Concerning Judah's Kings
  • A. Taking Encouragement To Trust God When He STARTS To Fulfill His Word - 03/23/2005 (Jeremiah 21:1-10 with 20:1-6, 12-13)
  • B. The Need For Leaders To Heed God Over Error For The Good Of Their Subordinates - 04/13/2005 (Jeremiah 22:1-9)
  • C. Our Steep Responsibility To Heed God's Truth Given To Us Via Strong Precedents - 04/20/2005 (Jeremiah 22:10-12 with 2 Kings 23:31-33 and 2 Chronicles 35:20-36:4)
  • D. Our Steep Responsibility To Resist Materialism And Heed Scripture - 04/27/2005 (Jeremiah 22:13-23; 36:1-32; 2 Kings 23:34-24:7; 2 Chronicles 36:5-8)
  • E. Our Steep Individual Responsibilities To Heed The Lord - 05/04/2005 (Jeremiah 22:24-30; 36:1-25 and 2 Kings 24:8-16)
  • F. Hoping In God's Coming Solution For Man's Failed Government Rulers - 05/11/2005 (Jeremiah 22:28-23:8 et al.)
  • Part VI: Prophecy Against Judah's Religious Ministers: A Study In Responding To Good And Bad Pastors - 05/18/2005 (Jeremiah 23:9-40)
  • Part VII: Prophecies Regarding Judah's Captivity
  • A. God's Doctrinal Correction Of His Pagan-Blinded People On The Meaning Of Their Trials - 05/25/2005 (Jeremiah 24:1-10)
  • B. God's Sovereign Punishment Of The Nations In Contrast To Pagan Belief - 06/01/2005 (Jeremiah 25:1-38)
  • Part VIII: Jeremiah's Personal Conflicts With Apostate Judah
  • A. Overcoming In Faith By Heroically Heralding God's Message - 06/08/2005 (Jeremiah 26:1-24 with 1:17)
  • B. Overcoming When Publicly Countered For Doing God's Will - 06/15/2005 (Jeremiah 27-28)
  • C. Overcoming When Wrongly Opposed Even By Those Currently Under God's Discipline - 06/22/2005 (Jeremiah 29:1-32)
  • Part IX: Prophecies Of Judah's Final Consolation
  • A. Hoping In God's Final Blessing For Handling His Current Discipline - 06/29/2005 (Jeremiah 30:1-31:26)
  • B. Hoping In God's New Covenant That Will Produce His Final Blessing - 07/06/2005 (Jeremiah 31:27-40)
  • C. LIVING In The Hope God Will Keep His Word Though We Can Not Understand HOW - 07/13/2005 (Jeremiah 32:1-44)
  • Part IX: Prophecies of Judah's Final Consolation
  • D. Hoping In God's Faithfulness HIMSELF To Fulfill His "Impossible" Promises - 07/20/2005 (Jeremiah 33:1-26)
  • Part X: Events Just Before Jerusalem's Fall
  • A. Learning To Revere God's Revelation Over Man's Reasoning - 07/27/2005 (Jeremiah 34:1-22)
  • B. Learning To Appreciate God's Value Of Consistent Obedience - 08/03/2005 (Jeremiah 35:1-19)
  • C. Learning To Respect God's Word Over Great Human Opposition To It - 08/10/2005 (Jeremiah 36:1-32)
  • D. Learning To Stay Faithful To God's Calling When Horrendously Slandered - 08/17/2005 (Jeremiah 37:1-21)
  • E. Staying True To God's Will When Left Vulnerable To Harm By Unreliable Relationships - 09/07/2005 (Jeremiah 38:1-28 with Jeremiah 1:17-19)
  • Part XI: The Fall Of Jerusalem - Staying Upright Due To The Enormous, Inevitable Stakes Involved - 09/14/2005 (Jeremiah 39:1-18)
  • Part XII: Events After Jerusalem's Fall: Crises Caused By Straying From God's Word
  • A. Gedaliah's Crisis For Relying On His Godly Heritage Above God's Word - 09/21/2005 (Jeremiah 40:1-41:10)
  • B. Johanan's Crisis For Proudly Trusting His Own Judgment Above God's Word - 09/28/2005 (Jeremiah 41:11-43:13)
  • C. The Jews' Crisis For Trusting Their Own Judgment Above God's Word - 10/05/2005 (Jeremiah 44:1-30)
  • Part XII: Events After Jerusalem's Fall: Crises Caused By Straying From God's Word
  • D. Baruch's Crisis For Adopting The World's Priorities Over God's Word - 10/12/2005 (Jeremiah 45:1-5 with 36:1-32)
  • Part XIII: Prophecies Against The Sinful Nations Around Judah
  • A. Prophecies Against Egypt, Judah's Unbiblical Institutional Idol - 10/19/2005 (Jeremiah 46:1-28)
  • B. Prophecy Against Philistia For Abusing Judah And Swaying Her To Disobey God - 10/26/2005 (Jeremiah 47:1-7 et al.)
  • C. Prophecies Against Judah's Relatives
  • 1. Prophecy Against Moab For Her Value Of Materialism Over Her Relatives And God - 11/02/2005 (Jeremiah 48:1-47)
  • 2. Prophecy Against Ammon For Arrogantly Seizing Israel's Property - 11/16/2005 (Jeremiah 49:1-6)
  • 3. Prophecies Of Edom's Annihilation For Her Perpetual Hatred Of Jacob's Seed - 11/30/2005 (Jeremiah 49:7-22 with Obadiah 10-18 and Ezekiel 35:1-7)
  • D. Prophecies Against Various Nations For Their Disposition For War - 12/07/2005 (Jeremiah 49:23-39)
  • E. Prophecy Against Babylon For Mistreating Judah And Exhibiting Pride Against God - 12/14/2005 (Jeremiah 50-51)
  • Part XIV: Vindication Of Jeremiah's Godly Ministry Amidst Evil Pressures - 12/21/2005 (Jeremiah 52:1-34)
  • Part I: God's Great Deliverance Of Israel Amid Humanly Hopeless Trials
  • A. God's Production Of A Human Leader Amid Great Opposition - 12/28/2005 (Exodus 1:1-2:10)
  • Part I: God's Great Deliverance Of Israel Amid Humanly Helpless Trials
  • B. The Leader's Futile Impact Via Relying On His Futile Human Resources - 01/04/2006 (Exodus 2:11-22; Acts 7:22-28)
  • C. [Parenthetical Lesson: Identifying The Pharaoh Of The Exodus In Defense Of Scripture's Inerrancy] - 01/11/2006 (Exodus 2:23a)
  • Part I: God's Deliverance Of Israel Amid Humanly Helpless Trials
  • D. The Leader's Great Resource For Success In His Sovereign, Gracious God - 01/18/2006 (Exodus 2:23-3:10)
  • E. God's Equipping And Motivation Of The Failed Leader To Lead Well - 01/25/2006 (Exodus 3:11-4:23)
  • F. God's Directing The Restored Leader Unto Holiness To Lead Well - 02/01/2006 (Exodus 4:22-27)
  • G. God's Guiding His Leader To Heed Himself Over Human Opinion - 02/08/2006 (Exodus 4:27-7:7)
  • H. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Blood - 02/15/2006 (Exodus 7:8-25)
  • I. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Frogs - 02/22/2006 (Exodus 8:1-15)
  • J. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Lice - 03/01/2006 (Exodus 8:16-19)
  • K. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Flies - 03/15/2006 (Exodus 8:20-32)
  • L. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Disease On Livestock - 03/22/2006 (Exodus 9:1-7)
  • M. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Boils On Man And Beast - 03/29/2006 (Exodus 9:8-12)
  • N. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Hail - 04/05/2006 (Exodus 9:13-35)
  • O. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Locusts - 04/12/2006 (Exodus 10:1-20)
  • P. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Darkness - 04/19/2006 (Exodus 10:21-29)
  • Q. God's Glorifying Himself By The Plague Of Death - 04/26/2006 (Exodus 11:1-13:16)
  • R. God's Commemorating His Deliverance Amid Humanly Helpless Trials - 05/03/2006 (Exodus 12:1-36 et al.)
  • S. God's Richly Keeping His Word In Humanly Helpless Trials - 05/10/2006 (Exodus 12:35-42; 13:17-22)
  • T. God's Call For Separation From Sinful Fellowships To Enjoy His Powerful Help - 05/17/2006 (Exodus 12:38a with 43-51; 13:1-16 et al.)
  • U. God's Honoring Himself By An Overpowering Victory In An Overwhelming Trial - 05/24/2006 (Exodus 14:1-31)
  • Part II: God's Sustainment Of Israel In The Wilderness Amid Humanly Helpless Trials
  • A. Drawing Hope For The Future From God's Recent Great Deliverance - 05/31/2006 (Exodus 15:1-21)
  • B. Learning To Heed Scripture From God's Gracious Warnings In Present Failures - 06/07/2006 (Exodus 15:22-27)
  • C. Learning To Heed God's Leading Through His Assigned Mere Human Overseers - 06/14/2006 (Exodus 16:1-12)
  • D. Learning To Heed God's Word By Doing So For Each Day's Living Needs - 06/21/2006 (Exodus 16:4, 13-36)
  • E. Learning To Face New, Overwhelming Crises Focused On God's Precedents And Power - 06/28/2006 (Exodus 17:1-7)
  • F. Trusting God Regarding Relentless Oppressors - 07/05/2006 (Exodus 17:8-16)
  • G. Discerning "Safe" From "Abusive" People Regarding Our Fellowship - 07/12/2006 (Exodus 17:8-18:27)
  • H. Responding Productively To God's Permitted Alarming Trials In Our Lives - 07/19/2006 (Exodus 19:1-25; 20:18-20)
  • I. Aligning With God's Moral Order: The Ten Commandments
  • 1. The First Five Commandments: Loving God With All Of One's Being
  • a. Commandment One: Holding To Scripture's God Alone As God - 07/26/2006 (Exodus 20:1-3 et al.)
  • b. Commandment Two: Holding To The True Worship Of God - 08/02/2006 (Exodus 20:4-6 et al.)
  • c. Commandment Three: Holding To God's Absolute Sovereignty Over Us - 08/09/2006 (Exodus 20:7)
  • d. Commandment Four: Holding To Scripture's God As The Sole True Creator - 08/30/2006 (Exodus 20:8-11; 31:12-17)
  • e. Commandment Five: Honoring God's Home Model As The Key To Civilization Blessings - 09/06/2006 (Exodus 20:12)
  • 2. The Last Five Commandments: Loving Our Neighbors As Ourselves
  • a. Commandment Six: Honoring Man's Formation In God's Image By Not Murdering - 09/20/2006 (Exodus 20:13)
  • I. Aligining With God's Moral Order: The Ten Commandments
  • 2. The Last Five Commandments: Loving Our Neighbors As Ourselves
  • b. Commandment Seven: Honoring The Sanctity Of The Home With Moral Excellence - 09/27/2006 (Exodus 20:14)
  • c. Commandment Eight: Honoring Others By Respecting Their Rule Of Property - 10/04/2006 (Exodus 20:15 et al.)
  • d. Commandment Nine: Loving Others By Using True Words - 10/11/2006 (Exodus 20:16 et al.)
  • e. Commandment Ten: Loving Others By Keeping Our Desires From Harming Them - 10/18/2006 (Exodus 20:17)
  • J. Using God's Permitted Reverence-Inducing Trials To Heed Him - 10/25/2006 (Exodus 20:18-21)
  • K. God's Elaboration And Application Of The Ten Commandments
  • 1. God's Elaborating And Applying His First Two Commands On Worshiping Him - 11/01/2006 (Exodus 20:22-26)
  • 2. God's Elaborating On His Commands On Adultery And Personal Property - 11/15/2006 (Exodus 21:1-11)
  • 3. God's Elaborating On His Commands Regarding The Structure Of The Home - 11/29/2006 (Exodus 21:12-17)
  • 4. God's Elaborating On His Commands Regarding Humanly Debatable Injury Cases - 12/06/2006 (Exodus 21:18-27)
  • 5. God's Elaborating On His Commands In Cases Of Guilt By Neglect - 12/13/2006 (Exodus 21:28-36)
  • 6. God's Elaborating On His Commands Relative To Stealing - 12/20/2006 (Exodus 22:1-4)
  • 7. God's Elaborating On His Commands Relative To Property Damage - 12/27/2006 (Exodus 22:5-15)
  • 8. God's Elaborating On His Commands Relative To One's Virginity - 01/03/2007 (Exodus 22:16-17 and Deuteronomy 22:23-29)
  • 9. God's Elaboration On His Commands Relative To Social Justice - 01/10/2007 (Exodus 22:18-23:9)
  • 10. God's Elaboration On His Command On The Sabbath - 01/17/2007 (Exodus 23:10-13)
  • 11. God's Elaboration On His Commands On Idolatry Relative To The Annual Feasts - 01/24/2007 (Exodus 23:14-19)
  • 12. Epilogue To God's Elaborations: Motivating Words On The Future Based On Avoiding Idolatry - 01/31/2007 (Exodus 23:20-33)
  • 13. Ratification Of The Book Of The Covenant: Fellowship With God In Submitting To His Word - 02/07/2007 (Exodus 24:1-11)
  • L. Interlude: Viewing Seriously The Awesome Spiritual Oversight Granted To Us - 02/21/2007 (Exodus 24:12-18; 32:1-4 with 1 Kings 12:25-30)
  • M. God's Establishment Of The Tabernacle Of Meeting
  • 1. Following God's Guidelines In Directing Contributions To His Work - 02/28/2007 (Exodus 25:1-9)
  • 2. The Focus On The Important Articles Of The Tabernacle
  • a. The Ark And The Mercy Seat: Meeting With God In His Gracious, Holy Sovereignty - 03/14/2007 (Exodus 25:10-22)
  • b. The Table Of Shewbread: God's Sustaining His People Through Christ - 03/21/2007 (Exodus 25:23-30 et al.)
  • c. The Lampstand: God's Illuminating His People Through Christ - 03/28/2007 (Exodus 25:31-40 et al.)
