Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Evening Sermon Notes -

Part XXV: Becoming The Kind Of Person God Uses In Apostate Times
(1 Kings 19:19-21)
  1. Introduction
    1. When people depart from God as in the days of Israel's monarchy, personal and social decay abound.
    2. So, for the believer who wishes to be a person God uses in apostate times, he needs to live in contrast to the vices of apostates, and we have a great example in the man God chose to take Elijah's place:
  2. Becoming The Kind Of Person God Uses In Apostate Times, 1 Kings 19:19-21.
    1. God told Elijah to anoint Elisha, the son of Shaphat to be God's main prophet after him, 1 Kings 19:16b.
    2. If we study the events surrounding Elijah's contact of Elisha to fulfill this appointing assignment, sterling qualities in Elisha are apparent that COUNTER the characteristics of the apostate people around him:
      1. Elisha reflected a solid reputation in contrast to apostates, 1 Kings 19:19a:
        1. The name, "Elisha" means "my God is Salvation," Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, ftn. to 1 Kings 19:19.
        2. Thus, the parents who named him stood out as people committed to the Lord in the midst of a land where even its king was notably idolatrous, cf. 1 Kings 16:30-33, 34.
        3. Elisha thus had a great heritage and spiritual reputation that countered the decaying home and family life in his era as is exemplified in the family tragedy of 1 Kings 16:34.
      2. Elisha was industrious on the job in contrast to the lack of productivity of many apostates, 19:19b: Elijah found Elisha very industriously plowing and overseeing eleven plowers in front of him.
      3. Elisha lived by faith in God in contrast to many apostates around him, 1 Kings 19:19b:
        1. Following a 3 year drought (cf. 1 Kings 17:1; Luke 4:25) and its obvious affect to end effective farming efforts, Elijah's prayer for an abundant rainfall was answered, 1 Kings 18:41, 45.
        2. Thus, a move to plow in order to plant and raise crops like Elisha was doing would have been an act of faith in God's Word from His messenger, Elijah, that the long drought was surely finished, that there would be the early and latter rains that would bring these crops to fruition, 1 Kings 19:19b.
        3. So, in contrast to so many like Ahab who trusted in Baal, Elisha believed God's messenger, Elijah, and showed his faith by plowing boldly with twelve yoke of oxen, 1 Kings 19:19b.
      4. Elisha was responsible in contrast to many apostates: he assumed responsibility for eleven other men who worked in front of him so he could watch over their work as he himself plowed, 1 Kings 19:19b.
      5. Elisha influenced others for good in contrast to apostates: he was leading eleven other men to believe there would be more rain in faith in the word of Elijah in spite of the previous drought, 1 Kings 19:19b.
      6. Elisha smoothly adapted either to oversight or subordinate roles in God's will in contrast to apostates:
        1. When Elijah threw his mantle over Elijah's shoulders, it signified Elijah's power and authority as God's main prophet was passing from Elijah to Elisha, 19:19c; cf. Bib. Know. Com., O.T., p. 529.
        2. However, in spite of this transfer of power and authority, Elisha submitted as a slave to Elijah to learn his new prophetic role: (a) after Elijah passed his mantle to Elisha to show his power and authority was his, Elisha still asked Elijah permission to say farewell to associates, 1 Kings 19:20. (b) Then after these farewells, Elisha followed and ministered unto Elijah as a subordinate, 19:21!
        3. Yet, Elisha had been in oversight in farming over eleven other plowmen, so he could readily adapt EITHER to lead OR to follow unlike apostates who often do either role well, cf. 1 Kings 16:15-20!
      7. Elisha made his commitment to follow Elijah in God's will a permanent one by sacrificing his oxen and boiling their flesh with their wooden yokes so he could not return to his farming job, 1 Kings 19:21a. So, in contrast to many apostates (cf. 1 Kings 16:34), his commitments to God were lasting!
Lesson: To serve as His witness in apostate times, God chose a prophet with sterling qualities that COUNTERED the decaying qualities in the apostates before whom he was to minister.

Application: (1) To be USED of God to minister before apostates in apostate times, God selects people who CONTRAST with the sinful failure of apostates: He uses people (a) with good reputations (b) who are industrious, (c) who live by faith in His Word, (d) who are responsible, (e) who influence others for good, (f) who work well in either oversight or subordinate roles and (g) who make lasting commitments to God. (2) May we by God's power EXCEL in these areas so God can USE us before needy apostates!