Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Prayer Meeting Lesson Notes -
Part II: God's Sustainment Of Israel In The Wilderness Amid Humanly Hopeless Trials
M. God's Establishment Of The Tabernacle Of Meeting
5. The Veils: Christ Our Full Access To God
(Exodus 26:31-37)
- Introduction
- Various religious groups struggle with lingering guilt and a supposed sense of obligation to find God's approval and acceptance for salvation and forgiveness by way of appealing to another mediator besides Jesus or performing certain works or sacraments to attain a sure salvation status.
- The Scripture's revelation on the tabernacle veils address these concerns with edifying insight:
- The Veils: Christ Our Full Access To God, Exodus 26:31-37.
- Having discussed the three key articles of furniture in the tabernacle, God told Moses how to build and arrange the tabernacle itself that would house these furnishings, cf. Bible Knowledge Com., O. T., p. 149.
- God thus had Moses build the veil doors to the the tabernacle's Holy Place and the Holiest of Holies, veils that typify Christ as our Access to God, and their Biblical history reveals the completeness of that access:
- God had Moses create a highly decorated veil to separate the Holiest of Holies from the Holy Place:
- Moses was to make a veil of fine white linen with embroidered cherubim in blue, purple and scarlet yarn, the same decore as the inner coverings of the tabernacle, Ex. 26:31 with 26:1; Ibid., p. 150.
- This veil was to hang on four posts of acacia wood that were overlaid with gold, and these posts were to stand in silver sockets just like the tabernacle wall frames stood, Exodus 26:31-32.
- The veil was to separate the Holy Place from the Holiest of Holies where the ark of the covenant with its mercy seat was located, Exodus 26:33-34.
- Then, God had Moses create a less-decorated veil to cover the outside opening of the Holy Place:
- A second veil of fine linen was to be decorated with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, but apparently not decorated with cherubim that dwelt in God's heavenly presence, Exodus 26:36; Ibid.
- This second veil was to set on five pillars of acacia wood that were overlaid with gold, but their sockets were to be of bronze to match the exterior bronze works of the tabernacle, Ibid.; Ex. 26:37.
- Both veils typify Christ in His Person and work (as follows):
- As the posts upholding both veils were made of acacia wood symbolizing Christ's humanity, and were overlaid with gold to symbolize His deity, they picture Christ in His incarnation, cf. John 1:14.
- Both veils provided doorways of access to God, signifying Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, that no man comes unto the Father but by Him, John 14:6.
- However, the inner veil, the one decorated with the cherubim to signify God's glory, was torn from top to bottom at Christ's death to signifiy His atonement so fully satiated the wrath of God against our sin that full, eternal access to the Father was made by that atonement, cf. Matthew 27:50-51. This was a great feat as the veil in Jesus' era "was 4 inches thick, was renewed every year, and . . . horses tied to each side could not pull it apart," Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, ftn. to Ex. 26:31-35! In effect, this event also demonstrated the great longing of God to reach out to lost men and save them!
- Hebrews 10:19-25 provides wonderful, far-reaching applications due to this feat: (1) so fully is the Father satisfied with Christ's atonement that we believers can be very bold in approaching Him in prayer, Hebrews 10:19-21. (2) So complete is Christ's atonement in our behalf that we can be fully assured of our standing in Him before God as forgiven spiritual sons, Hebrews 10:22; 9:24-28. (3) This standing should motivate us (a) to hold firm to our profession of the Christian faith, (b) to provoke one another to godly works and (c) not to cease assembling ourselves together to edify one another in view of Christ's return and our subsequent accounting to Him, Hebrews 10:23-25!
Lesson: The tabernacle veils in light of Biblical history reveal that Christ's death so fully satisfied the righteous demands of a holy God that no other mediator or work is needed to provide a full, lasting salvation. Christ, our All-Sufficient Savior, alone provides us full, eternal access to the Father.
Application: May we boldly relish our standing before God in Christ, but also responsibly hold firmly to the faith, faithfully serve God and edify one another in view of our accounting to Him at His return!