Psalms: Living By
Faith In God
CXIX. The Vast
Value Of God’s Word
M. God’s Path To
Edifying Insight
(Psalm 119:97-104
Introduction: (To show the need . . .)
One of the greatest needs we face in
today’s world is the need to gain edifying insight:
(1) To illustrate, Vincent Vurchio
of Cherry Valley, N. Y., a former resident of Waterbury, in a letter to the
Waterbury Republican-American (January 17, 2025, p. 6A), reported that the
newspaper “is due to be sold to a major conglomerate,” and that the “new owners
have an obligation to the community to support and continue the integrity of
this paper” that “has . . . an honest voice,” that “silencing or altering that
voice would be criminal.” Mr. Vurchio explained
his concern, reporting that “past episodes of similar takeovers have shown . .
. a homogenization occurs, and, like Star Trek’s Borg, assimilation leads to
elimination. Let us all hope that
doesn’t happen here.”
(2) Mr. Vurchio’s concern is a valid
one, for (a) a letter to the paper by George Lampron of Watertown lamented,
“I’m so confused . . . Over these last eight years, hourly, maybe by the minute
I hear and read things from (Washington) D. C. that I know are lies . . .
Normally I can speak facts and truth without an issue. Currently, my facts and truth are called lies
– am I a victim of the age we live in or age itself? . . . Something is wrong
and I can’t put my finger on it . . .” (Ibid., January 11, 2025, p. 6A) (b) In
response to Mr. Lampron’s letter, Jim LaBrecque of Cheshire wrote that “the
United States is essentially split in half with alternate views of the truth .
. . Mr. Lampron alludes to Democrat lies.
I believe that Donald Trump lies.” (Ibid., January 15, 2025, p. 9A)
(3) To demonstrate this contrast in
views, we cite the article, “Why Javier Milei is important” by David Harsanyi
(Ibid., p. 8A) who noted, “In the days leading up to the November 2023
presidential election in Argentina, a hundred ‘leading’ economists from around
the world . . . published an open letter warning that ‘radical right-wing
economist’ Javier Milei would inflict ‘devastation’ and social chaos on his
country.” Argentina had faced “decades
of . . . a toxic melding of fascism, socialism and unionism – the nation
bankrupted its central bank, and the peso was depreciating at warp speed . . .
(but) (a)fter Milei’s unlikely victory,” in “(s)even months . . . Argentina was
out of the recession that had set in before Melei’s victory. The chainsaw-wielding economist . . .
followed through on his promise of ‘shock therapy,’ prioritizing taming
inflation by cutting spending and deregulating the economy . . . By May 2024,
Argentina recorded its first quarterly budget surplus since 2008. Inflation, still high, dropped from a
debilitating 25% at the end of 2023 to 2.4% by the end of 2024. Per capita salary, having plunged, is now
also recovering . . . . (Accordingly, Melei’s) success . . . is no
miracle. Free markets work.”
(4) The need for edifying insight is
great in the religious realm, too: “Nearly 400 million people – more than the
population of the United States – are expected to participate” in “the largest
religious congregation on earth,” the “Maha Kumbh festival . . . for a series
of ritual baths at the confluence of the Ganges, the Yamuna and the mythical
Saraswati rivers. Hindu faithful believe
the holy dip will cleanse them of their past sins and release their souls from
the cycles of birth and death.” (“India gathers world’s largest religious
festival,” Ibid., January 14, 2025, p. 7A)
Need: So, we
ask, “How is one in today’s world able to gain edifying insight?”
In Psalm 119:98-100, the psalmist told how he
had gained more edifying insight than others around him:
A. He had become aligned with God’s fixed moral order by heeding God’s Scriptural commands so that he enjoyed success and blessing in life in contrast to his foes who tried to combat those blessings for him, v. 98:
1. Through God’s commandments, the Lord had made the psalmist “wiser” (v. 98a KJV) than his enemies.
2. The word “wiser” translates the Hebrew verb hakam, what is usually rendered simply as “make wise.”
3. However, Bruce K. Waltke’s article, “The Book of Proverbs and Ancient Wisdom Literature” (Bib. Sac. 136:543, p. 221-238) reports how Ancient Near Eastern peoples held “wisdom” to be alignment to “a fixed moral order to which a righteous man submits himself” for success. Scripture’s writers knew that God is the Author of that fixed moral order, that when people submit to it, they enjoy God’s success and blessing.
4. Thus, the psalmist had submitted to God’s Word where his foes had not, what gave him the advantage of enjoying God’s blessing and success where his foes faced relentless failure in opposing him, v. 98b.
B. Also, by meditating on Scripture, the psalmist had gained more “understanding” (v. 99a KJV) than his teachers, the Hebrew word behind “understanding” being sakal, the “intelligent knowledge of the reason” behind a fact (Psalm 119:99; H. A. W., Theol. Wrdbk. of the O. T., 1980, v. II, p. 877).