  • 3. The Coverings: The Contrasting Views Of Christ To The World And To Those In His Fellowship - 04/04/2007 (Exodus 26:1-14)
  • Part II: God's Sustainment Of Israel In The Wilderness Amid Humanly Hopeless Trials
  • M. God's Establishment Of The Tabernacle Of Meeting
  • 4. The Trellised Walls: Christ's Full Revelation Of God's Glory - 04/11/2007 (Exodus 26:15-30)
  • 5. The Veils: Christ Our Full Access To God - 04/18/2007 (Exodus 26:31-37)
  • 6. The Bronze Altar: Christ Our Substitutionary Atonement - 04/25/2007 (Exodus 27:1-8)
  • 7. The Courtyard: God's Work To Draw All Men To The Cross - 05/02/2007 (Exodus 27:9-19)
  • 8. The Lampstand Oil: The Holy Spirit's Comprehensive Ministry - 05/09/2007 (Exodus 27:20-21 et al.)
  • 9. The High Priest's Clothing: Christ's Intercessory Work In Our Behalf - 05/16/2007 (Exodus 28:1-43)
  • 10. The Priest's Consecration: God's Pathway Toward Acceptable Service - 05/23/2007 (Exodus 29:1-46)
  • Part II: God's Sustainment Of Israel In The Wilderness Wanderings Amid Humanly Hopeless Trials
  • M. God's Establishment Of The Tabernacle Of Meeting
  • 11. The Altar Of Incense: The Ministry Of Prayer - 05/30/2007 (Exodus 30:1-10)
  • 12. The Ransom Money: True Worship By Regenerate Believers Alone - 06/06/2007 (Exodus 30:11-16)
  • Part II: God's Sustainment Of Israel In The Wilderness Wandering Amid Humanly Hopeless Trials
  • M. God's Establishment Of The Tabernacle Of Meeting
  • 13. The Laver: True Worship, Fellowship And Service By Cleansed Believers Alone - 06/13/2007 (Exodus 30:17-21)
  • 14. The Anointing Oil: Wholehearted Dedication To God's Service - 06/20/2007 (Exodus 30:22-33)
  • 15. The Incense: The Holy Spirit's Perfect Intercession FOR Our Prayers - 06/27/2007 (Exodus 30:34-38 with Romans 8:26-27)
  • 16. The Builders: God's Provision Of Skilled Parties To Do His Work - 07/04/2007 (Exodus 31:1-11)
  • 17. The Sabbath Institution: Signaling God's Gracious Rest Versus Pagan Religious Oppression - 07/11/2007 (Exodus 31:12-18)
  • N. Learning To Trust In The Unseen God And Heed His Word - 07/18/2007 (Exodus 32:1-14)
  • O. Learning To Be Deeply, Personally Intolerant Of Group Sin - 07/25/2007 (Exodus 32:15-35)
  • P. Learning To Repent And Enjoy God's Fellowship In His Grace - 08/01/2007 (Exodus 33:1-23)
  • Q. Taking God's Steps Of Renewal Following Repentance - 08/08/2007 (Exodus 34:1-35)
  • R. Preserving Our Testimony Of God's Grace As Our First Priority In Serving God - 08/29/2007 (Exodus 35:1-5)
  • S. Trusting God's Provisions By God's Freewill Offerings - 09/05/2007 (Exodus 35:4-36:7)
  • T. Gaining God's Blessing By Obeying His Work Assignment - 09/12/2007 (Exodus 36:8-39:43)
  • U. Enjoying God's Fellowship And Guidance In Heeding His Word - 09/19/2007 (Exodus 40:1-38)
  • Leviticus: Fellowship With A Holy God
  • Part I: Acceptable Relationship With A Holy God, Leviticus 1:1-7:38
  • A. The Burnt Offering: The Need For Wholehearted Commitment To A Holy God - 09/26/2007 (Leviticus 1:1-17)
  • B. The Grain Offering: The Need To Donate Our Earthly Lives To The Lord - 10/03/2007 (Leviticus 2:1-16)
  • C. The Peace Offering: The Need To Apply Christ's Atonement For Fellowship With God - 10/10/2007 (Leviticus 3:1-17)
  • D. The Sin Offering: The Need For Christ's Atonement For Mortal Weaknesses Or Waywardness - 10/17/2007 (Leviticus 4:1-5:13)
  • E. The Trespass Offering: The Need For Handling Sins Of Violating Another's Rights - 10/24/2007 (Leviticus 5:14-6:7)
  • F. Clarifications Of The Offerings, Leviticus 6:8-7:38
  • 1. Clarification Of The Burnt Offering: CONSISTENT Wholehearted Devotion To God - 10/31/2007 (Leviticus 6:8-13)
  • 2. Clarification Of The Grain Offering: The Need For Leaders To Be Holy In Life And Doctrine - 11/14/2007 (Leviticus 6:14-23)
  • 3. Clarification Of The Sin Offering: The Need To Live Carefully To Avoid Sins Of Weakness - 11/28/2007 (Leviticus 6:24-30)
  • F. Clarification Of The Offerings, Leviticus 6:8-7:38
  • 4. Clarification Of The Trespass Offering: The Need To VALUE Others' Rights In God's Eyes - 12/05/2007 (Leviticus 7:1-6)
  • 5. Clarification Of The Priest's Share: The Need To Trust God's Provisions For Serving Him - 12/12/2007 (Leviticus 7:7-10)
  • 6. The Peace Offering Clarification: The Need For Watchfulness To Stay In Fellowship With God - 12/19/2007 (Leviticus 7:11-21)
  • 7. Clarification Of Meal Portions: The Limit And Extent Of Being Honored In Serving God - 12/26/2007 (Leviticus 7:22-38)
  • Part II: Acceptable Service To A Holy God, Leviticus 8:1-10:20
  • A. The Consecration Of God's Servant For Acceptable Service - 01/02/2008 (Leviticus 8:1-36)
  • B. The Inauguration Of God's Servant Into Acceptable Service - 01/09/2008 (Leviticus 9:1-24)
  • C. God's Dealings With His Servants' Unacceptable Service - 01/16/2008 (Leviticus 10:1-20)
  • Part III: Acceptable Living Before A Holy God, Leviticus 11:1-27:34
  • A. An Upright Dietary Testimony Before A Holy God - 01/23/2008 (Leviticus 11:1-47)
  •  MP3
  • B. An Upright Recognition Of Original Sin Before A Holy God - 01/30/2008 (Leviticus 12:1-8)
  •  MP3
  • B. The Believer's Upright Response To Spiritually Contagious Sin - 02/06/2008 (Leviticus 13:1-59)
  •  MP3
  • C. The Believer's Upright Response To Repentance Of Contagious Sin - 02/13/2008 (Leviticus 14:1-57)
  •  MP3
  • D. The Believer's Upright Response To Depravity And Secret Sins - 02/20/2008 (Leviticus 15:1-33)
  •  MP3
  • E. The Believer's Need To Value God's Unmerited Favor In Handling Sin - 02/27/2008 (Leviticus 16:1-34)
  •  MP3
  • F. The Believer's Need For Separation From Paganism In Handling His Food - 03/12/2008 (Leviticus 17:1-16)
  •  MP3
  • G. The Believer's Need For Holiness From Deviant Intimacy - 03/19/2008 (Leviticus 18:1-30)
  • Leviticus: Fellowship With A Holy God
  • Part III: Acceptable Living Before A Holy God, Leviticus 11:1-27:34
  • H. The Believer's Need For Holiness In Daily Practical Life - 03/26/2008 (Leviticus 19:1-37)
  •  MP3
  • I. The Believer's Need To Separate From Heinous Offenses - 04/02/2008 (Leviticus 20:1-27)
  •  MP3
  • J. Heeding God's Graduated Standard Of Expectations For His Servants - 04/09/2008 (Leviticus 21:1-24)
  •  MP3
  • K. Heeding God's Standard Of Reverent Living For His Servants - 04/16/2008 (Leviticus 22:1-16)
  •  MP3
  • L. Heeding God's Call In The Offerings Of His Servants To Revere Him - 04/23/2008 (Leviticus 22:17-33)
  •  MP3
  • M. Honoring God's Great Works In History
  • 1. Honoring God's Authorship And Rule Of Creation - 04/30/2008 (Leviticus 23:1-3 et al.)
  • 2. Honoring The Cross Of Christ In Separating From Sin And Error - 05/07/2008 (Leviticus 23:4-8)
  •  MP3
  • 3. Honoring The Joyful Hope Of Christ's Resurrection - 05/14/2008 (Leviticus 23:9-14)
  •  MP3
  • 4. Honoring God's Gracious Institution Of The Church - 05/21/2008 (Leviticus 23:15-22)
  •  MP3
  • 5. Honoring God's Regathering Of Israel For The Kingdom - 05/28/2008 (Leviticus 23:23-25)
  •  MP3
  • 6. Honoring God's Cleansing Repentant Israel For The Kingdom - 06/04/2008 (Leviticus 23:26-32)
  •  MP3
  • 7. Honoring God's Coming Messianic Kingdom - 06/11/2008 (Leviticus 23:33-44)
  •  MP3
  • N. Relying Upon The Perpetual Provisions Of God's Guidance And Supply - 06/18/2008 (Leviticus 24:1-9)
  •  MP3
  • O. Applying God's Word Equitably To ALL In God's Assembly - 06/25/2008 (Leviticus 24:10-23)
  •  MP3
  • P. Heeding God's Call To Counter Covetousness Through Himself - 07/02/2008 (Leviticus 25:1-7; Deuteronomy 31:10-13)  - MP3
  • Q. Heeding God's Call To Assist The Poor - 07/09/2008 (Leviticus 25:8-55)  - MP3 - MP3
  • R. Learning To Heed God's Discipline From Israel's Five Levels Of Discipline, Leviticus 26:1-46
  • 1. Learning To Heed God At The FIRST Level Of His Discipline - 07/16/2008 (Leviticus 26:1-13, 14-17 et al.)  - MP3 - MP3
  • 2. Learning To Heed God At The SECOND Level Of His Discipline - 07/23/2008 (Leviticus 26:1-13, 18-20 et al.)  - MP3 - MP3
  • 3. Learning To Heed God At The THIRD Level Of His Discipline - 07/30/2008 (Leviticus 26:1-13, 21-22)  - MP3 - MP3
  • 4. Learning To Heed God At The FOURTH Level Of His Discipline - 08/06/2008 (Leviticus 26:1-13, 23-26)  - MP3 - MP3
  • 5. Learning To Heed God At The FIFTH Level Of His Discipline - 08/27/2008 (Leviticus 26:1-13, 27-39, 40-46)  - MP3 - MP3
  • S. Learning To Practice Voluntary Worship Of The Lord - 09/03/2008 (Leviticus 27:1-34)  - MP3
  • Luke: Jesus, The Son Of Man For All Mankind
  • Part I: Valuing God's Use Of Luke's Distinctly Gentile View To Clarify Christ's Earthly Life - 09/10/2008 (Luke 1:1-4 et al.)
  • Part II: Clarifying The Biblical Credibility Of God's Selection Of Jesus' Forerunner - 09/17/2008 (Luke 1:5-25)
  • Part III: Clarifying The Credibility Of Jesus' Incarnation As The God-Man Of All Mankind - 09/24/2008 (Luke 1:26-45)  - MP3
  • Part IV: The Validity Of Jesus' Incarnation Seen In His Mother's "Magnificat" - 10/01/2008 (Luke 1:46-56)
  • Part V: Clarifying How John's Birth Showed Jesus Was The World's Savior - 10/08/2008 (Luke 1:57-80)  - MP3
  • Part VI: Clarifying How Christ's Birth Revealed Him To Be The World's Savior - 10/15/2008 (Luke 2:1-20)
  • Part VII: Clarifying How Christ's Infant Presentation Showed He Was The World's Savior - 10/22/2008 (Luke 2:21-38)  - MP3
  • Part VIII: Clarifying How Christ's Youthful Activity Showed He Was The World's Savior - 10/29/2008 (Luke 2:39-52)  - MP3
  • Part IX: Clarifying How John The Baptizer's Ministry Prepared For Jesus As The World's Savior - 11/12/2008 (Luke 3:1-22)  - MP3
  • Part X: Clarifying How Jesus Is The World's Savior By His Genealogy - 11/19/2008 (Luke 3:23-38)  - MP3
  • Part XI: Clarifying Jesus' Identity As The World's Savior In His Immense Temptation - 12/03/2008 (Luke 4:1-13)
  • Part XII: Jesus' Identity As The World's Messiah By His Hometown Ministry - 12/10/2008 (Luke 4:14-31)  - MP3
  • Part XIII: Jesus' Identity As The World's Savior By His Powerful Word - 12/17/2008 (Luke 4:31-44)  - MP3
  • Part XIV: Christ's Identification As The World's Savior By His Call Of The Disciples - 01/07/2009 (Luke 5:1-11)  - MP3
  • Part XV: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Healing For Israel's Leaders - 01/14/2009 (Luke 5:12-26)  - MP3
  • Part XVI: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior Seen In His Liberty From Local Legalism - 01/21/2009 (Luke 5:27-39)  - MP3
  • Part XVII: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Critique Of Heartless Sabbath Legalism - 02/04/2009 (Luke 6:1-11)  - MP3
  • Part XVIII: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Call Of The Disciples - 02/11/2009 (Luke 6:12-20)  - MP3
  • Part XIX: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By The Value System In His Kingdom - 02/18/2009 (Luke 6:20b-26)  - MP3
  • Part XX: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By The Righteousness In His Kingdom - 02/25/2009 (Luke 6:27-45)  - MP3
  • Part XXI: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Extreme Confidence In His Teachings - 03/04/2009 (Luke 6:46-49)  - MP3
  • Part XXII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Response To Great Gentile Faith - 03/18/2009 (Luke 7:1-10)  - MP3
  • Part XXIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By Surpassing Elisha's Ministry - 03/25/2009 (Luke 7:11-17; 2 Kings 4:8-37)  - MP3
  • Part XXIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Reliance On Scripture For His Credibility - 04/08/2009 (Luke 7:18-23)  - MP3
  • Part XXV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Righteous Evaluation Of Individual Hearts - 04/15/2009 (Luke 7:24-35)  - MP3
  • Part XXVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By The Validation Of His Teachings In Life - 04/26/2009 (Luke 7:36-50)  - MP3
  • Part XXVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Abundant Validation Of His Teachings In Life - 04/29/2009 (Luke 8:1-3 et al.)
