Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Part II: Theology Proper (Doctrines About God Himself)
A. Naturalistic Theism (God Seen In Nature)
  1. Introduction
    1. When the believer in Christ interacts with unsaved parties, he often faces concepts about God that differ radically from the Bible's presentation of God!
    2. To know where to lead a discussion in witnessing, we need to discern both incorrect and correct views about God at the level the unbeliever comprehends from nature, cf. Romans 1:18-21; Psalm 19:
  2. Naturalistic Theism (God Seen In Nature) - The application of Romans 1:18-21 to false views of God:
    1. We have the following basic arguments from nature for God's existence and general nature:
      1. Cosmological Argument - There has to be a Great Cause for the existence of such a great universe.
      2. Teleological Argument - Order in the universe reveals that Cause to have an order about It.
      3. Anthropological Argument - Man has intellect, will and sensibility, arguing for that Great Cause to have at least an intellect, will and sensibility greater than man has.
      4. Ontological Argument - Man can perceive the concept of perfection, morality and infinity though he cannot derive these from his observations of the universe. This argues that the Great Cause to man's existence is perfect, moral and infinite.
    2. However, errant views of deity exist in man. We list those views and show how they err using either these Naturalistic Theistic arguments (based on Romans 1:18-21) or simple human logic (as follows):
      1. Atheism - Atheism denies God's existence. However, such a denial presumes knowledge far beyond human limitations to prove as man has only limited knowledge of the universe. Atheism is illogical!
      2. Agnosticism - Agnostics affirm one cannot know for sure there is a God. However, this assertion is an absolute affirmation, making it UN-agnostic and hence internally illogical!
      3. Evolutionism - Evolutionism assumes there is no deity accept the resident forces in the universe to have brought the universe to its current state. However, no transition of any life form from one life form to another more complex form has been observed, making this view an inadequate view on deity.
      4. Materialism - Materialistic Theism assumes there is no spirit entity, but that the material universe is the only reality. However, this fails to explain man's capacity to perceive infinity and perfection (Ontological Argument) that he has never proved actually exists, making this view inadequate.
      5. Polytheism - Polytheists believe in more than one deity. This view is countered by the observation that earliest man was monotheistic, believing in one God, cf. Hodges, Outlines of Theology, p. 47-48.
      6. Idealism - This belief affirms that whatever is thought is reality. However, many Christian Scientists have assumed they were getting better only to die, meaning not all that is thought is true.
      7. Pantheism - Pantheists say the universe itself constitutes deity so even the acts of humans are extensions of God's actions. However, man as a moral entity views some of his acts as evil, so the application of the Ontological Argument reveals pantheism is illogical.
      8. Deism - Deists say God transcends the universe, that He created it, but has abandoned it. However, the universe's order coupled with man's appreciation of its wholesomeness argues the Great Cause is caring and not abandoning His universe. The Teleological and Ontological arguments counter deism.
      9. Positivism - Positivism argues there is no metaphysical or speculative reality as an unseen God. Yet, the Ontological Argument counters this, showing the need to explain man's awareness of morality.
      10. Monism - Monists place seen and unseen elements in the universe into a single substance. Yet, man's ability to make moral distinctions reveals God is not both good and bad, and the order resident in the universe reveals disorder is not of God! Teleological and Ontological Arguments counter Monism!
      11. Dualism - Dualists say a Good God and an Evil deity vie for the universe's control. However, the predominance of order in the universe (Teleological Argument) reveals a Good God is the top Ruler.
      12. Pluralism - Pluralists hold to many gods, good and bad. However, the order of the universe argues for a Supreme God whose order is challenged by lesser, evil beings(s)! (Teleological and Ontological)
Lesson: In accord with Romans 1:18-21 and Psalm 19, from observing nature alone and thinking logically, the average person can tell a Supreme Creator God exists and is All-powerful and Sovereign!