C. Since the psalmist observed the precepts of God’s Word, he testified, “I understand more than the ancients” (v. 100 KJV), and “understand” (KJV) translates the Hebrew verb bin in the Hithpael stem that means to “show oneself to have discernment” (B. D. B., A Heb. and Eng. Lex. of the O. T., p. 106-107; Ibid., H. A. W.)
Consequently, the psalmist expressed how he loved God’s Word, that all
day long it was the object of his meditation, giving him insight and its
resulting success over his foes, teachers and aged wise men, v. 97.
After this report, the psalmist testified how
gaining God’s insight had enriched his life, Psa. 119:101-104:
A. Having seen God bless him in his life because he heeded Scripture, the psalmist had decided to avoid sin and obey God’s Word for his own continued welfare, Psalm 119:101.
B. The psalmist had kept himself from going down paths in life that might lead to evil so that he might insure that he kept on obeying Scripture for God’s continued blessing, Psalm 119:102.
C. Furthermore, the psalmist had found that focusing on God’s Word wholesomely edified his inner man, for God’s words were innately appealing to his heart’s needs, Psalm 119:103.
D. In spiritually growing in his level of spiritual “discernment” (bin in the Hithpael again, cf. v. 100; Ibid., B. D. B.; Ibid., H. A. W.) by meditating on and applying Scripture, the psalmist had come to hate every fraudulent path in life, meaning that he had grown in holiness, or separation from sin, Psalm 119:104.
Lesson: By meditating on Scripture, the
psalmist aligned with God’s fixed moral order for blessing in contrast to his
foes who in futility disregarded Scripture, and he even gained more insight and
discernment to his blessing than his teachers and the elderly wise men in his
community. Thus, the psalmist was all
the more motivated to keep focusing on Scripture, what God used to disciple him
into a maturing, holy, godly life.
Application: (1) May we trust in Christ Who
died as our Atoning Sacrifice for sin that we might receive God's gift of
eternal life, John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
(2) For fulfilling success and blessing opposite the efforts of our
enemies to keep us from success and blessing, for a more intelligent knowledge
of facts than even our teachers, for greater discernment than even elderly wise
people and to mature in godliness, may we meditate on God’s Word.
Conclusion: (To illustrate the message and/or provide additional guidance
. . .)
We apply Psalm
119:97-104 and other Scriptures for needed insight regarding the issues of our
(1) As for Vincent
Vurchio’s concern about the Republican-American’s future sale to a major
conglomerate, that the “honest voice” of the paper might potentially be compromised
in “homogenization” with dishonest journalism, (a) Psalm 119:98 promises that
meditating on God’s Word will equip us to be aligned with God’s fixed moral
order, giving us an advantage of being successful and blessed over parties in
the media who want to feed us errant, manipulative views! (b) In addition, 2 Timothy 3:13-17 and John
17:13-17 tell us that God’s Word is truth, that it equips us for every good
work until the Lord’s return! Regardless
what happens to the Waterbury Republican-American, God can and will use His
Word to guide us in the truth!
(2) As for the concern
expressed in the letters to the editor by George Lampron and Jim LaBrecque,
though both men have opposite views of who is telling the truth, the Democrats
or President Donald Trump, Scripture at Psalm 119:98 with 2 Timothy 3:13-17 and
John 17:13-17 promises that we possess and that we can know the truth by means
of Scripture. Also, (b) Romans 3:4
claims that every man is a liar to one degree or another, so we need to rely on
Scripture and not make either the Democrats or President Donald Trump our God
of truth! (c) Regardless who is in power
politically, we have often noted that Revelation 3:21 with 7:17 teach that we
face a mini-Great Tribulation that involves troublesome rulers, so God wants us
to focus on Bible exposition and the discipling of others.
(3) As for David
Harsanyi’s piece on Argentina’s President Javier Milei’s economic reforms that
are working in his nation regardless of past warnings to the contrary by many
progressive economists, Harsanyi’s summary, “Free markets work” is also a Biblically
correct summary: In Christ’s future reign, Micah 4:4 predicts His subjects will
sit every man under his vine and his fig tree, implying private property ownership
and free markets. Marxist ideology where
private ownership is replaced by state ownership and heavy government regulation
defies God’s order!
(4) As for the largest
religious congregation on earth in the current Hindu Maha Kkumbh festival in
India, Romans 1:18-23 teaches that God has revealed His invisible attributes,
eternal power and divine nature in creation so that even pagan people in
Hinduism are without excuse. If Hindus want
to know the Creator, He will reveal Himself to them, for God is not far from
every pagan man on earth according to Acts 17:27. The Creator’s Holy Spirit is also very active
in the world urging people worldwide to come to faith in Christ (Revelation
22:17 with John 16:7-11).
we trust in Christ Who died as our Atoning Sacrifice for sin that we might
receive God’s gift of eternal life. For
fulfilling insight, success, and blessing, may we meditate on God’s Word as a
way of life!