Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Evening Sermon Notes -

Part IV: Learning To Gain Blessing By Heeding God's Way Over The World's Way
(1 Kings 3:1-2, 3-15)
  1. Introduction
    1. It is a fact that we mortal believers need earthly essentials like the means of livelihood provisions, covering from the elements and basic livelihood protection that governments are supposed to provide.
    2. Yet, there is a wrong and worldly WAY and a right and godly WAY to obtain these, and 1 Kings 3:1-2 with 3-28 contrasts these opposing ways, and we do well to discern and choose the right one (as follows):
  2. Learning To Gain Blessing By Heeding God's Way Over The World's Way, 1 Kings 3:1-2, 3-15.
    1. Solomon and Israel began to seek the wrong and worldly WAY to obtain earthly blessings, 1 Kings 3:1-2:
      1. Contrary to God's way of gaining national protection, Solomon made a peace treaty with Egypt's ruler through an unbiblical marriage to Pharaoh's daughter, 1 Kings 3:1:
        1. Solomon sought to insure national peace with the Egyptians by sealing a peace treaty with Pharaoh through marrying Pharaoh's daughter, 1 Kings 3:1.
        2. However, this violated Scripture on two counts: (a) under the Mosaic Law, the people of Israel were not to intermarry with Gentiles to preserve their dedication to the Lord's truths, cf. Deut. 7:3-4. (b) The nation was not to make any league with the idolatrous inhabitants of Canaan lest they be influenced to worship false gods, Exodus 34:12-14. Since Egypt was an idolatrous nation, Solomon violated in principle this command that had been given in reference to the Canaanites.
      2. Contrary to God's way of gaining God's favor for livelihood welfare, Solomon and all Israel copied the Canaanites in seeking closeness to God by unbiblically worshipping on many high places, 1 K. 3:2.
        1. The Canaanites sacrificed on high places since they "felt that the closer they got to heaven the more likely . . . their prayers and offerings would reach their gods," Bib. Know. Com., O. T., p. 494.
        2. Thus, the Hebrews began to worship on high places to impact God with their prayers and offerings in opposition to Leviticus 17:3-4; there, only the tabernacle was the proper place to do this.
    2. In GRACE, the Lord reached out to bless Solomon were he to look to HIMSELF for his needs, 3:3-28:
      1. Though Solomon wrongly worshiped the Lord in various high places (1 Kings 3:3), he did seek God's blessing by offering lavish offerings to the Lord at the (errant) high place in Gibeon, 1 Kings 3:4.
      2. Accordingly, GOD graciously appeared to Solomon in a dream, and offered to bless him as a reward for looking to GOD with his lavish offerings at Gibeon, 1 Kings 3:5.
      3. Solomon responded, telling God he felt a great sense of need for WISDOM in governing the nation as he was assigned to fill the shoes of his great spiritual father, David, 1 Kings 3:6-9.
      4. Since Solomon expressed more concern about the welfare of the nation than he was his own interests, God was pleased with his request, 1 Kings 3:10. Thus, God promised to give Solomon the wisdom he desired along with great personal blessings of unparalleled human wealth and honor, 1 Kings 3:11-13.
    3. Finally, as a PROD, God urged Solomon to walk in His ways and keep God's statutes so He would LENGTHEN Solomon's DAYS, a subtle call for Solomon to check his errant alliances and the nation's preoccupation with the unbiblical practice of multiple high place worship functions, 3:14.
    4. Solomon awoke from his dream where God addressed him, and traveled 6 miles southwest from Gibeon to Jerusalem where the ark of God abode in the tabernacle to worship there in thanksgiving to Him, 1 Kings 3:15. Solomon apparently sought to heed the Lord fully as to the place of worship, Lev. 17:3-4.
Lesson: Where the WORLD lured Solomon with meeting his earthly needs were he (1) to use errant national alliances with pagan nations through illicit marriage and (2) unbiblically worship in multiple high places versus worshiping God ONLY at the tabernacle, (3) GOD offered Solomon all the livelihood provisions he needed, and MUCH MORE were he to HEED the LORD'S WAYS of meeting his needs!

Application: Where (1) the WORLD offers to meet our livelihood needs if we practice it's unbiblical methods, (2) GOD offers to MEET those same needs if we put HIS will FIRST, and HEED His Word as to our methods and means of living. (3) May we the heed SCRIPTURE in the WAY we go about addressing our livelihood needs that we may fully enjoy God's richest blessings in life, 1 Timothy 6:17.