Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Sermon Notes -

Part I: God's Salvation From Evil Governments In The Name Of Jesus
(Luke 1:30-33)

Introduction: (To show the need . . . )

This Christmas Season, there is a great need for people to escape governmental oppression in one form or another:

(1) In Iraq and various other nations in the Middle East, people die weekly by the oppressive efforts of various self-centered or loveless religious forces that compete for "power over" others.

(2) In Zimbabwe, an oppressive regime has taken control of orderly farms only to cut down on the land's food production with incompetent farming practices. In the end, the people of Zimbabwe are suffering hunger and poverty.

(3) In the United States, though the issues are different, we also suffer oppression by our own government's leaders:

(a) Peter Jennings reported on an ABC television documentary show last Monday, December 8 that an unsolved conflict between the government's health and agriculture departments actually aids America's crisis of life-threatening obesity! Huge subsidies for producing corn has led to the wide use of fattening corn syrups to replace the more expensive cane sugars in our foods. The health department advocates our eating much more fruits and vegetables, but to satisfy this recommendation, farmers would have to double the acres they currently use for orchards and fields that produce these foods!

Meanwhile, life-threatening health conditions are on the rise simply because the lure of money motivates congress to go along with the lobbies that keep the subsidy monies flowing the way they are!

(b) Believers have shared with me how officials and politicians have favored taking any reference to God out of various realms of public life all in the name of upholding the doctrine of the separation of Church and State. However, according to William Federer, president of Amerisearch Inc., all fifty states of the union acknowledge God in their state constitutions, making such applications of the "separation" doctrine oppressive!

Even veteran area talk show host, Brad Davis last Wednesday on Torrington, Connecticut's radio station AM 610 alluded to this issue when he said, "American's are sick and tired of not being free to talk about their faith."

Well, is there any hope for those suffering from oppressive rule in the world this Christmas? WHAT can WE DO about it?

(We turn to the sermon "Need" section . . . )

