Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Evening Sermon Notes -

Part XXV: Valuing God's GEOGRAPHICAL Assignment ABOVE Our Quality Of Life
(1 Samuel 21:1-22:8)
  1. Introduction
    1. James 4:13-17 teaches we must follow God regarding his geographical placement and employment!
    2. However, personal trials and a desire for peace may raise questions on discerning God's will about either moving or staying in a location or job. 1 Samuel 21:1-22:8 offers a lesson on these issues as follows:
  2. Valuing God's GEOGRAPHICAL Assignment ABOVE Our Quality Of Life, 1 Samuel 21:1-22:8.
    1. In David's past, God revealed David was to rule on Israel's throne in Saul's place, 1 Samuel 16:1, 13.
    2. However, David learned from Saul's son, Jonathan he needed to flee from SAUL to save his life, 20:1-42.
    3. David errantly concluded he was to leave ISRAEL, and tried to do so with troubling results, 21:1-15:
      1. Thinking he had to flee a long way, David sought provisions in stopping by a town of the priests, Nob, just north of Jerusalem to ask for livelihood provisions for his journey, 1 Samuel 21:1a.
      2. The priest, Ahimelech, thought it strange David lacked an armed company as a military leader, and feared David might have been in trouble with Saul and thus threaten himself by helping him, 21:1b
      3. David then lied to set Ahimelech at ease and cause him to supply the desired provisions: David said he was on a secret mission for Saul to explain his being alone, and thus needed these provisions, 21:2-3.
      4. Ahimelech in good faith gave David the sacred shewbread ceremonially sanctioned only for the priests, for he realized saving David's life took precedence over keeping ceremonial law, 21:4-6; cf. Mtt. 12:3f.
      5. He also supplied David with Goliath's sword that had been kept in the tabernacle, 1 Samuel 21:8-9.
      6. However, Doeg the Edomite, a supporter of Saul, witnessed this event of David's deceit, and later told Saul Ahimelech had helped David to the tragic demise of Ahimelech, 1 Sam. 21:7; 22:9-19.
      7. Besides, when David fled to Philistine territory with Goliath's sword, the Philistines were reminded of David's slaughter of Goliath and his help of Israel in battle, leading to David pretending to be insane to keep alive, 1 Samuel 21:10-12, 13-15.
    4. Accordingly, David thought it more PEACEFUL to return to a cave near Adullam that bordered Israel and Philistine territory, and there hide out from Saul and the Philistines, 1 Samuel 21:1a-4:
      1. David thus left the dangerous, unhealthy Philistine environment and returned to dwell in a cave of Adullam on the edge of Saul's Israel and dangerous Philistine territory, 21:1a; Ryrie St. Bib., KJV, ftn.
      2. There, his brothers, parents and every distressed, indebted, discontented man in Israel began to gather around David in the formation of David's "group" en route to his becoming king, 1 Samuel 22:1b-2.
      3. Concerned about his aging parents' welfare, David made arrangements with the king of Moab, an ancestral tie of David's (via Ruth, the Moabitess, Ruth 4:10, 13-17) to house them in Moab, 22:3-4.
    5. However, God's prophet, GAD, told David to come OUT of HIDING and RETURN to JUDAH where Saul would FIND and REACT to him, and renew God's plan for CONFLICT between Saul and David so as to TRANSFER the nation from Saul's to David's leadership, 1 Samuel 22:5-8:
      1. God had set David up to REPLACE Saul, cf. 1 Samuel 16:1, 13.
      2. In the process, God had let a demon plague Saul while giving His Holy Spirit to David, creating a PUBLIC CONTRAST and CONFLICT between the two men, 1 Samuel 16:13, 14.
      3. Hence, God's PROPHET, Gad, told David to leave his HIDING place and return to JUDAH where he would be in OPEN CONFLICT with SAUL once again, 1 Samuel 22:5a,b.
      4. David thus moved a few miles east of Adullam to the forest of Hareth where Saul could learn where he was but where David would have room to flee if Saul attacked, 22:5 (Ibid., ftn. to 22:5).
      5. Sure enough, Saul learned of David's whereabouts, and came looking for him, 1 Samuel 22:6-8.
Lesson: Since GOD anointed David to REPLACE Saul, and let a demon plague Saul while giving His Spirit to David to CONTRAST these men BEFORE ISRAEL so as to SHIFT SAUL'S followers over to DAVID, regardless how hard was his living conditions or how much he wanted peace, GOD'S PLANS did NOT allow for David to FLEE Israel, but to stay IN JUDAH and JUST OUT of Saul's REACH!

Application: Unless GOD CLEARLY shows us OTHERWISE, the PLACE He FIRST assigns us is WHERE we are to STAY, whether there are TRIALS or PEACE there or ANYWHERE ELSE!