  • Part XXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Responses To His Ministry - 05/06/2009 (Luke 8:4-21)
  • Part XXIX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By Calming The Storm And Sea - 05/13/2009 (Luke 8:22-25)
  • Part XXX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Ministry Over Demons - 05/20/2009 (Luke 8:26-39)  - MP3
  • Part XXXI: Christ's Identity As The Creator's Savior By His Deliverance For The Weakened - 05/27/2009 (Luke 8:40-56)
  • Part XXXII: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior Seen In His Power To Institute God's Kingdom - 06/03/2009 (Luke 9:1-17)
  • Part XXXIII: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Cross-Before-The-Crown Theme - 06/10/2009 (Luke 9:18-36)  - MP3
  • Part XXXIV: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Commitment To Humble Greatness - 06/17/2009 (Luke 9:37-50)  - MP3
  • Part XXXV: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Sharp Ministry Focus - 06/24/2009 (Luke 9:51-62)  - MP3
  • Part XXXVI: Christ's Identity As The World's Savior By His Outreach To Spiritually Needy People - 07/01/2009 (Luke 10:1-24)  - MP3
  • Part XXXVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Love For All Men - 07/08/2009 (Luke 10:25-37)
  • Part XXXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Worldwide Savior By His Priority On Spiritual Matters - 07/15/2009 (Luke 10:38-42)  - MP3
  • Part XXXIX: Christ's Identity As God's Worldwide Savior By His Model Prayer - 07/22/2009 (Luke 11:1-4)  - MP3
  • Part XL: Christ's Identity As God's Worldwide Savior By His Motivating Others To Pray - 07/29/2009 (Luke 11:5-13)  - MP3
  • Part XLI: Christ's Identity As God's Worldwide Savior By His Response To The Charge Of Being Satanic - 08/19/2009 (Luke 11:14-26)  - MP3
  • Par XLII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By Exalting Scripture Obedience Above God's Blessing Of Mary - 08/26/2009 (Luke 11:27-28)  - MP3
  • Part XLIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Preference For Scripture Above Miracles - 09/02/2009 (Luke 11:16, 29-36)
  • Part XLIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Conflict With Falsely Righteous Spiritual Leaders - 09/09/2009 (Luke 11:37-54)
  • Part XLV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Instruction On Hypocrisy - 09/16/2009 (Luke 12:1-12)  - MP3
  • Part XLVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Condemnation Of Covetousness - 09/23/2009 (Luke 12:13-21)  - MP3
  • Part XLVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By Solving Potent Livelihood Anxieties - 09/30/2009 (Luke 12:22-34)  - MP3
  • Part XLVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Seeking God's Kingdom - 10/07/2009 (Luke 12:35-48)  - MP3
  • Part XLIX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Holy Relationships - 10/14/2009 (Luke 12:49-59)
  • Part L: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Warning To Repent - 10/21/2009 (Luke 13:1-9)
  • Part LI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Response To Spiritual Religious Group Corruption - 10/28/2009 (Luke 13:10-21)  - MP3
  • Part LII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On People Excluded From The Kingdom - 11/04/2009 (Luke 13:22-35)
  • Part LIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Those Included In The Kingdom - 11/18/2009 (Luke 14:1-24)  - MP3
  • Part LIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Demands Of True Discipleship - 12/02/2009 (Luke 14:25-35)  - MP3
  • Part LV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Relentless Pursuit Of Humanly Hopeless Sinners - 12/09/2009 (Luke 15:1-32)
  • Part LVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His View Of The Proper Use Of Money - 12/16/2009 (Luke 16:1-13)  - MP3
  • Part LVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Distinction Between Wealth And Righteousness - 12/23/2009 (Luke 16:14-31)  - MP3
  • Part LVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Expectations He Has Of His Servants - 12/30/2009 (Luke 17:1-10)
  • Part LIX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Teaching On Gratitude - 01/06/2010 (Luke 17:11-19)  - MP3
  • Part LX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Teaching On The Coming Of God's Kingdom - 01/13/2010 (Luke 17:20-37)  - MP3
  • Part LXI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Handling Spiritual Fainting Spells - 01/20/2010 (Luke 18:1-8)  - MP3
  • Part LXII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On The Basis Of God's Forgiveness - 01/27/2010 (Luke 18:9-14)  - MP3
  • Part LXIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching On Entering God's Kingdom - 02/03/2010 (Luke 18:15-27)  - MP3
  • Part LXIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In Reimbursing His Servants' Ministry Losses - 02/17/2010 (Luke 18:28-30)  - MP3
  • Part LXV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Detailed, Biblical Predictions Of The Cross - 02/24/2010 (Luke 18:31-34)  - MP3
  • Part LXVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By The Response Of Outcasts To Him
  • A. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Blind Beggar's Response To Him - 03/03/2010 (Luke 18:35-43)  - MP3
  • B. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Rich Outcast Man's Response To Him - 03/17/2010 (Luke 19:1-10)  - MP3
  • Part LXVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Teaching Of His Postponed Kingdom - 03/24/2010 (Luke 19:11-27)  - MP3
  • Part LXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Experiencing The Postponement Of His Reign - 03/31/2010 (Luke 19:28-44)  - MP3
  • Part LXIX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Cleansing Of The Temple - 04/07/2010 (Luke 19:45-46)  - MP3
  • Part LXX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Defense Of His Authority - 04/14/2010 (Luke 19:47-20:8)  - MP3
  • Part LXXI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Clear Description Of His Authority - 04/21/2010 (Luke 20:9-18)  - MP3
  • Part LXXII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior By His Comments On Caesar's Poll Tax - 04/28/2010 (Luke 20:19-26)  - MP3
  • Part LXXIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Comments On Sadducean Theology - 05/05/2010 (Luke 20:27-40)  - MP3
  • Part LXXIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Disarming Of Highly Educated Critics - 05/12/2010 (Luke 20:41-47)  - MP3
  • Part LXXV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Evaluation Of Contrasting Givers - 05/19/2010 (Luke 20:46-21:4)  - MP3
  • Part LXVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Prophecy Of The End Times - 05/26/2010 (Luke 21:5-28)
  • Part LXXVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Advice To Tribulation Saints - 06/02/2010 (Luke 21:29-36)  - MP3
  • Part LXXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Control Of Events For His Arrest - 06/09/2010 (Luke 21:37-22:16)  - MP3
  • Part LXXIX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Kingdom Teaching At The Last Supper - 06/16/2010 (Luke 22:14-20)  - MP3
  • Part LXXX: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Foresight Of His Disciples' Destiny - 06/23/2010 (Luke 22:21-38)
  • Part LXXXI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In Gethsemane - 06/30/2010 (Luke 22:39-46)  - MP3
  • Part LXXXII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Arrest - 07/07/2010 (Luke 22:47-54a)
  • Part LXXXIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In Peter's Denial After Jesus' Arrest - 07/14/2010 (Luke 22:54-65)
  • Part LXXXIV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Trials - 07/21/2010 (Luke 22:66-23:25)
  • Part LXXXV: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Walk To The Cross - 07/28/2010 (Luke 23:26-31)
  • Part LXXXVI: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Crucifixion And Death - 08/04/2010 (Luke 23:32-49)
  • Part LXXXVII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Burial - 08/25/2010 (Luke 23:50-53)  - MP3
  • Part LXXXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Resurrection
  • A. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Empty Tomb - 09/01/2010 (Luke 23:54-24:3)
  • B. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Angel's Biblical Testimony Of Christ's Resurrection - 09/08/2010 (Luke 24:4-10)
  • C. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Witness Of His Grave Clothes - 09/15/2010 (Luke 24:12 with John 20:1-9)  - MP3
  • D. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In The Power Of His Bible Exposition - 09/22/2010 (Luke 24:13-35)
  • E. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Risen Body - 09/29/2010 (Luke 24:36-45)  - MP3
  • F. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Resurrection Guidance By Scripture - 10/06/2010 (Luke 24:44-53)  - MP3
  • Hebrews: The Superiority Of Christ To Errant Religions
  • Part I: The Superiority Of Christ's Revelation To All Other Religious Revelations - 10/13/2010 (Hebrews 1:1-3)  - MP3
  • Part II: The Superiority Of Christ To The Angels And Created Heavenly Beings, Hebrews 1:4-2:18
  • A. Christ's Superiority In His Person To The Angels And Created Heavenly Beings - 10/20/2010 (Hebrews 1:4-14)  - MP3
  • B. Christ's Superiority In His Salvation Proclamation To That Of The Angels And Created Beings - 10/27/2010 (Hebrews 2:1-4)  - MP3
  • C. Christ's Superiority To The Angels And Created Heavenly Beings In His Kingdom's Destiny - 11/03/2010 (Hebrews 2:5-18)  - MP3
  • Part III: The Superiority Of Christ To All Other Prophets - 11/17/2010 (Hebrews 3:1-6)  - MP3
  • Part IV: Holding Fast Our Confidence In Christ, Hebrews 3:6b-4:16
  • A. The Catastrophe Of Failing To Trust And Obey Christ In Living - 12/01/2010 (Hebrews 3:6b-19)
  • Part IV: Holding Fast Our Confidence In Christ, Hebrews 3:6b-4:16
  • B. The Motivation To Trust And Obey Christ In Our Era - 12/08/2010 (Hebrews 4:1-10)
  • C. The Victory Of Trusting And Obeying Christ - 12/15/2010 (Hebrews 4:11-16)  - MP3
  • Part V: The Superiority Of Christ's Priesthood To Other Priesthoods, Hebrews 5:1-10:39
  • A. The Superiority Of Christ's Qualifications As High Priest - 12/22/2010 (Hebrews 5:1-10)  - MP3
  • B. Warning About Immaturely Neglecting Christ's Priesthood, Hebrews 5:11-6:20
  • 1. The Cause And Cure Of Prolonged Immaturity - 12/29/2010 (Hebrews 5:11-6:3)  - MP3
  • 2. The Tragic Result Of Not Maturing In Christ - 01/05/2011 (Hebrews 6:4-8)  - MP3
  • 3. The Encouragement To Mature - 01/19/2011 (Hebrews 6:9-20)  - MP3
  • C. The Superiority Of Christ's Priestly Order After Melchisedek - 02/09/2011 (Hebrews 7:1-3)  - MP3
  • D. The Superiority Of Christ's Priestly Role To Abraham And Levi - 02/16/2011 (Hebrews 7:4-10)  - MP3
  • E. The Superiority Of Christ's Priesthood To The Law - 02/23/2011 (Hebrews 7:11-19)  - MP3
  • F. The Superiority Of Christ As Priest Over All Other Priests Of All Faiths - 03/09/2011 (Hebrews 7:20-28)  - MP3
  • G. The Superiority Of Christ's Service, Hebrews 8:1-10:18
  • 1. Christ's Superior Heavenly Sanctuary - 03/16/2011 (Hebrews 8:1-6)  - MP3
  • 2. Christ's Superior Covenant - 03/23/2011 (Hebrews 8:7-9:15)  - MP3
  • 3. Christ's Superior Sacrifice
  • a. The Need For Christ's Superior Sacrifice - 03/30/2011 (Hebrews 9:16-22 et al.)
