Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Prayer Meeting Lesson Notes -

Luke: Jesus, The Son Of Man For All Mankind
Part LXXVIII: Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Control Of Events For His Arrest
(Luke 21:37-22:16)
  1. Introduction
    1. If Jesus is the true God's true Savior of the world, there should be some evidence that He gave Himself to be arrested and crucified that contradicts the idea that He was captured against His will as a mere mortal.
    2. Luke 21:37-22:16 provides abundant evidence that Jesus was very aware of and in control of the events that led up to His arrest and its resulting crucifixion, and we view this passage for our edification:
  2. Christ's Identity As God's Savior Seen In His Control Of Events For His Arrest, Luke 21:37-22:16.
    1. Luke 21:37 NIV, ESV reports that in the week before His arrest, Jesus spent each day teaching in the temple and each night on the Mount of Olives, developing a routine His disciples would easily recall.
    2. This routine was so set, the crowds came early each day to the temple to hear Jesus teach, Luke 22:38.
    3. Indeed, the arrest occurred at the Garden of Gethsemanee at the Mount of Olives, for Judas knew He would be found there that night due to the regularity of this routine, cf. Luke 22:39, 47, 54; John 18:1-2!
    4. Yet, in Luke 22:15, Jesus told His disciples He had desired to eat the Passover with them before He died!
    5. Now, for this meal to occur, Christ had to hinder the leaders from arresting Him at the Last Supper itself:
      1. Luke 22:1-2 states the leaders wanted to kill Jesus, but they feared arresting Him in front of the people.
      2. Yet, the Last Supper was held in a private residence, an opportune place for the leaders to arrest Jesus.
      3. Nevertheless, Jesus wanted to observe that meal with His disciples undisturbed by an arrest, Lk. 22:15.
    6. Luke 22:3-13 then details how Christ thwarted the efforts of Judas and Israel's leaders to arrest Him at the Last Supper instead of doing so later that evening in Gethsemanee at the Mount of Olives (as follows):
      1. Luke 22:4 notes Satan moved Judas to meet with Israel's leaders to plan to betray Jesus to them.
      2. The leaders were happy to work with Judas, and agreed to pay him money were Judas to turn Jesus over to them in the absence of the crowds, Luke 22:5-6.
      3. Knowing Judas had made plans to betray Him, Jesus worked to arrange to eat His last Passover meal with the disciples without Judas knowing beforehand where the location was in order to keep Judas unable to inform the religious leaders lest they interrupt th e meal, Luke 22:7-13:
        1. When the day came to celebrate the Passover, Jesus sent Peter and John, not any other of the 12 disciples, especially Judas Iscariot, to prepare a place for the meal, Luke 22:7-8.
        2. When they asked Jesus where to prepare the meal, in front of the others and Judas Iscariot, Jesus replied that they would find the place in a way only Peter and John would know: He claimed that in entering the city, they would see a man who unusually (versus a woman) was carrying a pitcher of water, and they were to follow him, Luke 22:9-10b; Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, 1978, ftn. to Lk. 22:10.
        3. When this man entered a certain building, Peter and John were to enter it after him and say to the owner of the house that the Master wanted to know where the guest chamber was for Him and His disciples to eat the Passover, Luke 22:10c-11. Jesus explained the owner would show them a large upper room that was furnished, and that they were to prepare the Passover meal there, Luke 22:12.
        4. Peter and John found the place, and Judas was kept ignorant of its location until he arrived there with the others and Jesus, keeping him unable to tell Israel's leaders that they not interrupt the meal!
      4. Jesus then ate the Passover meal just as He had planned, telling His disciples of His great desire to eat it with them in view of the fact that His next meal with them would be in His Kingdom, Lk. 22:14-16.
      5. Thus, when Judas later left the meal (John 13:27-30), Jesus guided His men to leave the upper room (John 14:31c) and head toward Gethsemanee at the Mount of Olives where Judas knew from Jesus' routine that he could find and betray Jesus, Luke 22:39 with John 18:1-2!
Lesson: Jesus controlled events so His arrest would occur when and where He planned for it to occur.

Application: (1) May we believe that Jesus is God's true Messiah and Son by His directing His arrest! (2) May we trust even the unusual events God lets us face are in His will, and adjust! (3) If God leads us in unusual ways as He led Peter and John, trust He has a good reason, and simply heed Him!