Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Part III: Examining The Five Points Of Calvinism (And Arminianism) In Light Of Scripture
C. Examining Calvinism's Doctrine Of Limited Atonement In Light Of Scripture
  1. Introduction
    1. The theology of John Calvin, the main formulator of "Reformed Theology," rests on five "pillars" of belief: Total Inability, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the saints, doctrines that spell, T-U-L-I-P, Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, p. 1, 59f.
    2. These beliefs and their spiritual effects on believers besides the opposing beliefs of Arminianism and its respective spiritual effects are critiqued by Christ in respective order in Revelation 3:17 as follows:
  2. Examining Calvinism's Doctrine Of Limited Atonement In Light Of Scripture, Revelation 3:17 et. al.
    1. Calvinism teaches "Limited Atonement," that since God is alleged [in Calvinism] to have chosen only the elect to trust in Christ, His death paid only for the sins of those thus chosen to be saved, Ibid., p. 150-151.
    2. In response, Arminius held since anyone might be saved by contributing faith to aid in his salvation, Christ's death atoned for the sins of all individuals, Bettenson, ed., Docs. of the Chr. Ch., 2nd ed., p. 377.
    3. Yet, Jesus Christ prophetically criticized both views and their errant spiritual results in Revelation 3:17:
      1. Jesus claimed the Laodiceans were third of all "poor" (NIV & KJV). The Greek word for "poor" is ptochos (UBS Grk. N.T., p. 845), and we define what Christ means by it through Scripture context:
        1. In Rev. 3:18, Christ said the solution to this Rev. 3:17 "poor" state came by "gold tried in the fire."
        2. As the only other N.T. reference to a thing being compared to "gold tried in the fire" is faith in 1 Peter 1:7 (Moul., Ged. & Moul., Conc. to Grk. Test., 1019), "poor" in Rev. 3:17 is a lack of faith.
      2. This counters both Calvinist and Arminian views of faith and Calvinism's view of the atonement:
        1. Calvin taught God gives the elect a gift of faith to trust in Christ, and as the elect will thus persevere in this faith, a true believer could never be poor in faith (Bettenson, [Calvin's] Institutes, v. I, p. 484ff [Book Third, ch. II, 15-17]). Yet, the Laodiceans who were "poor" in faith were also God's true sons (as Rev. 3:19 shows us in referring to Heb. 12:6-8 where God disciplines only true sons!) Their being both "poor" in faith and God's true sons opposes Calvin's view of salvation faith.
        2. The followers of Arminius err on their view of faith as well, for Arminians hold if a Christian's faith in Christ fails, he loses his salvation, Chafer/Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, p. 220; Ibid., Bettenson, p. 378. However, though poor in faith, the Laodiceans were still saved as God's sons via Christ's warning He was about to discipline them as God's true sons in Rev. 3:19 (alluding to Hebrews 12:6-8). Thus, one cannot contribute faith to his salvation, for GOD ALONE saves!
        3. Hence, man authors his OWN FAITH versus CALVINISM, and FAITH does NOT contribute to salvation versus ARMINIANISM. Man authors faith, but God ALONE saves him!
        4. On Calvinism's view of the atonement, since man authors his own faith, anyone must be able to trust in Christ, meaning Christ's atonement is Unlimited in extent. Passages like 1 John 2:2, 1 Timothy 4:10, John 3:16-18 and 2 Peter 2:1 all confirm Christ died for all individual humans.
      3. Spiritually, the errant views of faith in Calvinism and Arminianism have left disciples either irresponsibly not trusting God in hope God will preserve their faith by predestination (Calvinism) or errantly trusting in the false strength of a human faith (Arminianism). Actually, the believer should initiate faith, but a faith in God for victorious Christian living! No wonder we are spiritually "poor"!
Lesson: (1) Calvinism and Arminianism ERR in their views of FAITH, and CALVINISM thus errs in its stand for a "Limited Atonement" of Christ's cross: (a) Opposite Calvinism, salvation faith is NOT an immediate gift from God, but it is authored by man so that anyone can believe in Christ. (b) This in turns means Christ's atonement must be Unlimited in extent. (c) Opposite Arminiamism, faith is NOT meritorious, NOR does it thus WORK salvation, so human faith itself does not SAVE, meaning a lapse in faith does not nullify one's salvation! (2) These errant views have left believers destitute in the LIFE of faith: (a) Calvinists tend to rely on God's keeping His gift of faith strong to leave them irresponsibly not exercising faith in God for life, and (b) Arminians have leaned on the strength of their faith instead of leaning on GOD for HIS power to live! (c) The SOLUTION is RESPONSIBLY to LEAN on GOD!