  • b. The Finality Of Christ's Superior Sacrifice - 04/06/2011 (Hebrews 9:23-28)  - MP3
  • c. The Superior Results Of Christ's Superior Sacrifice - 04/13/2011 (Hebrews 10:1-18)  - MP3
  • H. Applying Christ's Superior Priesthood, Hebrews 10:19-39
  • 1. Admonition To Use Christ's Priestly Ministry - 04/20/2011 (Hebrews 10:19-25)  - MP3
  • 2. Warning Of Severe Discipline For Defecting From Christ - 04/27/2011 (Hebrews 10:26-31)  - MP3
  • 3. Encouragement To Stay In God's Will In Line With Our Own Past Victories Of Faith - 05/04/2011 (Hebrews 10:32-39)  - MP3
  • Part VI: The Response Of Faith To Christ's Superiority, Hebrews 11:1-13:19
  • A. Clarifying What Constitutes A Life Of Faith - 05/11/2011 (Hebrews 11:1, 6)  - MP3
  • B. Living By Faith Relative To The Origin Of The Universe And Our "Worldview" - 05/18/2011 (Hebrews 11:1, 6 with 11:3)  - MP3
  • C. Examples Of Living By Faith From The Antediluvian World - 05/25/2011 (Hebrews 11:4-5, 6, 7 et al.)  - MP3
  • D. Examples Of Living By Faith In Abraham And Sarah - 06/01/2011 (Hebrews 11:8-19)  - MP3
  • E. Examples Of Living By Faith In The Patriarchs - 06/08/2011 (Hebrews 11:20-29)
  • F. Examples Of Living By Faith For Victory Under The Law - 06/15/2011 (Hebrews 11:30-35a)  - MP3
  • G. Examples Of Living By Faith By Suffering Old Testament Saints - 06/22/2011 (Hebrews 11:35b-40)  - MP3
  • H. Living By Faith Applied, Hebrews 12:1-13:25
  • 1. The Exhortation To Follow Great Examples Of Living By Faith - 06/29/2011 (Hebrews 12:1-2)  - MP3
  • 2. The Exhortation To Be Optimistic In Trials Of Living By Faith - 07/06/2011 (Hebrews 12:3-11)  - MP3
  • 3. The Exhortation To Sensible Actions In Handling Trials Of Faith - 07/13/2011 (Hebrews 12:12-17)  - MP3
  • 4. The Exhortation To Live By Faith Out Of Deep Reverence For God - 07/20/2011 (Hebrews 12:18-29)
  • H. Living By Faith Applied, Hebrews 12:1-13:19
  • 5. The Exhortation To Live By Faith Regarding Moral Issues - 07/27/2011 (Hebrews 13:1-6)
  • 6. The Exhortation To Live By Faith Regarding Church Leaders - 08/03/2011 (Hebrews 13:7-8, 17)
  • 7. The Call To Stick With Biblical Christianity Versus Heeding Other Popular Views - 08/24/2011 (Hebrews 13:9-14)
  • 8. The Call To Acknowledge Christ's Biblical Priesthood In Living - 08/31/2011 (Hebrews 13:15-16, 18-25)
  • 9. The Hope Of Ultimate Spiritual Victory Amid Present Personal Struggles - 09/07/2011 (Hebrews 13:20-21)
  • 1 John: True, Fulfilling Fellowship With God
  • Part I: Identifying The True Heritage Of True Fellowship With God - 09/14/2011 (1 John 1:1-4)
  • Part II: Identifying The True Standard Of True Fellowship With God - 09/21/2011 (1 John 1:5-7)  - MP3
  • Part III: Identifying And Handling Sin For True Fellowship With God - 09/28/2011 (1 John 1:5-2:2)  - MP3
  • Part IV: Identifying God's True Fellowship By Its Exact Alignment With God's Special Revelation - 10/05/2011 (1 John 2:3-4, 6)  - MP3
  • Part V: Identifying True Spiritual Love That Adheres Within True Fellowship With God - 10/12/2011 (1 John 2: 5, 7-11)
  • Part VI: Identifying The Three Stages Of Spiritual Maturity In Fellowship With God - 10/19/2011 (1 John 2:12-14, 18-19)  - MP3
  • Part VII: Growing From "Young Men" To "Fathers" - 10/26/2011 (1 John 2:14, 15-17)  - MP3
  • Part VIII: Growing From "Little Children" To "Young Men" - 11/16/2011 (1 John 2:18-27, 28)  - MP3
  • Part IX: Identifying God's True Spiritual Fellowship By Its Righteousness - 11/30/2011 (1 John 2:29-3:9)  - MP3
  • Part X: Identifying God's True Spiritual Fellowship By Its Active Brotherly Compassion - 12/07/2011 (1 John 3:10-18)  - MP3
  • Part XI: Identifying God's True Spiritual Fellowship By Its Assurances - 12/14/2011 (1 John 3:19-23)  - MP3
  • Part XII: Identifying God's True Holy Spirit Behind True Spiritual Fellowship - 12/21/2011 (1 John 3:24-4:6)  - MP3
  • Part XIII: Identifying God's True Love In True Spiritual Fellowship - 12/28/2011 (1 John 4:7-11)  - MP3
  • Part XIV: Identifying The God Of Love In Believers' True Spiritual Fellowship - 01/04/2012 (1 John 4:12-16)  - MP3
  • Part XV: Identifying True Fellowship By Its Confidence In Facing Christ's Judgment Seat - 01/11/2012 (1 John 4:17-19)  - MP3
  • Part XVI: Identifying True Fellowship By Its True Love For God - 01/18/2012 (1 John 4:20-5:3a)
  • Part XVII: Identifying True Fellowship With God By The Ease Of One's Obedience To God - 01/25/2012 (1 John 5:3b-15)  - PDF
  • Part XVIII: Identifying True Fellowship With God By Its Loving Intercession For Sinful Brethren - 02/01/2012 (1 John 5:16-17)  - MP3
  • Part XIX: Identifying True Fellowship With God By Its Separation From The World And Its Idols - 02/08/2012 (1 John 5:18-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • 2 John: The Exclusionary Limits Of Fellowship With God In The Local Church
  • Part I: Valuing True Spiritual Local Church Fellowship Toward Setting Its Exclusionary Limits - 02/15/2012 (2 John 1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part II: Setting The Church's Exclusionary Fellowship Limit To Guard Its Truth - 02/22/2012 (2 John 7-13)  - MP3
  • 3 John: The Inclusive Boundaries Of God's Local Church Fellowship
  • Part I: The Correct Bounds Of Inclusivism For The Local Church's Fellowship - 03/14/2012 (3 John 1-8)  - MP3
  • Part II: Correcting The Abuses Of Biblical Inclusivism In The Local Church - 03/21/2012 (3 John 9-14)  - MP3
  • Matthew: Jesus As Israel's Messiah And His Kingdom
  • Part I: Jesus As Israel's Messianic King By His Lineage - 03/28/2012 (Matthew 1:1-17)  - MP3
  • Part II: Jesus As Israel's Messianic King By His Conception And Birth - 04/04/2012 (Matthew 1:18-25)  - MP3
  • Part III: Jesus As Israel's Messiah By The Homage Paid Him At His Birth - 04/11/2012 (Matthew 2:1-11)  - MP3
  • Part IV: Jesus As Israel's Messiah By His Relocation In Infancy - 04/18/2012 (Matthew 2:12-23)  - MP3
  • Part V: Jesus As Israel's Messiah By His Forerunner's Ministry - 04/25/2012 (Matthew 3:1-12)  - MP3
  • Part VI: Jesus As Israel's Messiah By His Interaction With Messiah's Forerunner - 05/02/2012 (Matthew 3:13-17)
  • Part VII: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Temptation - 05/09/2012 (Matthew 4:1-11)  - MP3
  • Part VIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Fulfillment Of Isaiah 9:1-2 In Withdrawing From Persecution - 05/16/2012 (Matthew 4:12-17)
  • Part IX: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over His Disciples - 05/23/2012 (Matthew 4:18-22)  - MP3
  • Part X: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Works - 05/30/2012 (Matthew 4:23-25)  - MP3
  • Part XI: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Surpassing Righteousness
  • A. The Surpassing Righteousness Of The Character Of Christ's Subjects - 06/06/2012 (Matthew 5:1-12)  - MP3
  • B. The Surpassing Righteous Influence Of Christ's Subjects - 06/13/2012 (Matthew 5:13-16)  - MP3
  • C. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects - 06/20/2012 (Matthew 5:17-20)  - MP3
  • D. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Murder - 06/27/2012 (Matthew 5:21-26)  - MP3
  • E. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Adultery - 07/04/2012 (Matthew 5:27-30)  - MP3
  • F. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Divorce - 07/11/2012 (Matthew 5:31-32 et al.)  - MP3
  • G. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Oaths - 07/18/2012 (Matthew 5:33-37)  - MP3
  • H. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Public Justice - 07/25/2012 (Matthew 5:38-42)  - MP3
  • I. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Love Of Enemies - 08/01/2012 (Matthew 5:43-48)  - MP3
  • J. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Giving - 08/22/2012 (Matthew 6:1-4)  - MP3
  • K. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding General Prayer - 08/29/2012 (Matthew 6:5-8, 14-15)  - MP3
  • L. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding The Content Of Prayer - 09/05/2012 (Matthew 6:9-13)  - MP3
  • M. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Fasting - 09/12/2012 (Matthew 6:16-18 et al.)  - MP3
  • N. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects On Building Wealth - 09/19/2012 (Matthew 6:19-24)  - MP3
  • O. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects On Livelihood Concerns - 09/26/2012 (Matthew 6:25-34)  - MP3
  • P. The Biblically Consistent Righteousness Of Christ's Subjects Regarding Judging - 10/03/2012 (Matthew 7:1-6)  - MP3
  • Part XII: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Summons Unto His Righteousness
  • A. Christ's Motivation Unto God's Righteousness In Tapping God's Goodness By Prayer - 10/10/2012 (Matthew 7:7-11)  - MP3
  • B. Christ's Motivation Unto God's Righteousness In Expressing God's Goodness In The Golden Rule - 10/17/2012 (Matthew 7:12)  - MP3
  • C. Christ's Motivation Unto God's Righteousness In Stating The Fearful Exclusiveness Of Salvation - 10/24/2012 (Matthew 7:13-23)  - MP3
  • Part XII: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Summons Unto His Kingdom
  • D. Christ's Motivation Unto God's Righteousness In Calling People To Salvation By Grace Alone - 10/31/2012 (Matthew 7:24-29)  - MP3
  • Part XIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority, Matthew 8:1-11:1
  • A. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over Leprosy - 11/14/2012 (Matthew 8:1-4)
  • B. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Before Gentile Rulers - 11/28/2012 (Matthew 8:5-13)  - MP3
  • C. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over Sin's Effects - 12/05/2012 (Matthew 8:14-17)  - MP3
  • D. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over His Disciples - 12/12/2012 (Matthew 8:18-22)  - MP3
  • E. Christ as Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over Nature - 12/19/2012 (Matthew 8:23-27)  - MP3
  • F. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority Over Demons - 01/09/2013 (Matthew 8:28-34 et al.)
  • G. Christ As Israel's Messiah And God Incarnate By His Power To Forgive Sins - 01/16/2013 (Matthew 9:1-8)  - MP3
  • H. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Power Over Human Traditions - 01/23/2013 (Matthew 9:9-17)  - MP3
  • Part XIV: Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Authority, Matthew 8:1-11:1
  • I. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Power Over Death - 01/30/2013 (Matthew 9:18-26)  - MP3
  • J. Christ As Israel's Messiah And God By His Power Over Blindness, Dumbness And All Diseases - 02/06/2013 (Matthew 9:27-35; Isaiah 35:4-6)  - MP3
  • K. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Response To God's Afflicted Flock - 02/13/2013 (Matthew 9:35-38)  - MP3
  • L. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Ministry Unto God's Afflicted Flock, Matthew 10:1-11:1
  • 1. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Presentation Of Laborers For God's Afflicted Flock - 02/20/2013 (Matthew 10:1-5a)  - MP3
  • 2. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Ministry Assignment For His Laborers - 02/27/2013 (Matthew 10:5b-15)  - MP3
  • 3. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Instruction To His Laborers On A Rejecting World - 03/13/2013 (Matthew 10:16-23)  - MP3
  • 4. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Encouragement To His Laborers - 03/20/2013 (Matthew 10:24-11:1)  - MP3
  • Part XV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen By The Opposition To His Ministry, Matthew 11:2-16:12
  • A. Christ As Israel's Messiah By The Opposition Faced By Both John And Jesus - 03/27/2013 (Matthew 11:2-19)  - MP3
  • B. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Contrasting Responses To The Calloused And The Oppressed - 04/03/2013 (Matthew 11:20-27)
  • C. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Great Nurture Of The Oppressed - 04/10/2013 (Matthew 11:28-30)
  • D. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Controversies Over Work On The Sabbath - 04/17/2013 (Matthew 12:1-13)
  • E. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Meek Withdrawal From Persecutors - 04/24/2013 (Matthew 12:14-21)
  • F. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Teaching On The Unpardoned Sin - 05/01/2013 (Matthew 12:22-37)
  • G. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Select Fellowship With Scriptural Believers - 05/08/2013 (Matthew 12:38-50)
  • H. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Edifying Instruction On God's Altered Program, Matthew 13:1-52
  • 1. Christ's Edifying Instruction On Individual Discipling In God's Altered Program - 05/22/2013 (Matthew 13:1-23)  - MP3
  • 2. Christ's Edifying Instruction On Satan's Opposition To God's Discipling In His Altered Program - 05/29/2013 (Matthew 13:24-43)  - MP3
  • 3. Christ's Edifying Directive To Expositors Facing Satanic Opposition In God's Altered Program - 06/05/2013 (Matthew 13:34-52)  - MP3 - PDF
  • I. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Response To His Hometown's Unbelief - 06/12/2013 (Matthew 13:53-58)  - MP3 - PDF
  • J. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Unique Response To Wicked Herod's Interest - 06/19/2013 (Matthew 14:1-13)  - PDF
  • K. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Compassionate Reaction To People Afflicted By His Opponents - 06/26/2013 (Matthew 14:13-21)  - MP3 - PDF
  • L. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Powerful Revelation To Those Afflicted By His Foes - 07/03/2013 (Matthew 14:22-36)  - MP3 - PDF
  • M. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Response To Opposing Legalistic Leaders - 07/10/2013 (Matthew 15:1-20)  - MP3 - PDF
  • N. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Gracious Ministry To A Believing Gentile - 07/17/2013 (Matthew 15:21-28)  - PDF
  • O. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Compassionate Feeding Of Four Thousand Gentiles - 07/31/2013 (Matthew 15:29-39)  - PDF
  • P. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Exposure Of The Unbelieving Pharisees' Worldly Teaching - 08/21/2013 (Matthew 16:1-4)  - PDF
  • Q. Christ As Israel's Messiah By His Warning Of The Corrupting Influence Of Faithless, Worldly Views - 08/28/2013 (Matthew 16:5-12)  - PDF
  • Part XV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Discipling Of His Followers, Matthew 16:13-20:34
  • A. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Teaching On Building His Church - 09/04/2013 (Matthew 16:13-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Focus On The Cross Before The Crown - 09/11/2013 (Matthew 16:21-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • C. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Transfiguration - 09/18/2013 (Matthew 16:28-17:13)  - PDF
  • D. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Teaching On Living The Cross Before The Crown
  • 1. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Instruction On A Life Of Faith - 09/25/2013 (Matthew 17:14-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • 2. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In Re-Emphasizing His Disciples' Need To Trust In Him - 10/02/2013 (Matthew 17:22-27)  - PDF
  • 3. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Instruction On Dying To Selfish Pride, Matthew 18:1-35
  • a. Christ's Instruction On Our Need For Humility In Viewing Fellow Believers - 10/09/2013 (Matthew 18:1-5)  - PDF
  • b. Christ's Instruction On Our Need Humbly Not To Cause Fellow Believers To Sin - 10/16/2013 (Matthew 18:6-14)  - PDF
  • c. Christ's Instruction On Humbly Addressing A Brother's Sin - 10/23/2013 (Matthew 18:15-17)  - PDF
  • d. Christ's Instruction On Humbly But Decisively Excommunicating A Brother For Sin - 10/24/2013 (Matthew 18:18-20)  - PDF
  • 4. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly Addressing A Brother's Repentance - 10/30/2013 (Matthew 18:21-35)  - PDF
  • 5. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly Heeding God On Marriage And Divorce - 11/13/2013 (Matthew 19:1-12)  - PDF
  • 6. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly Valuing And Ministering To Little Children - 11/20/2013 (Matthew 19:13-15)  - PDF
  • 7. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly Heeding God's Way Of Salvation - 12/04/2013 (Matthew 19:16-26)  - PDF
  • 8. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly, Faithfully Using Opportunities To Serve Him - 12/11/2013 (Matthew 19:27-20:16)  - PDF - MP3
  • 9. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Teaching On Humbly Helping Versus Striving For Rank - 12/18/2013 (Matthew 20:17-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • 10. Christ's Messianic Identity Seen In His Exhibition Of Messianic Authority Regardless Of The Future Cross - 01/08/2014 (Matthew 20:29-34)  - PDF
