Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Sermon Notes -
"Part I: Genesis - The Sources Of Calamity And Good In Our Origins"
Need: "With all of the complexities of problems in the world, where can one sensibly go just to START to find solutions? Why? How?!"
- All that is wholesome comes from the Creator God Who is good!
- All that exists that is wholesome was made by the God of the Bible:
- God created all that exists in the universe, Gn. 1:1-27; Jn. 1:3.
- He instituted all that is wholesome in relationships, Gen. 2:17-24.
- God made humans the rulers of His entire created earth, 2:8-15.
- God made the man to be the leader of his wife, Gen. 2:17-23.
- God made the man to leave his parents and to cleave to his wife, forming a monogamous, heterosexual, intimate, permanent union in starting a new, sovereign family unit, 2:24; Mt. 19:3-6.
- God gave humans the spiritual task of preferring the tree of life over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2:9,16-17.
- All that God created and instituted was very wholesome, Gen. 1:31.
- Conversely, all that is calamitous originates with sin against God!
- Satan, the chief created angel, sinned in proudly trying to usurp the role of the Creator God of the Bible, Ez. 28:11-19 and Is. 14:12-15.
- Therefore, he was cast out of his office in God's heaven, Rv. 12:4a.
- He came to usurp the order and rule of God on the earth; he tempted Eve thru the serpent who in turn urged Adam into sin, Gen. 3:1-6.
- The results of this rebellion against God was devastating for man:
- Marital disharmony resulted from humanity's sin, Gen. 3:7, 12.
- Mankind's discord with God came from this sin, Gen. 3:8, 23-24.
- Mankind's strife with nature arose from sin, 3:13, 14-15, 17b-19.
- Pain and sorrow in reproduction resulted from this sin, Gen. 3:16.
- Physical death arose from sin, Gen. 3:19b; 2:17 with Rom. 5:12.
- Employment difficulties arose from sin, Gen. 3:17c-19a.
- Environmental hardship came from sin, Gen. 3:17c-18; Ro. 8:20.
- Family strife and murder came from sin, Gen. 4:1-15.
- Extended family alienation came from sin, Gen. 4:16.
- Humans turned to urbanization to create a shield against the effects of sin's curse, Gen. 4:17. Thus, urban problems arose in history .
- A host of sexually aberrational behaviors arose by sin, Gen. 4:19.
- Various inventions came from Cain's sons to compensate for their inability to r aise crops; this led to marketing troubles, Gn. 4:20-22.
- Communal atrocities arose because of sin, Gen. 4:23-24.
- Thus, man's society inevitably turned self-destructive, 6:1-2,11-12.
- Since the Creator God is good, He checked man's self-devastation with a point-by-point program to save him from his sin!
- God cleansed the earth with a flood to restore order on earth, 6:3-14.
- He promised never to destroy the earth again by a flood, Gen. 9:9-17.
- Yet, sin lingered in the flood's survivors, 9:20-27. Nimrod, a godless descendant of Noah led a world witchcraft union at Babel (a zodiac on the tower's top, (Waltke, Th.D., DTS & Ph.D., Harvard)) to meet man's fears in stead of trusting God and scattering from e/o over the earth, 9:1;10:8-10;11:1-4. Thus, God spread man out via languages, leaving him insecure enough to have to trust in Him, 11:6-9;10:25!
- Rev. 17:5-6 shows that by Satan's influence, Nimrod's error began to apostatize the nations by stealth; seeing this, God privately thus chose a counter Noahic descendant, Abraham, to form a nation to be used by Him (see "IV" below) to usher in His rule and defeat sin in man, Gen.12:1-3 and Rev. 12:1 with Gen. 37:5-11.
- However, sin in Abraham and his family so harmed relations that his family unit nearly dissolved and ended God's program, Gn.13-41!
- Yet, in His eternal wisdom and grace, God countered this challenge by relying upon the unconditional nature of His promises to Abraham to preserve his program thru the ages, Gen. 15:13-2 (as a sample). In Genesis, God's ULTIMATE solution to sin, the "thread of redemption" begins its marvelous journey through the Bible:
- When man sinned, God graciously killed animals and gave their skins to replace man's futile self-help fig leaf clothing, Gn. 3:7,21. This anticipates the substitutionary death of Christ, the Lamb of God, the Second Adam and seed of Abraham to replace our futile works with His righteousness, Jn. 1:29; 1 Cor. 15:22; 2 Cor. 5:21.
- Christ's Calvary defeat of Satan, the serpent is forecast in Gn. 3:15.
- The Abrahamic Covenant predicts salvation, Gn. 22:18; Ga. 3:13ff
- As are all others through history, people in Genesis were justified by God through faith alone, Gen. 15:5-6 with Rom. 4:9-12.
Application: To handle ANY calamity and head toward wholesome solutions, ALWAYS START with (1) faith in Christ as Savior from sin to receive eternal life, Jn. 3:16. With this step comes the indwelling Holy Spirit's presence to live above sin and the world and the devil, Gal. 5:16-23; 1 Jn. 5:4, 2:14. (2) Then w e confess any sins we do and rely on the Spirit to obey Scripture, 1 J. 1:9; Ga. 5:16ff; Ro. 8:3-4. (3) Next, we wait by faith on God to fulfill His Abrahamic Covenant through Jesus Christ and usher in permanent blessing for the world!
Lesson: All that is good started with God. All that is calamitous comes from sin. What rescues man from calamity is salvation through Christ!