V: The Blessed Characteristics Of The Millennial Kingdom

(Micah 4:1-8)


I.               Introduction

A.    Micah, who was “a Judean from Moresheth in the SW of Palestine, preached to the common people of Judah.” (Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, 1978, p. 1283, “Introduction to the Book of Micah: The Prophet.”)

B.    God’s coming judgment on the people for their sin against Him and against each other would be unavoidable and severe, but in the end, His Abrahamic Covenant would be honored, and Israel would be blessed.

C.    We view Micah 4:1-8 of the blessed characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom for our insight and application:

II.            The Blessed Characteristics Of The Millennial Kingdom, Micah 4:1-8.

A.    In vast contrast to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple mount that was predicted in Micah 3:12, in the Millennial Kingdom, Jerusalem and the temple mount will be the most exalted places on earth.

B.    Micah predicted twelve blessed characteristics of that coming Kingdom in Micah 4:1-8 (as follows):

1.      In the “last days,” here referring to the Millennial Kingdom, the temple mount will “be the center of the millennial government, the place where Christ will rule,” Micah 4:1a; Bible Know. Com., O. T., p. 1483.

2.      At that time, “the religious and political systems will be closely related,” and “directed by the Messiah-King,” it “will be predominant in the world,” being “raised above the hills” around it, Micah 4:1b; Ibid.

3.      Because of the worldwide centrality and greatness of this religious and political system, people from around the world will travel into it, Micah 4:1c; Ibid., p. 1483-1484.

4.      Opposite the spiritual state of Israel in Micah’s era where people in Israel were not interested in obeying God’s Word, in the Millennium, many nations will come to the temple mount to be taught by the Lord that they might walk in His ways, Micah 4:2a; Ibid., p. 1484.

5.      The reason for this influx of nations to the Jerusalem temple will be that the “instruction” (not the Mosaic “Law”) will be given in Jerusalem and God’s Word will be taught there, Micah 4:2b; Ibid.

6.      In contrast to the way Israel’s people in Micah’s day chaffed under the Word of God, in the Millennium, many peoples and strong nations worldwide will bring their disputes to the Lord at Jerusalem, submitting to His judgment as they will realize His ways are just and right, Micah 4:3a; Ibid.

7.      Consequently, peace will be universal, for implements of war will be turned into agricultural tools and no one will need to train people for war since the nations will be at peace, Micah 4:3b.  In a world that people today can only hope to realize, the earth’s resources will be used for good and not destruction, Ibid.

8.      Opposite conditions in Micah’s era where “Israel’s leaders were forecasting peace for those who could pay the price (Micah 3:5),” in the Millennium, each person will “sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree” with “none” making them “afraid,” for “the mouth of the Lord of hosts [lit. “armies”] hath spoken it,
Micah 4:4 KJV; Ibid.  God will enforce private property ownership and personal security in the Kingdom.

9.      In contrast to Micah’s day when all people walked in the name of their false god, in the Millennium, Israel will walk in the name of the Lord, obeying His Word, Micah 4:5; Ibid., Ryrie, ftn. to Micah 4:5.

10.  In the Kingdom, God will regather the exiles He had driven away in punishment, bringing them back to Israel, Micah 4:6; Ibid., Bible Know. Com., O. T.  “From books of the Bible written later it became clear that God’s millennial kingdom did not come with the return from the Babylonian Exile (see the Books of Ezra, Neh., Es, Hag., Zech., and Mal.,” but in the “Tribulation, Jews will be persecuted (Dan. 7:25) and scattered (cf. Zech. 14:5); then when Christ returns, they will be regathered (Matt. 24:31),” Ibid.

11.  Opposite Israel’s spiritual and moral weakness in Micah’s time, “the returned remnant . . . of believing Jews will become a strong nation,” and the Lord will rule over them forever, Micah 4:7; Ibid., p. 1485.

12.  In the Millennial Kingdom, Jerusalem, figuratively viewed as the tower of the flock that watched over Israel like a shepherd watches over his sheep from a tower, would have her dominion restored over the united single nation of Israel, for the Messiah will be reigning over it from Jerusalem.  In addition, no longer will Gentiles rule over Israel, for she will have her own sovereign government, Micah 4:8; Ibid.


Lesson: In Christ’s Kingdom, the temple mount will be exalted above all governments on earth because the religious and political power will reside in Messiah’s reign.  Christ will provide worldwide discipling, governing, peace, personal security, spiritual sensitivity, the regathering of Israel, her strengthening and lasting dominion.


Application: May we rejoice in the future blessings of Christ’s Kingdom and imitate what we can of it even today.