  • Part XVI: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Triumphal Entry - 01/15/2014 (Matthew 21:01-11)  - PDF
  • Part XVII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Cleansing And Changes In The Temple - 01/22/2014 (Matthew 21:12-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Cursing Of The Fig Tree - 01/29/2014 (Matthew 21:18-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIX: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Appeal To John The Baptizer's Witness - 02/12/2014 (Matthew 21:23-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XX: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Parable Of The Rebellion Of Israel's Leaders - 02/19/2014 (Matthew 21:28-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXI: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Parable Of The Judgment Of Israel's Leaders - 02/26/2014 (Matthew 21:33-46)  - PDF
  • Part XXII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Parable Of The Judgment Of His Generation In Israel - 03/12/2014 (Matthew 22:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Teaching On Paying Taxes To Caesar - 03/19/2014 (Matthew 22:15-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Overwhelming Critique Of The Sadducees' Beliefs - 03/26/2014 (Matthew 22:23-33)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Overwhelming Instruction Of The Pharisees - 04/02/2014 (Matthew 22:34-46)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVI: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Warning To The People About The Pharisees - 04/09/2014 (Matthew 23:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Judgment Of The Pharisee Leaders - 04/23/2014 (Matthew 23:13-39)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Work With Israel To The Kingdom, Matthew 24-25
  • 1. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Prediction Of The Great Tribulation - 04/30/2014 (Matthew 24:1-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • 2. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Prediction Of His Second Coming - 05/07/2014 (Matthew 24:29-41)  - PDF - MP3
  • 3. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Second Coming Judgment Of People - 05/14/2014 (Matthew 24:42-51)  - PDF - MP3
  • 4. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Predicted Second Coming Judgment Of Israel - 05/21/2014 (Matthew 25:1-30)  - PDF
  • 5. Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Predicted Second Coming Judgment On Gentiles - 05/28/2014 (Matthew 25:31-46)  - PDF
  • Part XXIX: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Sovereign Prediction Of His Passover Death - 06/04/2014 (Matthew 26:1-16)  - PDF
  • Part XXX: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Last Passover Meal - 06/11/2014 (Matthew 26:17-30)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXI: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Control Of Events Amid Man's Weakness In His Betrayal - 06/18/2014 (Matthew 26:31-56)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Trial Before The Sanhedrin - 06/25/2014 (Matthew 26:57-27:1)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In The Scriptural Demise Of Judas Iscariot - 07/02/2014 (Matthew 27:2-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Trial Before Pilate - 07/09/2014 (Matthew 27:11-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXV: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Crucifixion - 07/16/2014 (Matthew 27:27-44)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVI: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Death - 07/23/2014 (Matthew 27:45-56)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Burial - 07/30/2014 (Matthew 27:57-66)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVIII: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Resurrection - 08/20/2014 (Matthew 28:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIX: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Foes' Explanation Of His Body's Disappearance - 08/27/2014 (Matthew 28:11-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XL: Christ As Israel's Messiah Seen In His Great Commission - 09/03/2014 (Matthew 28:16-20)  - PDF

  • Isaiah: Yahweh Is Salvation
  • I. An Apologetic For The Divine Inspiration Of The Book Of Isaiah - 09/10/2014 - PDF - MP3
  • II. God's Call To Repent From The Wickedness Of Mistreating The Vulnerable - 09/17/2014(Isaiah 1:1-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • III. God's Promise To Punish Oppressive Rulers, Replacing Them With Righteous Men - 09/24/2014(Isaiah 1:21-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV. God's Messianic Pattern For Ultimate Righteous Societies - 10/01/2014(Isaiah 2:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • V. God's Future Judgment To Purge Men Of Exchanging Him and His Word For Worldliness - 10/08/2014(Isaiah 2:6-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI. God's Judgment For Trusting In Man Versus God, Isaiah 2:22-4:1
  • A. God's Judgment For Trusting In Man's Social Order Versus God - 10/15/2014(Isaiah 2:22-3:11)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. God's Judgment For The Trust Male Leaders Put In Themselves Versus The Lord - 10/22/2014(Isaiah 2:22; 3:12-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • C. God's Judgment For The Trust Women Put In Themselves Versus The Lord - 10/29/2014(Isaiah 2:22; 3:16-4:1)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII. God's Messianic Blessings When Israel Trusts In God Versus Man - 11/12/2014(Isaiah 4:2-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII. God's Indictment Of The False Vine Versus His Spiritual Victory Offered In The True Vine - 11/19/2014(Isaiah 5:1-7; John 15:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX. God's Indictment Of Specific Evils In Israel As The False Vine - 12/03/2014(Isaiah 5:8-30)  - PDF
  • X. God's Call Of Isaiah To His Prophetic Ministry In Light Of Judah's Spiritual Problems, Isaiah 6:1-13
  • A. God's Preparation Of His Servant For Ministry To A Spiritually Destitute People - 12/10/2014 (Isaiah 6:1-7)  - PDF
  • B. God's Assignment Of His Servant To Minister To A Spiritually Destitute People - 12/17/2014 (Isaiah 6:8-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI. God's Promise Of Long-Term Help Amid Short-Term Crises - 01/07/2015 - MP3
  • XII. God's Promising Sign Of Messiah's Miraculous Birth Amid His Peoples' Short-Term Crisis - 01/14/2015 (Isaiah 7:10-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII. God's Punishment For Utilizing Human Effort Versus Trusting Him With Our Fears - 01/21/2015 (Isaiah 7:17-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIV: Offsetting Our Fear Of Ungodly, Difficult Foes With The Hope Of Immanuel - 01/28/2015 (Isaiah 8:1-10)  - PDF
  • XV. Personally Offsetting Errant Group Fear With The Fear Of The Lord - 02/04/2015 (Isaiah 8:11-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVI. Personally Offsetting Spiritual Darkness By Looking To Scripture Alone - 02/11/2015 (Isaiah 8:19-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVII. Personally Offsetting Spiritual Darkness By Looking To The Word Incarnate Alone
  • A. The Word Incarnate's Arrival And Deliverance - 02/18/2015 (Isaiah 9:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. The Word Incarnate's Fulfilling, Ruling Ministry - 02/25/2015 (Isaiah 9:6-7)  - PDF
  • Part XVIII. Learning To Repent From God's Intense Discipline Of Others - 03/04/2015 (Isaiah 9:8-10:4)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIX. Learning To Revere God As Sovereign In All Of His Judgments - 03/11/2015 (Isaiah 10:5-34)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XX. Hoping In God's Future Messianic Kingdom Opposite Current Evils - 03/18/2015 (Isaiah 11:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXI. Rejoicing In God's Future Messianic Kingdom Opposite Current Evils - 03/25/2015 (Isaiah 12:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXII. Anticipating God's Sure Judgment Of Wicked Babylon, Isiaah 13:1-14:23
  • A. Anticipating God's Sure Judgment Of Wicked Babylon As A City And As A Latter Day World System - 04/01/2015 (Isaiah 13:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. Anticipating God's Sure Judgment Of Babylon's Wicked King - 04/08/2015 (Isaiah 14:1-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIII. Resting On God's Sure Promise Of Deliverance From A Humanly Overwhelming Foe - 04/15/2015 (Isaiah 14:24-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIV. Trusting In God Versus Yielding To The Temptation To Politic For Our Welfare - 04/22/2015 (Isaiah 14:28-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXV. Learning To Forsake Pride To Escape Divine Discipline - 04/29/2015 (Isaiah 15:1-16:14)  - PDF
  • Part XXVI: Learning To Rest In God's Handling Of All Of Our Unjust Foes - 05/06/2015 (Isaiah 17:1-14)  - PDF
  • Part XXVII: Learning To Resist Efforts By ALL Men To Influence Us Not To Heed Scripture - 05/13/2015 (Isaiah 18:1-7)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVIII: Learning To Avoid Popular False Idols For Security - 05/20/2015 (Isaiah 19:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIX: Learning Utterly To Shun All False Idols Of Security - 05/27/2015 (Isaiah 19:16-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXX: God's Warning Of The Judgment Of Insecurity For Looking To False Security Crutches - 06/03/2015 (Isaiah 20:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXI: God's Warning Against Relying On "Positive" Secular Events Instead Of Him - 06/10/2015 (Isaiah 21:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXII: God's Call To Doomed Edom - 06/17/2015 (Isaiah 21:11-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIII: Lessons In Evangelism From God's Call To Doomed Edom - 06/24/2015 (Isaiah 21:11-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIV: Understanding The Certainty Of National Judgment On Arabia - 07/01/2015 (Isaiah 21:13-17)  - PDF
  • Part XXXV: God's Judgment For Ignoring His Warning To Turn To Him - 07/08/2015 (Isaiah 22:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVI: God's Prediction Of Judgment For Individual Self-Centeredness - 07/15/2015 (Isaiah 22:15-22)  - PDF
  • Part XXXVII: God's Judgment On Tyre's Proud, Ruthless Commercialism And Its Correction - 07/22/2015 (Isaiah 23:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVIII: God's Judgment On The World For Its Tyre-like Idolatrous Commercialism - 07/29/2015 (Isaiah 24:1-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIX: God's Deliverance Of His People In His Kingdom And Eternity - 08/19/2015 (Isaiah 25:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XL: Learning From The Song Of The Redeemed In The Kingdom, Isaiah 26:1-21
  • A. The Lesson From The Reverse Of Fortunes Of The Humble And Oppressed - 08/26/2015 (Isaiah 26:1-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. Lessons From The Testimony Of The Redeemed Who Come Through The Great Tribulation - 09/02/2015 (Isaiah 26:7-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLI: Learning From God's Great Tribulation Refinement Of Israel And Judah - 09/09/2015 (Isaiah 27:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLII: God's Judgment On Israel's Leaders For Rejecting The Message Of God's Prophet - 09/16/2015 (Isaiah 28:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIII: God's Judgment On Judah's Leaders For Rejecting The Message Of God's Prophet- 09/23/2015 (Isaiah 28:14-29)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIV: God's Work To Change Judah's False Spirituality To Heartfelt Worship - 09/30/2015 (Isaiah 29:1-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLV: God's Judgment On Judah's Effort To Handle Insecurity Apart From God - 10/07/2015 (Isaiah 30:1-18)  - PDF
  • Part XLVI: God's Future Deliverance Of Judah In Great Security - 10/14/2015 (Isaiah 30:19-33)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVII: God's Woe On Those Who Trust In Material Might Versus God's Spiritual Power - 10/21/2015 (Isaiah 31:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVIII: God's Promise Of A Blessed Transformation In Men In The Millennium - 10/28/2015 (Isaiah 32:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIX: God's Promise Of A Blessed Transformation In Women In The Millennium - 11/11/2015 (Isaiah 32:9-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part L: God's Prediction Of The End Of Enemy Oppression With The End Of Self-Help Manipulation - 11/18/2015 (Isaiah 33:1-12)  - PDF
  • Part LI: God's Encouraging Promise Of The Wonderful Deliverance Of The Righteous - 12/02/2015 (Isaiah 33:13-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LII: God's Expressed Vengeance In The Great Tribulation - 12/09/2015 (Isaiah 34:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIII: God's Encouragement For Confident Endurance In View Of Future Kingdom Blessings - 12/16/2015 (Isaiah 35:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIV: Triumphantly Facing Godless Opposition To Our Faith - 01/06/2016 (Isaiah 36:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LV: God's Discipling And Deliverance Of Judah From Assyria - 01/13/2016 (Isaiah 37:1-38)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVI: God's Training Of Hezekiah To Trust Him Humbly For The Future - 01/20/2016 (Isaiah 38:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVII: Hezekiah's Failure To Trust Him Humbly In His Future - 01/27/2016 (Isaiah 39:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVIII: God's Greatness Seen In His Future Release Of Israel From A Long, Harsh Captivity - 02/03/2016 (Isaiah 40:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIX: God's Encouragement That He Will Ably, Richly Bless His People - 02/10/2016 (Isaiah 40:12-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LX: The True God's Provisions For Israel Versus The Gentiles' Loss Due To Their False Gods - 02/17/2016 (Isaiah 41:1-29)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXI: God's Greatness Seen In Providing His Servant, The Messiah As Applied To Our Era - 02/24/2016 (Isaiah 42:1-4)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXII: God's Greatness Seen In Providing His Servant, The Messiah, Worldwide Spiritual Success - 03/02/2016 (Isaiah 42:5-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIII: God's Greatness Seen In His Punishing The Wicked And Blessing His People At Christ's Coming - 03/16/2016 (Isaiah 42:10-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIV: Israel's Lack Of Blessing Due To Her Spiritual Hardness And Blindness - 03/23/2016 (Isaiah 42:18-25)  - PDF
  • Part LXV: God's Call That His People Not Fear Their Current Humanly Hopeless State- 03/30/2016 (Isaiah 43:1-7)  - PDF
  • Part LXVI: God's Call That His People Testify Of His Greatness As The Only Prophecy-Fulfilling God - 04/06/2016 (Isaiah 43:8-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVII: God's Gracious, Powerful, Future Deliverance Of Israel From Babylon- 04/13/2016 (Isaiah 43:14-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVIII: God's Encouraging His People Not To Fear Their Future - 04/20/2016 (Isaiah 44:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIX: God's Supremacy Over All Idols And Idolaters - 04/27/2016 (Isaiah 44:6-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part L: God's Prophecy About Cyrus That Illustrates His Claim To Be The Only True God - 05/04/2016 (Isaiah 44:24-45:8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LI: God's Stated Sovereignty As Creator In Using Pagan Cyrus - 05/11/2016 (Isaiah 45:9-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LII: God's Work To Handle His Servant's Foes - 05/18/2016 (Isaiah 45:14-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIII: God's Rescue Of His People Due To His Vast Superiority Over Their Foes' Gods - 05/25/2016 (Isaiah 46:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIV: God's Predicted Judgment On Babylon For Abusing His People - 06/01/2016 (Isaiah 47:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LV: God's Use Of Prophecy To Glorify Himself In Grace - 06/08/2016 (Isaiah 48:1-11)  - PDF
  • Part LVI: God's Call For Israel To Leave Babylon Under Cyrus To Know His Peace - 06/15/2016 (Isaiah 48:12-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVII: Learning From The Rejection And Future Reign Of The Messiah - 06/22/2016 (Isaiah 49:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVIII: God's Encouragement Of Reversing Israel's Subjugation To Gentiles - 06/29/2016 (Isaiah 49:14-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIX: God's Exhortation For His People To Live By Faith - 07/06/2016 (Isaiah 50:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LX: God's Encouragement To The Remnant Of His Delivering Power - 07/13/2016 (Isaiah 51:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXI: God's Encouragement That He Will Restore His Disciplined People - 07/20/2016 (Isaiah 51:17-52:12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXII: Messiah's Suffering And Glory, Isaiah 52:13-53:12
