Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Evening Sermon Notes -

Part XXVI: Other Reputed Theophanies Of The Preincarnate Christ
B. Christ's Appearance To Israel's Elders: Blessed Fellowship With God For Submitting To His Word
(Exodus 24:1-11)
  1. Introduction
    1. Our God is both a "Consuming Fire" of judgment (Heb. 12:29) and a God Who so loved the world, He sent His only Son to die for its sins that whoever trusts in Him might be saved, John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10.
    2. It is hard for many to accept both sides of Christ, but they are seen in one of His theophanies (as follows):
  2. Christ's Appearance To Israel's Elders: Blessed Fellowship With God For Submitting To His Word.
    1. Besides appearing as the "Angel of the Lord", the Preincarnate Christ is believed by reputable theologians to have appeared in other Old Testament "theophanies" (John F. Walvoord, Jesus Christ Our Lord , p. 54).
    2. One such passage is Exodus 24:9-11 (Ibid.), and its broader contexts of Exodus 24:1-11 along with Exodus 19:10-20:20 display Christ as a "Consuming Fire" of judgment while also being a gracious God Who loves His people and loves to fellowship with them when they are cleansed and submit to His Word:
      1. The Preincarnate Christ at first revealed Himself as a "Consuming Fire" to Israel's elders, 19:10-20:20:
        1. When the Preincarnate Christ first appeared to Israel and her elders at Mount Sinai, He had them wash their clothes and even avoid normal sexual contact in marriage for three days, 19:10, 14-15.
        2. Christ also directed them not even to touch the base of Mount Sinai with their hands at the price of being killed by stoning or by being shot through with arrows, Exodus 19:12-13a!
        3. Then, at the sound of the trumpet of God, they were to approach the mount, Exodus 19:13b.
        4. On the third day when the people and their elders approached the mount, there were thunders and lightenings, a thick cloud hiding God at the top of the mount and a loud sound of a shofar, a curved ram's horn, that made them tremble, Ex. 19:16; B. D. B., Hebrew & Eng. Lex. of the O. T., p. 1051.
        5. As they approached the mount, a large plume of smoke rose from its top as though it came from a furnace, and the mount greatly rocked with an earthquake, Exodus 19:17-18.
        6. The ram's horn sound grew even louder until Moses spoke and God answered him, Ex. 19:19; Ibid.
        7. God then charged the people of Israel not to gaze intently into the smoke and cloud lest they perish in beholding His glory, Ex. 19:20-21. Even the priests were to avoid such gazing, Ex. 19:22-24.
        8. After Moses climbed the mount to receive the Ten Commandments from God, he returned to Israel, and the people backed away from the mount and its fierce display, asking Moses to speak with them instead of having God speak with them that they not die, Ex. 20:18-19. Moses explained God was not trying to terrorize them, but to make them revere Him so they might obey His Word, Ex. 20:20.
      2. Yet, based on their commitment to submit to His Word, the elders later enjoyed harmless, blessed fellowship with the Preincarnate Christ in His infinite love as He disclosed His glory to them, 24:1-11:
        1. The Preincarnate Christ later directed Israel's elders, Aaron and his eldest sons along with Moses to prepare to approach His presence on Mount Sinai, Exodus 24:1. Moses was to come the closest to the Lord where the elders would be kept at a distance on the mount, Exodus 24:2.
        2. The basis for this meeting was the proper ratification of the Mosaic Covenant: the people and their elders had to (1) agree to obey God's commands and (2) to be sanctified by the shedding of the blood of the proper animal sacrifices (3) together with being sprinkled by their blood, 24:3-4, 5-8.
        3. Following this commitment, and based on its provisions, the elders were able to ascend the mount and behold the heavenly glory of the Preincarnate Christ and to fellowship with Him, Ex. 24:9-11: (1) Israel's elders then saw the Preincarnate Christ in His glory with a pavement under His feet like that of a pavement of blue sapphire, Ex. 24:1-10. (2) They were not harmed by Christ (24:11a), and (3) they enjoyed a meal of the sacrificed animals in the sphere of His loving fellowship, 24:11b!
Lesson: Though the Preincarnate Christ initially threatened Israel's elders of judgment were they to approach Him in unholiness, when they agreed to heed His Word and approach Him by way of the right sacrifices, they enjoyed access to Him, viewing His glory and His harmless, loving fellowship.

Application: May we REVERE our Lord's capacity to JUDGE us for sin that we DEAL with it by His CLEANSING for sin and commit ourselves to HEED Him to enjoy His edifying spiritual fellowship.