We the inhabitants of New Hartford South end vicinity, in pursuance of the 18th section of a certain statute law of the State of Connecticut entitled, "An act relating to religious Societies of Congregations" do form ourselves into a Society for the maintenance of public worship of Almighty God in said South part of New Hartford and do adopt the following as the Constitution thereof.
This Society shall be styled the New Hartford South Ecclesiastical Society.
The officers of said Society shall consist of a Society committee not exceeding five in number, nor of a less number than there is a clerk and treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the Society and be chosen annually in the last Monday of the month of October and any member of the Society who shall receive a majority of votes for either of said offices shall be considered duly elected.
The majority of the Society's Committee shall order the general affairs of the Society the year ensuing their appointments and shall employ a minister or ministers with the advice and consent of the Society
The clerk shall take the oath prescribed by law and shall make entries of all the votes and proceedings of the Society, and shall continue in office until another be chosen and sworn in his room.
The Treasurer shall receive and keep all monies paid into the treasury, and shall at the annual meeting of the Society, and often as if requested by a vote of the Society make report of the amount received, and when and for what purpose paid out, and shall pay no money from the treasury without an order in writing under the hand of a majority of the Society's Committee and shall lodge a copy of the order so given and paid by him, with the clerk of the Society.
Should the Society through inadvertancy or any other cause, fail to hold its annual meeting as is provided in the second article of this constitution, the Society shall not thereby loose its organization, but it shall be the duty of such officer or officers of the Society as shall have power to have a meeting of the Society for the choice of officers as is provided for in said section, and all the officers then appointed, shall have and exercise all the duties and powers to as full extent, as if they had received their appointment in the month of October, as said section provides.
The Society shall not have the power to tax its members for any purpose whatever.
The center of said Society shall be considered as established at the corner, near Col. Kellogg's.
The Constitution of this Society may be altered and amended by the vote of not less than two thirds of its members present in a legal meeting called for its alteration or amendments.