  • A. Viewing Messiah's Glory After His Suffering - 07/27/2016 (Isaiah 51:13-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. Israel's Confession Regarding Messiah At His Second Coming, Isaiah 53:1-12
  • 1. Israel's Confession Regarding Her Rejection Of Messiah In His First Advent - 08/03/2016 (Isaiah 53:1-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • 2. Israel's Confession Regarding Messiah's Substitutionary Atonement - 08/24/2016 (Isaiah 53:4-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • 3. Israel's Confession Of Messiah's Salvation By His Atonement Apologetically Considered - 08/31/2016 (Isaiah 53:7-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • 4. Israel's Confession Of Messiah's Exaltation And Church Era Ministry After His Atonement - 09/07/2016 (Isaiah 53:12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIII: God's Messianic Blessings For Israel With Family Applications For Us - 09/14/2016 (Isaiah 54:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIV: God's Gracious Salvation Of The Gentiles For The Kingdom - 09/21/2016 (Isaiah 55:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXV: God's Full Acceptance Of All Saved Individuals In Israel's Messianic Kingdom - 09/28/2016 (Isaiah 56:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVI: God's Warning To The Wicked In Isaiah's Era To Repent - 10/05/2016 (Isaiah 56:9-57:21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVII: God's Call For True Versus False Worship - 10/12/2016 (Isaiah 58:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVIII: Israel's Salvation From Sin By God's Initiative - 10/19/2016 (Isaiah 59:1-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIX: God's Glorious Blessings For Israel In The Kingdom - 10/26/2016 (Isaiah 60:1-2)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXX: Messiah's Ministry Of Blessing In Both Advents - 11/02/2016 (Isaiah 61:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXI: God's Preparation For Israel's Restoration - 11/16/2016 (Isaiah 62:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXII: God's Wrath Upon His Enemies At Christ's Second Coming - 11/30/2016 (Isaiah 63:1-6 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXIII: The Believing Remnant's Plea For God's Gracious Help Based On His Past Mercies - 12/07/2016 (Isaiah 63:7-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXIV: The Believing Remnant's Plea For God's Gracious Deliverance From Their Enemies - 12/14/2016 (Isaiah 64:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXV: God's Restrained Response To The Pleas Of The Believing Remnant - 12/21/2016 (Isaiah 65:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXVI: God's Promises And Descriptions Of Millennial Kingdom Blessings - 12/28/2016 (Isaiah 65:17-25)  - PDF
  • Part LXXVII: God's Fulfillment Of His Future Promises
  • A. God's Rebuke Of Religious Hypocrisy And Honor Of Humble Obedience - 01/04/2017 (Isaiah 66:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. God's Spiritual Rebirth Of The Nation Israel In The Kingdom - 01/11/2017 (Isaiah 66:7-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • C. Christ's Worldwide Reversal Of Idol Worship For The Worship Of Himself At His Return - 01/18/2017 (Isaiah 66:15-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • Jeremiah: Prophet Of Judgment Followed By Blessing
  • Part I: God's Commissioning Of His Servant For Apostate Times - 01/25/2017 (Jeremiah 1:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part II: God's Guidelines For His Servant's Ministry In Apostate Times - 02/01/2017 (Jeremiah 1:11-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part III: God's Indictment Of Israel's Leaders - 02/08/2017 (Jeremiah 2:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part IV: God's Indictment Of Judah For Exchanging Him For Vain Crutches - 02/15/2017 (Jeremiah 2:9-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part V: God's Instructive Illustrations Of Judah's Waywardness - 02/22/2017 (Jeremiah 2:20-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VI: God's Charges Of Judah's Irresponsible Sins - 03/01/2017 (Jeremiah 2:26-3:5)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VII: Learning Our Lesson From God's Discipline Of Another - 03/15/2017 (Jeremiah 3:6-11)  - PDF
  • Part VIII: God's Appeal For Repentance And Blessing To His People Under Discipline - 03/22/2017 (Jeremiah 3:12-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part IX: God's Picture Of True Repentance - 03/29/2017 (Jeremiah 3:19-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part X: God's Warning To Repent Before His Unstoppable, Destructive Discipline Falls - 04/05/2017 (Jeremiah 4:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XI: God's Warning Of Judah's Coming Disillusionment For Heeding False Prophets - 04/12/2017 (Jeremiah 4:10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XII: God's Description Of The Babylonian Invasion To Elicit Repentance - 04/19/2017 (Jeremiah 4:11-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIII: God's Indictment Of Judah's Individuals - 04/26/2017 (Jeremiah 5:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIV: A Gracious God's Judgment For Judah's Shocking Sins - 05/03/2017 (Jeremiah 5:7-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XV: Viewing God's Warnings Of Discipline At The Intensely Personal Level - 05/10/2017 (Jeremiah 6:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVI: God's Condemnation For Judah's Rejection Of His Words - 05/17/2017 (Jeremiah 6:10-21)  - PDF
  • Part XVII: The Inevitability Of God's Severe Judgment Due To Judah's Hardened Rebellion - 05/24/2017 (Jeremiah 6:22-30)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVIII: God's Repudiation Of Religious Security Crutches - 05/31/2017 (Jeremiah 7:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIX: God's Condemnation Of Judah's False Worship - 06/07/2017 (Jeremiah 7:16-8:3)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XX: God's Judgment On Everyone's Self-Deception - 06/14/2017 (Jeremiah 8:4-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXI: Jeremiah's Heartfelt Comprehension Of The Awful Effects Of Apostasy - 06/21/2017 (Jeremiah 8:18-9:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXII: Heeding Scripture And Fellowshipping With God To Avoid Severe Punishment - 06/28/2017 (Jeremiah 9:7-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIII: God's Infinite Superiority To Man's False Idols - 07/05/2017 (Jeremiah 10:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIV: Recognizing God's Complete Sovereignty Over Us That We Heed Him - 07/12/2017 (Jeremiah 10:17-25)  - PDF
  • Part XXV: God's Indictment Of Jeremiah's Generation For Conspiring To Disobey His Word - 07/19/2017 (Jeremiah 11:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVI: God's Instruction To His Persecuted Servant - 07/26/2017 (Jeremiah 11:18-12:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVII: Understanding God's Heart Of Love Amid His Judgment Of The Nations - 08/02/2017 (Jeremiah 12:7-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVIII: An Object Lesson And A Parable On Judah's Standing Before God - 08/23/2017 (Jeremiah 13:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIX: God's Final Condemnation Of Irrevocably Unrepentant Judah - 08/30/2017 (Jeremiah 13:15-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXX: God's Judgment On False Messengers And Their Inexcusable Hearers - 09/06/2017 (Jeremiah 14:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXX: God's Clarification Of A Genuine Confession - 09/13/2017 (Jeremiah 14:17-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXI: God's Condemnation Of Sinners Beyond The Point Of No Return - 09/20/2017 (Jeremiah 15:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXII: God's Instruction To His Painfully Persecuted Servant - 09/27/2017 (Jeremiah 15:10-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIII: God's Illustrative Restrictions On His Messenger - 10/04/2017 (Jeremiah 16:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIV: Hoping In God's Final Astounding Deliverance Of Mankind From Idolatry - 10/11/2017 (Jeremiah 16:14-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXV: The Great Contrast Between Holding To God Or Idolatrous Substitutes - 10/18/2017 (Jeremiah 17:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVI: Relying On God To Handle Very Evil People - 10/25/2017 (Jeremiah 17:9-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVII: The Sovereign Potter And The Stubborn People: Recipe For Severe Judgment - 11/01/2017 (Jeremiah 18:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVIII: Call To Repentance Surrounding Jerusalem's City Gates - 11/15/2017 (Jeremiah 17:19-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIX: God's Irrevocable Judgment On Those Who Reject God And His Messenger - 11/29/2017 (Jeremiah 18:18-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XL: Jeremiah's Message Of Judgment Even To A Rebellious Superior - 12/06/2017 (Jeremiah 19:1-20:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLI: The Great Value Of Jeremiah's Personal Struggle With His Persecutions - 12/13/2017 (Jeremiah 20:7-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLII: The Great Value Of God's Politically Incorrect Messages To His People - 12/20/2017 (Jeremiah 21:1-10)  - PDF
  • Part XLIII: Sensing Our Vulnerability to God As Overseers That We Humbly Obey Him - 12/27/2017 (Jeremiah 21:11-22:9)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIV: Judgment On Josiah's Descendants For Inexcusable Sin - 01/03/2018 (Jeremiah 22:10-30)  - PDF
  • Part XLV: God's Righteous Branch To Replace Judah's Sinful Rulers - 01/10/2018 (Jeremiah 23:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVI: God's Contrast Of Godly And False Prophets, Jeremiah 23:9-40
  • A. God's Contrast Of The LIVES Of Godly And False Prophets - 01/17/2018 (Jeremiah 23:9-15)  - PDF
  • B. God's Contrast Of The MINISTRIES Of Godly And False Prophets - 01/24/2018 (Jeremiah 23:16-40)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVII: God's Distinguishing The Temporarily Sinful From The Hardened Rebellious - 01/31/2018 (Jeremiah 24:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVIII: God's Carefully Administered Judgments For Specific Sins - 02/14/2018 (Jeremiah 25:1-14 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIX: God's Punishment Of The Gentile Nations For Sin - 02/21/2018 (Jeremiah 25:15-38)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part L: God's Protection Of His Obediently Courageous Prophet - 02/28/2018 (Jeremiah 26:1-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LI: Responding Well To False Religious Messengers - 03/14/2018 (Jeremiah 27:1-28:17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LII: Responding Well To Competing False Religious Messengers - 03/28/2018 (Jeremiah 29:1-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIII: God's Comforting Promise Of Israel's Final Physical Deliverance - 04/04/2018 (Jeremiah 30:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIV: God's Comforting Promise Of Deliverance From Overwhelming, Dire Crises - 04/11/2018 (Jeremiah 30:12-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LV: God's Restoration Of The Social Order - 04/18/2018 (Jeremiah 30:18-31:1)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVI: God's Restoration Of The Northern Kingdom Of Israel - 04/25/2018 (Jeremiah 31:2-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVII: God's Restoration Of The Southern Kingdom Of Judah - 05/02/2018 (Jeremiah 31:23-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVIII: God's New Relationship With His Chosen People, Jeremiah 31:27-40
  • A. God's New Order For Israel And Judah - 05/09/2018 (Jeremiah 31:27-30)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. God's New Covenant With Israel And Judah - 05/16/2018 (Jeremiah 31:31-37)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIX: God's Restoration Of Israel And Judah Illustrated, Jeremiah 32:1-44
  • A. God's Restoration Of Israel And Judah Illustrated In Jeremiah's Purchase Of A Field - 06/06/2018 (Jeremiah 32:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. God's Encouragement To His Servants In Hard, Confusing Times - 06/13/2018 (Jeremiah 32:16-44)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LX: God's Encouragement In Affirming The Davidic And Levitical Covenants - 06/20/2018 (Jeremiah 33:1-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXI: God's Judgment For Inconsistency In Repenting - 06/27/2018 (Jeremiah 34:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXII: God's Illustration Of Upright Consistency In Heeding Him - 07/04/2018 (Jeremiah 35:1-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIII: God's Judgment Over Man's Response To Scripture - 07/11/2018 (Jeremiah 36:1-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIV: Learning To Obey God Versus Manipulating Him And His Messenger - 07/18/2018 (Jeremiah 37:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXV: Consistently Doing God's Will In Good And Bad Circumstances - 07/25/2018 (Jeremiah 37:11-21)  - PDF
  • Part LXVI: God's Help To His Consistently Obedient Servant - 08/01/2018 (Jeremiah 38:1-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVII: God's Punishment Of The Disobedient And Reward Of The Obedient - 08/22/2018 (Jeremiah 39:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVIII: Taking Advantage Of God's Second Opportunities To Heed Him - 08/29/2018 (Jeremiah 40:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIX: A Lesson About Not Trusting Other People Prematurely - 09/05/2018 (Jeremiah 40:13-41:10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXX: A Lesson About Trusting God's Word Above Our Own Judgment - 09/12/2018 (Jeremiah 41:11-42:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXI: Judah's Failure To Trust God's Word Above Her Own Understanding - 09/19/2018 (Jeremiah 42:7-43:7)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXII: Judah's Illogical Self-Destruction In Disobeying God's Word - 09/26/2018 (Jeremiah 43:8-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXIII: God's Consistent Righteousness To Judge Repeat Sin - 10/03/2018 (Jeremiah 44:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXIV: God's Judgment On Judah For Her Self-Deceiving Apostasy - 10/10/2018 (Jeremiah 44:15-30)  - PDF
  • Part LXXV: God's Personal Admonition Against Selfish Ambition - 10/17/2018 (Jeremiah 45:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXVI: God's Judgment On Egypt As Vengeance - 10/24/2018 (Jeremiah 46:1-12 et al.)  - PDF
  • Part LXXVII: God's Devastating Judgment Followed By His Gracious Restoration - 10/31/2018 (Jeremiah 46:13-28)  - PDF
  • Part LXXVIII: God's Judgment For Long-Time Oppressions Of His People - 11/14/2018 (Jeremiah 47:1-7)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXIX: God's Judgment On Moab For False Self-Reliance - 11/28/2018 (Jeremiah 48:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXX: God's Judgment On Moab's Complacent Trust In A False God - 12/05/2018 (Jeremiah 48:11-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXI: God's Judgment On Moab's Belittling Of God And His People - 12/12/2018 (Jeremiah 48:18-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXII: God's Judgment On Moab's Excessive Pride - 12/19/2018 (Jeremiah 48:29-47)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXIII: God's Judgment On Ammon's Arrogant Covetousness - 12/26/2018 (Jeremiah 49:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXIV: God's Judgment On Edom For Sins Against Its Brother Judah - 01/02/2019 (Jeremiah 49:7-22; Obadiah 10-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXV: God's Judgment On Damascus For Cruel Sins Against Israel - 01/09/2019 (Jeremiah 49:23-27 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXVI: God's Judgment On Nomadic Desert Tribes For Their Smug Self-Sufficiency - 01/16/2019 (Jeremiah 49:28-33)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXVII: God's Judgment On Elam For Its Ferocity And Pride - 01/23/2019 (Jeremiah 49:34-39)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXVIII: God's Judgment Of Babylon For Its Heartlessness Toward His People - 01/30/2019 (Jeremiah 50:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXXIX: God's Reversing The Fortunes Of Israel And Babylon For Babylon's Destructive Rebellion - 02/06/2019 (Jeremiah 50:17-46)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XC: God's Vengeance Against Babylon For Violating His Word - 02/13/2019 (Jeremiah 51:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCI: God's Sovereign Power Over Powerful Babylon In Judgment - 02/27/2019 (Jeremiah 51:15-33)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCII: God's Recompense To Babylon For All Of Its Violence Against His People - 03/13/2019 (Jeremiah 51:34-58)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCIII: Seraiah's Symbolic, Prophetic Mission Of Final Vengeance - 03/20/2019 (Jeremiah 51:59-64)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCIV: The Limit Of God's Patience For Zedekiah - 03/27/2019 (Jeremiah 52:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCV: The Limit Of God's Tolerance For His People's Idolatry - 04/03/2019 (Jeremiah 52:12-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XCVI: The Various Fates Of Those Of Varying Choices On Heeding God's Word - 04/10/2019 (Jeremiah 52:24-34)  - PDF - MP3
