Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Acts: The Continuing Earthly Ministry Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Part VI: The Ministry Of The Universal Church In Its Spread To The Ends Of The Earth, Acts 8:26-28:31
A. Christ's Ministry To Evangelize Segments Of All Mankind, Acts 8:26-11:18
1. Christ's Evangelization In The Line Of Ham
(Acts 8:26-40)
  1. Introduction
    1. When Jesus directed His disciples in Acts 1:8 to witness of Him in the world, He clarified that the Gospel was to spread beyond Jerusalem, Judaea and even Samaria to reach to the ends of the earth.
    2. However, some in Christendom have historically held that the line of Ham, composed of black peoples, was so cursed of God in Genesis 9:25-27 that they do not have souls, and are not to be evangelized.
    3. As though anticipating the rise of such deep error, God arranged for the events of Acts 8:26-40, displaying that all the seed of Ham, black and otherwise, are to be evangelized in keeping with His will (as follows):
  2. Christ's Evangelization In The Line Of Ham, Acts 8:26-40.
    1. The curse by Noah in Genesis 9:25-27 was leveled at Canaan, Noah's grandson and the son of Ham as just retribution for the sin Ham had performed against his father, Noah, Bible Knowledge Com., O. T., p. 41.
    2. Since Canaan was not the ancestor of any black people groups (Merrill F. Unger, Arch. and the O. T., 1973, p. 83-94), Canaanites -- NOT black-skinned African peoples -- bore Canaan's CURSE!
    3. However, as no blessing was then given to Ham like it was to Noah's other sons, Shem and Japheth (Gen. 9:25-27), though Ham was not cursed, Ham and his other sons notably LACKED divine blessing.
    4. Nevertheless, by faith in Christ, so complete is one's positional triumph over sin and its effects that, when ANY descendant of Ham trusts in Christ, he is wonderfully SAVED, and Acts 8:26-40 illustrates this:
      1. The angel of the Lord specifically told Philip to go south on the road that led from Jerusalem toward Gaza in the desert. Thus, what Philip was to do there was unquestionably a divine assignment!
      2. Philip obeyed, and found the treasurer of Candace, (Nubian) queen of "Ethiopia", returning home in his chariot from worshipping in Jerusalem, Acts 8:27-28a. (Ryrie Study Bib., KJV, 1978, ftn. to Acts 8:27)
      3. Such Nubians were black-skinned Africans of the seed of Noah's son, Ham, meaning God had sent Philip specifically to evangelize an African in the line of Ham! (Ibid., Unger, p. 83)
      4. This African was also a eunuch, so his physical condition according to the Mosaic Law also kept him from entering the Lord's assembly at the temple (Deuteronomy 23:1).
      5. Regardless of this eunuch's Hamitic genetic heritage and its absence of Noahic blessing, and regardless of his personal restriction from God's assembly at the temple and thus from becoming a full proselyte to Judaism (Ibid.), God's Holy Spirit told Philip, "Go near, and join thyself to this chariot," Acts 8:29!
      6. When Philip approached the chariot and heard the man reading aloud from Isaiah 53:7-8, he asked if he understood what he read, Acts 8:30; Ibid., Ryrie, ftn. to Acts 8:32-33. The eunuch replied he needed insight, so he invited Philip to join him in the chariot to supply him that insight, Acts 8:31, 34.
      7. Philip knew the Isaiah passage spoke of Christ, so he began there and preached about Christ, Acts 8:35.
      8. Though the setting of this event was the desert (Acts 8:26), the eunuch saw a pool of water apparently provided by God, so he asked Philip if anything would hinder him from being baptized, Acts 8:36.
      9. Acts 8:37 is not in most manuscripts, but we know from Philip's response to this question in Acts 8:38 that Philip saw by God's leading to that point that neither the eunuch's Hamitic lineage nor his eunuch status could keep him from being saved. Thus, Philip baptized him! (Ibid., Ryrie, ftn. to Acts 8:37)
      10. After this, the eunuch was full of joy, and the Holy Spirit miraculously took Philip 20 miles north to Azotos, Old Testament Ashdod, to evangelize that proud Hamitic city that was judged to become a city of a mongrel race of marred lineage (Zec. 9:6 ESV; Ibid., Unger, p. 90-91; Unger, Zechariah, 1974, p. 156; Ibid., Ryrie, ftn. to Acts 8:40)! From there, Philip evangelized north to Caesarea, Acts 8:39-40.
Lesson: By having Philip evangelize the African eunuch, by miraculously supplying water in the desert for his baptism, and by miraculously taking Philip to reach the Hamitic-turned-genetically-marred city of Ashdod and beyond, God showed that ALL Hamites were to be evangelized for Jesus Christ!

Application: May we similarly heed God's leading to evangelize ALL Hamitic peoples for the Lord!