IV. Anna: God’s
Servant Who Supported A Godly Man’s Ministry
(Luke 2:21-38)
When God
created the first woman, He made her to be a helpmeet for the first man,
Genesis 2:20-23.
women were prophetesses of the Lord whose ministries are recorded in Scripture,
and their ministries involved specific relationships with men, revealing God’s
idea of a woman’s being a man’s proper helpmeet.
We view
each prophetess in her ministry to learn God’s lessons on a woman’s godly role
as a helpmeet.
Anna: God’s
Servant Who Supported A Godly Man’s Ministry, Luke 2:21-38.
the life of Christ occurred during the dispensation of the Law (Galatians 4:4),
the last prophetess of the Lord under the Law before the dispensation of the
Church was Anna in Luke 2:36-38.
ministry complemented the prophetic ministry of the elderly man Simeon of Luke
2:25-35 who met Joseph and Mary as they were come to the temple of the Lord to
fulfill their duty under the Mosaic Law to offer an appropriate sacrifice for
the Infant Jesus Who was Mary’s firstborn son, Luke 2:22-24.
Simeon affirmed
to Joseph and Mary that Jesus was the Messiah in Luke 2:25-35, and right after
he had stated this truth, the prophetess Anna came up and gave thanks to God
for the arrival of Jesus as the infant Messiah, and she shared news of His
arrival to all in Jerusalem who hoped for Messiah’s Kingdom, Luke 2:36-38.
The very
actions of Simeon and Anna in their ministries reflect the proper role of a man
and a woman in relating to each other, with Simeon as the man and Anna as the
woman who was a true helpmeet to Simeon:
lived in Jerusalem (Luke 2:25), and the Holy Spirit led him to enter the temple
to meet the Infant Jesus and His parents and affirm to them Jesus’ identify as
Messiah (Luke 2:27-35). In contrast,
Anna spent much time in the temple serving God with fastings and prayer, but though she was already there, Anna was not led of God to be
the first to meet Jesus, but to do so after Simeon, Luke 2:36-38.
fulfilled the Deuteronomy 19:15b role of the first witness, and Anna that of
the Biblical second witness, that the truth of Jesus’ identify might be affirmed
through them in accord with the Law.
Simeon aggressively
took up the Infant Messiah Jesus in his arms and blessed God as a male leader
where Anna did not gather the Infant Jesus up in her arms, for she was a woman
who was not Jesus’ mother, so she took the more passive role of confirming the words
of the man Simeon, Luke 2:28, 38.
emphasized the First Advent of Christ’s suffering and death and Anna rounded
out the ministry of Christ by speaking of His subsequent Second Advent in
establishing His kingdom, Luke 2:32-35, 38.
Simeon mentioned
Israel’s sinful coming rejection of Jesus where Anna rounded out the ministries
of Christ by speaking of God’s later blessed, gracious salvation of Israel
through Christ, Luke 2:34-35, 38.
began the declaration about Jesus to His immediate earthly family members while
Anna spread that news about Christ to all the other believers who lived in
Jerusalem, Luke 2:33, 38.
asked God to let him die in peace now since he had seen God’s Messiah where
Anna continued the work begun by Simeon in broadcasting to other believers news
of Messiah’s arrival, Luke 2:29-30, 38.
and Anna were both elderly people, culturally respected for their age (Luke
2:26-29, 36-37), so their testimonies added great weight to the affirmation
that Jesus was the Messiah!
Lesson: The
roles of a man and of woman as his helpmeet were displayed in specific ways in
the ministries of elderly Simeon and Anna in their meeting of the Infant Jesus
in the temple: Simeon was led of God to take the initiative to meet the Infant
Jesus and His parents first while Anna followed later; Simeon was the first
witness, Anna the second witness Biblically to confirm Simeon’s witness in
fulfillment of Scripture; Simeon as the man aggressively took up the Infant
Jesus where the woman Anna passively only spoke of Him; Simeon emphasized
Christ’s First Advent, and Anna rounded out Christ’s ministry by speaking of
His Second Coming; Simeon highlighted Christ’s suffering, and Anna rounded out
that message, speaking of the hope of His reign to follow; Simeon mentioned Israel’s
sinful rejection of Christ where Anna rounded out that word, mentioning
Israel’s later redemption; Simeon addressed Jesus’ parents, and Anna broadened
that address to other believers; Simeon prepared to die after meeting Jesus,
and Anna continued the work begun by Simeon, and both Simeon and Anna as
culturally respected elderly people saw their testimonies used of God to Israel
about the Infant Messiah Jesus!
May we men and women follow the pattern of God’s roles for us in ministry as
men and women in the pattern set by God’s use of Simeon and Anna that we might
be effectively used of Him for His glory.