  • Lamentations: Productively Learning From Sinful Failure
  • Part I: Productively Learning From Sinful Failure By An Overview Of Lamentations - 04/17/2019 (Lamentations 1:1-5:22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part II: Dirge I - Jerusalem's Desolation Due To Her Sin - 04/24/2019 (Lamentations 1:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part III: Dirge II - The Remnant's Response To Jerusalem's Judgment - 05/01/2019 (Lamentations 2:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part IV: Dirge III - Jeremiah's Personal Response
  • A. Understanding The Afflictions Of God's Discipline - 05/08/2019 (Lamentations 3:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. The Believer's Hope In The Midst Of God's Discipline - 05/15/2019 (Lamentations 3:19-42)  - PDF - MP3
  • C. The Believer's Prayer Amid God's Discipline - 05/22/2019 (Lamentations 3:43-66)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part V: Dirge IV - God's Anger At His People's Sins - 05/29/2019 (Lamentations 4:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VI: Dirge V - The Godly Remnant's Necessary Response To God's Discipline - 06/05/2019 (Lamentations 5:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Ezekiel: Effective Ministry To The Spiritually Rebellious
  • Part I: Preparation To Minister By An Awareness Of An Overpowering God - 06/12/2019 (Ezekiel 1:1-28b)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part II: God's Call To Minister In His Ways And Means - 06/19/2019 (Ezekiel 2:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part III: God's Equipping Of His Messenger To A Very Rebellious People - 06/26/2019 (Ezekiel 3:1-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part IV: God's Prophecies Of Judgment By Signs, Ezekiel 4:1-5:17
  • A. God's Sure, Severe Judgment Seen In The Sign Of The Brick - 07/03/2019 (Ezekiel 4:1-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. God's Judgment Of Jerusalem's Siege Seen In The Signs Of Ezekiel's Reclining And Food - 07/10/2019 (Ezekiel 4:4-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • C. God's Judgment Of Jerusalem's People In The Sign Of Ezekiel's Hair - 07/17/2019 (Ezekiel 5:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part V: God's Prophecies Of Judgment By Prophecies, Ezekiel 6:1-7:27
  • A. God's Predicted Judgment On Judah's Idolatrous Worship Sites - 07/24/2019 (Ezekiel 6:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. Avoiding Sin For The Severity Of God's Punishment Of It - 07/31/2019 (Ezekiel 7:1-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VI: God's Explanation Of His Wrath Against Judah's Idolatry - 08/21/2019 (Ezekiel 8:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VII: Visions Of God's Judgment And Departure From His Temple, Ezekiel 9:1-10:22
  • A. The Vision Of God's Slaying All Who Even Tolerated Abominable Sin - 08/28/2019 (Ezekiel 9:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • B. The Vision Of God's Judging And Preparing To Leave The Temple And City - 09/04/2019 (Ezekiel 10:1-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part VIII: The Vision Of Judah's Wicked Princes Behind God's Departure - 09/11/2019 (Ezekiel 11:1-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part IX: The Sign Of Ezekiel's Baggage: The Futility Of Escaping God's Judgment - 09/18/2019 (Ezekiel 12:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part X: The Sign Of Ezekiel's Trembling: The Need To Reject Errant Messages To Heed God - 09/25/2019 (Ezekiel 12:17-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XI: God's Condemnation Of False Prophets and Prophetesses - 10/02/2019 (Ezekiel 13:1-23)  - PDF
  • Part XII: God's Condemnation Of Deceptive, Manipulative Idolaters - 10/09/2019 (Ezekiel 14:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIII: Accepting The Point Of No Return In Facing God's Judgment - 10/16/2019 (Ezekiel 14:12-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XIV: Our Uselessness Without God's Righteousness - 10/23/2019 (Ezekiel 15:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XV: Jerusalem's Apostasy Illustrated As An Immoral Woman - 10/30/2019 (Ezekiel 16:1-34)  - PDF
  • Part XVI: Jerusalem's Fitting Punishment For Her Sin - 11/13/2019 (Ezekiel 16:35-52)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVII: God's Gracious, Humbling Restoration Of Jerusalem In The Kingdom - 11/20/2019 (Ezekiel 16:53-63)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XVIII: A Parable About God's Sovereign All-Sufficiency - 12/04/2019 (Ezekiel 17:1-24)  - PDF
  • Part XIX: God's Individual Dealings With Man On Judgment - 12/11/2019 (Ezekiel 18:1-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XX: God's Lamentation Over Israel's Decline Due To Her Wicked Kings - 12/18/2019 (Ezekiel 19:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXI: God's Big Lesson On Getting Answers From Him - 01/08/2020 (Ezekiel 20:1-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXII: God's Relentless Sovereign Purification And Restoration Of His People - 01/15/2020 (Ezekiel 20:32-44)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIII: Parable Of The Forest Fire: Stressing The Reality Of God's Coming Punishment - 01/22/2020 (Ezekiel 20:45-48)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIV: Parable Of The Drawn Sword: Stressing The Extent Of Who Would Be Punished - 01/29/2020 (Ezekiel 20:49-21:7)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXV: Parable Of The Sharpened Sword: The High Cost Of Not Revering God In Past Discipline - 02/05/2020 (Ezekiel 21:8-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVI: God's Sovereignly Directing The Sword Toward Jerusalem - 02/12/2020 (Ezekiel 21:18-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVII: God's Sovereignly Directing The Sword Toward Ammon - 02/19/2020 (Ezekiel 21:28-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXVIII: God's Complaint About Jerusalem's Great Violations Of The Ten Commandments - 02/26/2020 (Ezekiel 22:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXIX: God's Great Wrath Against Materialism - 03/11/2020 (Ezekiel 22:13-22)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXX: God's Complaint At All The Oppressive Overseers - 03/18/2020 (Ezekiel 22:23-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXI: God's Disgust Of His People's Idolatrous Reliance On Other People - 03/25/2020 (Ezekiel 23:1-49)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXII: God's Wrath On Jerusalem When His Patience Had Run Out - 04/01/2020 (Ezekiel 24:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIII: Illustrating Israel's Great Pain From God's Discipline - 04/08/2020 (Ezekiel 24:15-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIV: God's Punishment Of Ammon For Gloating Over Judah's Punishment - 04/15/2020 (Ezekiel 25:1-7)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXV: God's Punishment Of Moab For Denying God's Promises To Israel - 04/22/2020 (Ezekiel 25:8-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVI: God's Punishment Of Edom For Taking Vengeance On Judah - 04/29/2020 (Ezekiel 25:12-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVII: God's Punishment Of Philistia For Taking Vengeance On Judah - 05/06/2020 (Ezekiel 25:15-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXVIII: God's Punishment Of Tyre For Her Greed At Judah's Loss - 05/13/2020 (Ezekiel 26:1-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XXXIX: The Fall Of Tyre Over Her Pride - 05/20/2020 (Ezekiel 27:1-36)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XL: The Fall Of The Prince Of Tyre Over His Self-Deification - 05/27/2020 (Ezekiel 28:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLI: Lamentation For The Sin And Fall Of The King Of Tyre - 06/03/2020 (Ezekiel 28:11-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLII: God's Punishment Of Sidon For Her Oppressive Contempt Of Israel - 06/10/2020 (Ezekiel 28:20-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIII: God's Punishment Of Egypt For Being An Idolatrous Crutch For Israel - 06/17/2020 (Ezekiel 29:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIV: God's Support Of His Servants - 06/24/2020 (Ezekiel 29:17-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLV: God's Fearful Judgment On Egypt For Her Sin - 07/01/2020 (Ezekiel 30:1-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVI: God's Punishment Of Egypt For Countering His Program - 07/08/2020 (Ezekiel 30:20-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVII: God's Precedent In Proud Assyria Of Egypt's Fall In Judgment - 07/15/2020 (Ezekiel 31:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLVIII: Lament For The Inevitable Fall Of Egypt - 07/22/2020 (Ezekiel 32:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part XLIX: God's Judgment Of Proud Egypt's Descent Into Sheol - 07/29/2020 (Ezekiel 32:17-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part L: Ezekiel's Accountability To The Lord For His Ministry - 08/12/2020 (Ezekiel 33:1-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LI: God's Rebuke For Refusing To Heed His Ministries - 08/19/2020 (Ezekiel 33:21-33)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LII: God's Judgment Of Israel's False Shepherds - 08/26/2020 (Ezekiel 34:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIII: God's Own Future Shepherding Of His People - 09/02/2020 (Ezekiel 34:11-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIV: God's Recompense On Edom - 09/09/2020 (Ezekiel 35:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LV: God's Reversing The Fortunes Of Israel And Her Land - 09/16/2020 (Ezekiel 36:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVI: God's Gracious Vindication Of His Wrongly Profaned Reputation - 09/23/2020 (Ezekiel 36:16-38)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVII: God's Renewal Of The Nation Israel - 09/30/2020 (Ezekiel 37:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LVIII: God's Reuniting The Ancient Nation Of Israel In Her Land - 10/07/2020 (Ezekiel 37:15-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LIX: God's Judgment On Gog Initiated - 10/14/2020 (Ezekiel 38:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LX: God's Judgment Of Gog Completed For His Glory - 10/21/2020 (Ezekiel 38:17-39:29)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXI: Overviewing The Millennial Temple: A Lesson In God's Holiness - 10/28/2020 (Ezekiel 40:1-43:27)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXII: The Millennial Temple Ministers: A Lesson In Serving The Lord In Holiness - 11/18/2020 (Ezekiel 44:1-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIII: The Millennial Temple Ministers: Their Allotted Inheritance Without Greed - 12/02/2020 (Ezekiel 45:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIV: The Millennial Kingdom Offerings: The Contributions Of The People - 12/09/2020 (Ezekiel 45:13-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXV: The Millennial Kingdom Offerings: The Offerings For Israel's Future Feasts - 12/23/2020 (Ezekiel 45:18-25)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVI: The Millennial Kingdom Offerings: The Offerings For Israel's Regular Calendar Dates - 12/30/2020 (Ezekiel 46:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVII: The Millennial Kingdom Offerings: The Property Gifts And The Year Of Jubilee - 01/06/2021 (Ezekiel 46:16-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXVIII: The Millennial Kingdom Offerings: Fellowship With God In The Temple - 01/13/2021 (Ezekiel 46:19-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXIX: God's Millennial Livelihood Provisions For His People - 01/20/2021 (Ezekiel 47:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXX: Israel's Boundaries In The Kingdom: Lessons On Possessions - 01/27/2021 (Ezekiel 47:13-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • Part LXXI: Israel's Tribal Allotments In The Kingdom: Lessons In Relationships - 02/03/2021 (Ezekiel 48:1-35)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: Choosing To Obey God In A Godless Culture - 02/10/2021 (Daniel 1:1-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: Trusting God's Sovereignty Over A Godless Culture - 02/17/2021 (Daniel 2:1-23)  - PDF
  • III: God's Encouraging Overview Of Future World History - 02/24/2021 (Daniel 2:24-49)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Confirming His Sovereignty Over World History - 03/03/2021 (Daniel 3:1-30)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's Enforcing His Sovereignty Over Nebuchadnezzar - 03/10/2021 (Daniel 4:1-37)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Enforcing His Sovereignty Over Nebuchadnezzar's Successors - 03/17/2021 (Daniel 5:1-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII. God's Sovereignty Over A Changing Government - 03/24/2021 (Daniel 6:1-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: Daniel's Vision About The Rises Of Antichrist And Christ - 03/31/2021 (Daniel 7:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: The Angel's Uplifting Words On The Vision Of Antichrist And Christ - 04/07/2021 (Daniel 7:16-28)  - PDF - MP3
  • X: Understanding A Type Of The Antichrist For Our Edification - 04/21/2021 (Daniel 8:1-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI: The Blessing Of Staying Right With God Amid Apostasy - 04/28/2021 (Daniel 9:1-24a)  - PDF - MP3
  • XII: God's Encouraging Prophetic Timeline Amid Apostasy - 05/05/2021 (Daniel 9:24-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII: God's Encouraging Insight On The Angelic Conflict Behind The Nations - 05/12/2021 (Daniel 10:1-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIV: God's Encouraging Predictions Of Persian And Grecian Overlords - 05/19/2021 (Daniel 11:2-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • XV: God's Encouraging Details Of Antiochus IV's Rule - 05/26/2021 (Daniel 11:21-35a)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVI: God's Encouraging Details Of Antichrist's Future Reign - 06/02/2021 (Daniel 11:35b-45)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVII: God's Encouraging Details Of Israel's Purging - 06/09/2021 (Daniel 12:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Renewal After Judgment Signified In Hosea's Family - 06/16/2021 (Hosea 1:1-2:1)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: Israel's Punishment For Neglecting God For Baal - 06/23/2021 (Hosea 2:2-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Gracious Restoration Of Israel In The Kingdom - 06/30/2021 (Hosea 2:14-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Grace And Holiness In Gomer's And Israel's Restorations - 07/07/2021 (Hosea 3:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's Indictment Of Israel's Priests For Failing As Bible Teachers - 07/14/2021 (Hosea 4:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Indictment Of Israel's People For Vile Idolatry - 07/21/2021 (Hosea 4:11-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: God's Punishment Of Israel For Her Wicked Rulers - 07/28/2021 (Hosea 5:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: Anticipating Israel's Repentance And Restoration - 08/18/2021 (Hosea 5:15-6:3)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: God's Indictment For Israel's Spiritual Fickleness - 08/25/2021 (Hosea 6:4-11a)  - PDF - MP3