Need: "As many people around the world this Christmas suffer from errant governmental oppression, is there any HOPE for their deliverance? WHAT can WE NOW DO to ADDRESS this need?"
  1. When the angel, Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she would bear a son, Gabriel told her to call His name, JESUS, Luke 1:30-31.
  2. This is the Greek word for the Hebrew name, "Joshua", meaning, "the Lord is salvation," Ryrie St. Bible, KJV, ftn. to Matthew 1:1.
  3. As Gabriel described what Jesus would be and do, His NAME in THIS context means Jesus would be GOD'S GIFT to REVERSE OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENTS for BELIEVERS in JESUS:
    1. The angel, Gabriel implied "Jesus" would graciously reverse the status of Mary's family re: oppressive rulers of her people, Lk. 1:32:
      1. Being a Jewess from Nazareth, Mary with her family and Jewish neighbors were held in low esteem even by the other Jewish people and leaders of Israel, cf. John 1:45-46 with 7:50-52; Edersheim, The Life and Times Of Jesus The Messiah, i, p. 144-145.
      2. Being of the line of Nathan, a son of David who had no right to David's throne, Mary's lineage offered her little hope of respect and thus hope of deliverance from oppression by her own people's leaders, Luke 3:31; Ibid., Ryrie St. Bible, KJV, ftn. to Luke 3:23.
      3. However, Gabriel claimed Mary's child, "Jesus" would be great, that He would be called (as God) the Son of the Highest and that God would give unto Him the throne of His ancestor, DAVID, Luke 1:32. [We know Jesus gained the right to David's throne by the union of Mary and Joseph who was in line for David's throne, cf. Matthew 1:1-17 with Ryrie Study Bible, KJV ftn. to Mtt. 1:1.
      4. Accordingly, God would arrange for Mary's son, "Jesus" to save her and her immediate family and Jewish kin in Nazareth from disrespect by her nation and its oppression of her and her family!
    2. The angel, Gabriel revealed "Jesus" would graciously reverse the status of Mary's nation re: oppressive Gentile rule, Luke 1:33a:
      1. When Gabriel announced "Jesus" would reign over the house of Jacob, he referred to the entire nation of Israel, for Jacob was renamed, "Israel" by God in Genesis 32:28 and Jacob's twelve sons comprise the twelve tribes of Israel, cf. Exodus 1:1-7.
      2. Then as Gabriel said "Jesus" would rule the house of Jacob for ever, "Jesus" would thus permanently deliver Israel from Gentile rule that had so long oppressed Israel, Luke 1:33a!
    3. The angel, Gabriel revealed "Jesus" would graciously reverse the status of all who were sanctified by God re: their oppressive rulers:
      1. Gabriel's announcement to the Jewess, Mary that the kingdom of "Jesus" would have no end would have immediately reminded her of God's similar promises in Daniel 2:44 and 7:14, 18 and 27.
      2. There, the Old Testament prophet, Daniel wrote of 2 visions where the sanctified people of the Most High God are predicted to receive a kingdom from God and then rule the earth for ever and ever!
      3. These visions tell of the reign of "Jesus" when all the sanctified, Jewish and Gentile who have put their trust in Christ for salvation, will be given the kingdom from God to rule for ever with "Jesus":
        1. Daniel 2:44 predicts God will establish the earthly reign of "Jesus" after the future Great Tribulation Period, Daniel 2:41-43; Ibid., Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, ftn. to Daniel 2:42.
        2. Then, Daniel 7:14 tells of "Jesus" receiving heaven's throne from the Father at His ascension to heaven (Daniel 7:13-14).
        3. Daniel 7:18 NIV, ESV [cf. B.D.B., Heb.-Engl. Lex. Of the O.T., p. 1110 = the KJV errs here!] predicts God's saints will receive the kingdom after the Tribulation (Dan. 7:17-18). We know from Rev. 19:7, 9, 17, 21 these saints include the Church, the Bride of "Jesus;" from Rev. 20:4 we know these saints include resurrected Tribulation saints; then Dan. 12:2a, 11-13 reveals Old Testament saints will also be raised to partake of this reign.
        4. Finally, Daniel 7:27 reveals this kingdom will be given to the saints after the judgment of the antichrist (Dan. 7:24-26, 27).
      4. Of key note, we read from Daniel 2:44, 7:14 and 27 that this eternal rule by "Jesus" will be worldwide, so the saints of God will know no more oppression by other wicked governments!
Application: Since GOD PROMISED to GIVE us a final reversal re: oppressive rulers through "Jesus," (1) may we TRUST in "Jesus" to become saints of God, Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 1:2. (2) Then, may we LIVE in HOPE of GOD'S PROMISE to GIVE us an eternal reign, and (3) CURRENTLY (a) NOT fight our oppressors, but (b) disciple rulers AND subjects to follow Christ!

Lesson: In naming Mary's child "JESUS," GOD PROMISED to GIVE man a FINAL REVERSAL of status re: oppressive rulers, a worldwide deliverance from ALL oppressive governments so man might HIMSELF RULE FOR EVER, a hope for ALL who trust in "Jesus" for salvation!

Conclusion: (To illustrate the sermon lesson . . . )

An editorial in the May-June, 1998 issue of Moody Monthly fits the Luke 1:31-33 subject on addressing oppressive governments God's way. Warning Christians against presenting too high a political profile to the secular world and hence carving a destructive path in trying to overcome oppressive secular governmental rule, the editor wrote:

"If we are not careful, we will think we can rely on worldly influence to get heavenly results--fighting against people when the real enemy is Satan and everything in revolt against God's will. We will make alliances with political forces, endorsing their programs, all the while ignoring what God seeks most: righteousness in our hearts and reclamation of sin-bound souls . . . Unless the gospel is clearly seen through what we say and how we act, hearts will remain closed to the message that ultimately counts. Those whom we have alienated unnecessarily will be hell-bound for eternity. And we will have failed them and denied Christ's commandment."

That is why the author also wrote, " God alone can produce the only change that matters --a new heart."

The liberation from oppressive governmental rule in our world, a rule fueled by the angelic conflict is available only when the CAUSE of oppression in MAN is effectively addressed -- SIN in the INDIVIDUAL human HEART! THAT comes ONLY through a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST.

This Christmas season, may we then BELIEVE in Christ and GIVE ourselves to the DISCIPLING of people's HEARTS for WAITING for the NEW and ETERNAL kingdom of "Jesus," a worldwide kingdom to BE GIVEN to US by GOD! (Titus 2:11-13)