  • X: God's Indictment For Israel's Senseless Deceit - 09/01/2021 (Hosea 6:11b-7:12)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI: God's Indictment For Israel's Turning From Him - 09/08/2021 (Hosea 7:13-16)  - PDF
  • XII: God's Naming Of Israel's Rebellious Sins - 09/15/2021 (Hosea 8:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII: God's Punishment For Israel's Spiritual Darkness - 09/22/2021 (Hosea 9:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIV: God's Condemnation Of Israel's Defection For Fertility Gods - 09/29/2021 (Hosea 9:10-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XV: God's Judgment For Israel's Compromise With Idolatry - 10/06/2021 (Hosea 10:1-15)  - PDF
  • XVI: God's Gracious Longsuffering Toward Israel - 10/13/2021 (Hosea 11:1-11)  - PDF
  • XVII: God's Call For Israel To Repent Like Jacob - 10/20/2021 (Hosea 11:12-12:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVIII: Israel's Haughtiness Countered By God's Punishment - 10/27/2021 (Hosea 12:7-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIX: Israel's Inevitable Doom For Rejecting Her Deliverer - 11/03/2021 (Hosea 13:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • XX: God's Path Of Restoration For The Godly Remnant - 11/17/2021 (Hosea 14:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Judgment Of Judah With A Locust Plague - 12/01/2021 (Joel 1:1-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Judgment Of Judah With An End-Time Army - 12/08/2021 (Joel 2:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Promised Deliverance At Israel's Repentance - 12/15/2021 (Joel 2:18-27)  - PDF
  • IV: God's End-Time Spiritual Renewal Of Israel - 12/22/2021 (Joel 2:28-32)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's End-Time Judgments In Israel's Behalf - 12/29/2021 (Joel 3:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Final Restoration Of Israel - 01/05/2022 (Joel 3:18-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Incensed Prediction Of His Punishment Of The Gentiles - 01/12/2022 (Amos 1:1-2:3)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Incensed Prediction Of His Punishment Of Israel - 01/19/2022 (Amos 2:4-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Sure Punishment Regardless Of His Close Ties With Israel - 01/26/2022 (Amos 3:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Punishment Of Israel's Depraved Women - 02/02/2022 (Amos 4:1-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's Critique Of Israel's False Worship - 02/09/2022 (Amos 4:4-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Judgment For Relentless Spiritual Hardness - 02/16/2022 (Amos 4:6-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: God's Judgment For Injustices In Israel's Courts - 02/23/2022 (Amos 5:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: God's Judgment Of Israel's Religious Hypocrisy - 03/02/2022 (Amos 5:18-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: God's Punishment Of Proud Self-Indulgence - 03/16/2022 (Amos 6:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • X: The Limit Of God's Forbearance With Israel - 03/23/2022 (Amos 7:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI: God's Ultimate Punishment Of His Silence - 03/30/2022 (Amos 8:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • XII: Israel's Inescapable Accountability To God - 04/06/2022 (Amos 9:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII: God's Restoration Of Israel In The Millennial Kingdom - 04/13/2022 (Amos 9:11-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: Edom's Doom Due To Her Pride - 04/20/2022 (Obadiah 1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: Edom's Doom For Her Sins To Her Brother - 04/27/2022 (Obadiah 10-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Recompense For Edom's Hatred Of Israel - 05/04/2022 (Obadiah 15-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: The Foolishness Of Trying To Avoid God's Calling - 05/11/2022 (Jonah 1:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: Submitting To God's Calling - 05/18/2022 (Jonah 2:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: Vigorously Heeding God's Calling - 05/25/2022 (Jonah 3:1-4)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: The Amazing Effects Of Jonah's Ministry - 06/01/2022 (Jonah 3:4-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: A Lesson In God's Great Compassionate Mercy - 06/08/2022 (Jonah 4:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Punishment Of The Common People For Idolatry - 06/15/2022 (Micah 1:1-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Punishment Of The People's Sins Against Each Other - 06/29/2022 (Micah 2:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Regathering His People As A Shepherd And King - 07/06/2022 (Micah 2:12-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Judgment Of His People's Leaders - 07/13/2022 (Micah 3:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: The Blessed Characteristics Of The Millennial Kingdom - 07/20/2022 (Micah 4:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: Israel's Spiritual History Before God's Messianic Kingdom - 07/27/2022 (Micah 4:9-5:1)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: Messiah's First Advent - 08/03/2022 (Micah 5:2-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: Messiah's Second Advent - 08/31/2022 (Micah 5:4-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: Man's Need To Obey God As A Priority - 09/07/2022 (Micah 6:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • X: God's Second Indictment And The Remnant's Hope - 09/14/2022 (Micah 6:9-7:10)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI: God's Fulfilled Messianic Blessings Of The Abrahamic Covenant - 09/21/2022 (Micah 7:11-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Attributes Applied To His Judgment - 09/28/2022 (Nahum 1:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Judgment On Nineveh Predicted - 10/05/2022 (Nahum 1:15-2:10)  - PDF
  • III: The Justification For God's Judgment On Nineveh - 10/12/2022 (Nahum 2:11-3:7)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Recompense To Nineveh For Her Abuse Of Thebes - 10/19/2022 (Nahum 3:8-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: The Comforting Completeness Of God's Judgment On Abusers - 10/26/2022 (Nahum 3:12-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: Handling God's Seeming Indifference To His People's Sins - 11/02/2022 (Habakkuk 1:1-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Wonderful Plan Amid His Horrible Judgment - 11/16/2022 (Habakkuk 1:12-2:4)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Just Punishment On Babylon And Judah - 11/30/2022 (Habakkuk 2:5-20)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: Habakkuk's Example Of Living By Faith - 12/07/2022 (Habakkuk 3:1-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: God's Worldwide Judgment Of Idolaters - 12/14/2022 (Zephaniah 1:1-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: The Targets Of God's Judgment In Judah - 12/21/2022 (Zephaniah 1:4-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: The Great Human Suffering Of God's Judgment - 12/28/2022 (Zephaniah 1:14-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: Preventing God's Punishment - 01/04/2023 (Zephaniah 2:1-3)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's Vengeance On Judah's Neighbors - 01/11/2023 (Zephaniah 2:4-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Judgment On All Men For Persistent Apostacy - 01/18/2023 (Zephaniah 3:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: God's Blessed Restoration Of The World - 02/01/2023 (Zephaniah 3:9-20)  - PDF
  • I: God's Call To Complete The Temple Construction - 02/08/2023 (Haggai 1:1-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Antidote For Discouragement In Doing His Work - 02/15/2023 (Haggai 2:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: The Need For Holiness For Ministry Blessing - 02/22/2023 (Haggai 2:10-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Encouragement Of Great Eternal Reward For Obedience - 03/01/2023 (Haggai 2:20-23)  - PDF
  • I: God's Call To Follow His Word Versus The Errant Fathers - 03/15/2023 (Zechariah 1:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: God's Message To Reverse The States Of The Gentiles And Israel - 03/22/2023 (Zechariah 1:7-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: God's Promise To Destroy Judah's Gentile Oppressors - 03/29/2023 (Zechariah 1:18-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: God's Promise To Restore And Bless Jerusalem - 04/05/2023 (Zechariah 2:1-13)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: God's Promise To Cleanse Israel For Spiritual Blessing - 04/12/2023 (Zechariah 3:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: God's Promise To Witness His Truth To The World Through Israel - 04/19/2023 (Zechariah 4:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: God's Judgment Of Israel's Individual Materialism - 04/26/2023 (Zechariah 5:1-4)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: God's Judgment Of The World's Religious And Commercial Materialism - 05/03/2023 (Zechariah 5:5-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: God's Final Judgment Of The Defiled Gentile Nations - 05/10/2023 (Zechariah 6:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • X: Israel's Restoration Under Messiah As King-Priest - 05/17/2023 (Zechariah 6:9-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI: God's Call For Obedience Above Ritualism - 05/24/2023 (Zechariah 7:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • XII: God's Turning Israel's Fasts Into Feasts - 05/31/2023 (Zechariah 8:1-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII: God's Protection Of Israel From Alexander The Great - 06/07/2023 (Zechariah 9:1-8)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIV: Christ's First Advent In Contrast To Alexander The Great - 06/14/2023 (Zechariah 9:9)  - PDF - MP3
  • XV: The Application Of Christ's World Peace At His Second Advent - 06/21/2023 (Zechariah 9:10)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVI: God's Help Through The Maccabean Era - 06/28/2023 (Zechariah 9:11-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVII: Anticipating Messiah's Kingdom Blessings - 07/05/2023 (Zechariah 10:1-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVIII: The Rejection Of Messiah And His Withdrawal Of The Kingdom - 07/12/2023 (Zechariah 11:1-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIX: God's Sending The Antichrist For Rejecting Christ - 07/19/2023 (Zechariah 11:15-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XX: God's Physical Deliverance Of Israel At Armageddon - 07/26/2023 (Zechariah 12:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • XXI: God's Spiritual Deliverance Of Israel - 08/02/2023 (Zechariah 12:10-13:9)  - PDF - MP3
  • XXII: The Second Advent Of Messiah - 08/23/2023 (Zechariah 14:1-7)  - PDF - MP3
  • XXIII: The Establishment Of Messiah's Kingdom - 08/30/2023 (Zechariah 14:8-15)  - PDF - MP3
  • XXIV: Christ's Millennial Kingdom - 09/06/2023 (Zechariah 14:16-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • I: Recalling God's Love For His Calloused People - 09/13/2023 (Malachi 1:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • II: Overcoming Disrespect For God In Our Worship - 09/20/2023 (Malachi 1:6-14)  - PDF - MP3
  • III: Overcoming Unfaithfulness As God's Messenger - 09/27/2023 (Malachi 2:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV: Overcoming Unfaithfulness In Marital Relationships - 10/04/2023 (Malachi 2:10-16)  - PDF - MP3
  • V: Overcoming Doubts About God's Righteousness - 10/11/2023 (Malachi 2:17-3:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI: Overcoming The Mishandling Of Material Blessings - 10/18/2023 (Malachi 3:7-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII: Overcoming Arrogant Insubordination Against God - 10/25/2023 (Malachi 3:13-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII: Winning And Not Losing In God's End Time Judgment - 11/01/2023 (Malachi 4:1-4)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX: God's Prophet For Leading Israel To Repent - 11/15/2023 (Malachi 4:5-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • I. Discerning The True Source For Spiritual Discernment - 11/29/2023 (1 John 1:1-4)  - PDF - MP3
  • II. Discerning True And False Spiritual Fellowship - 12/06/2023 (1 John 1:5-7)  - PDF - MP3
  • III. Discerning True And False Views Of Sin In Believers - 12/13/2023 (1 John 1:8-2:2)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV. Discerning True And False Claims Of Fellowship - 12/20/2023 (1 John 2:3-11)  - PDF - MP3
  • V. Discerning Immature Believers And Their Needs - 12/27/2023 (1 John 2:13c, 18-27)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI. Discerning Spiritual Young Men And Their Needs - 01/03/2024 (1 John 2:13b, 14b, 15-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII. Discerning Spiritual Fathers And Their Needs - 01/10/2024 (1 John 2:13a, 14a, et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII. Discerning True Fellowship With God By Its Righteousness - 01/17/2024 (1 John 2:28-3:10a)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX. Discerning True Fellowship With God By Its Love Of The Brethren - 01/24/2024 (1 John 3:10b-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • X. God's Assurances That We Love The Brethren - 01/31/2024 (1 John 3:19-24)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI. Discerning The Spirit Of God From False Spirits - 02/07/2024 (1 John 4:1-6)  - PDF - MP3
  • XII. Discerning The Love Of God - 02/14/2024 (1 John 4:7-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIII. Discerning True Spiritual Fellowship From Legalism - 02/21/2024 (1 John 5:1-5)  - PDF - MP3
  • XIV. Discerning The Father's And The Spirit's Testimonies About Jesus - 02/28/2024 (1 John 5:6-12)  - PDF - MP3
  • XV. Discerning The Triune Godhead's Objective Assurances Of Salvation - 03/13/2024 (1 John 5:6-12, 13)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVI. Discerning True, Effective Prayer - 03/20/2024 (1 John 5:14-15 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVII. Discerning Correct Intercessions For Sinning Believers - 03/27/2024 (1 John 5:16-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XVIII. Discerning Contrasting Associations For Stability - 04/03/2024 (1 John 5:18-21)  - PDF - MP3
  • I. Introduction To Spiritual Gifts - 04/10/2024  - PDF - MP3
  • II. Description Of The Spiritual Gifts - 04/17/2024  - PDF - MP3
  • III. The Filling Of The Holy Spirit - 04/24/2024 (Ephesians 5:18 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV. Special Ministries Of The Spirit - 05/01/2024 (John 16:12-15 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • I. Overcoming A Tolerance For Extrabiblical Thinking - 05/08/2024 (1 Timothy 1:4b et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • II. Watching Our Attention To Avoid Apostasy - 05/15/2024 (1 Timothy 4:13 et al.)  - PDF - MP3
  • III. Enduring Spiritual Hardship In Ministry - 05/22/2024 (2 Timothy 2:3-6)  - PDF
  • IV. Axiomatic Truths For Edifying Living - 05/29/2024 (1 Timothy 1:15-16; 3:1; 4:8-9; 2 Timothy 2:11-13; Titus 3:8)  - PDF - MP3
  • V. Avoiding The Things Of Satan - 06/05/2024 (1 Timothy 1:18-20; 3:6; 3:7; 4:1-5; 5:11-15; 2 Timothy 2:24-26)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI. Avoiding Those Captured By Satan - 06/12/2024 (2 Timothy 3:1-9)  - PDF - MP3
  • I. Insight From Jeremiah's Call To The Ministry - 06/19/2024 (Jeremiah 1:1-10)  - PDF - MP3
  • II. Insight From Jeremiah's Ministry Assignment - 06/26/2024 (Jeremiah 1:11-19)  - PDF - MP3
  • III. Insight From God's Contrast Of Spiritual Ministries - 07/03/2024 (Jeremiah 3:15; 5:30-31)  - PDF - MP3
  • IV. Dealing With Ambivalent Feelings For The Sinful - 07/10/2024 (Jeremiah 8:18-9:9)  - PDF - MP3
  • V. Handling Spiritual Opposition From Close Associates - 07/17/2024 (Jeremiah 11:18-12:6)  - PDF - MP3
  • VI. Jeremiah's Battle Of Heeding God Over His Sinful Hearers - 07/24/2024 (Jeremiah 15:10-16:9)  - PDF - MP3
  • VII. Jeremiah's Victory Of Heeding God Over Shockingly Evil Hearers - 07/31/2024 (Jeremiah 18:12-23)  - PDF - MP3
  • VIII. Learning From Jeremiah's Struggle Over Open Opposition - 08/21/2024 (Jeremiah 20:1-18)  - PDF - MP3
  • IX. Jeremiah's Example Of Not Being Intimidated By Opponents - 08/28/2024 (Jeremiah 26:1-24)  - PDF
  • X. Jeremiah's Exemplary Response To A Godless Competing Prophet - 09/04/2024 (Jeremiah 27:1-2, 12-15; 28:1-17)  - PDF - MP3
  • XI. Jeremiah's Exemplary Response To A Politicking False Prophet - 09/11/2024 (Jeremiah 29:1-32)  - PDF - MP3

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