Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Psalm Eighty-Four - Detailing What It Means To Live A Life Of Faith In God
(Psalm 84:1-12)
  1. Introduction
    1. All believers are told to trust in the Lord with all of their heart in Proverbs 3:5.
    2. However, trusting in the Lord for a specific issue and living a life of faith in God are really different acts.
    3. To test if we are really living a life of faith, we can evaluate our lives in light of Psalm 84:1-12.
  2. Detailing What It Means To Live A Life Of Faith In God, Psalm 84:1-12.
    1. This psalm describes one who, in every way of life, lives in complete reliance upon the Lord.
      1. The word "trusteth" (v. 12 KJV) is from the Hebrew batach, its root meaning "to throw one's self down upon the face; to lie extended on the ground," B.D.B., Heb. and Eng. Lex. Of The O. T., p. 105.
      2. Thus, the psalmist is describing the lifestyle blessings of one who lives in every way dependent upon and subject to the Lord and His will -- one who practices a life of faith.
    2. The characteristics of one living this way can be itemized as follows:
      1. Item One - One who lives a life of faith expects God to address needs in all areas of personal need, v. 2.
        1. When the psalmist expressed that his heart and flesh cried out for the Living God, he implied that the immaterial part of his inner man (heart) and his physical body (flesh) needed the Lord.
        2. Thus, the psalmist trusted God for all aspects of his sustenance, both physical and intangible.
      2. Item Two - One who lives a life of faith in God looks to Him for strength in meeting life's demands, 5.
      3. Item Three - One who lives a life of faith in God looks to honor Him as his goal in service, v. 5b.
        1. The pilgrimage involved is the trek up to the temple mount, a requirement in the Law, cf. Dt. 16:16.
        2. Since the psalmist blesses those whose heart is set on this pilgrimage, he implies that those who seek to obey the Lord regarding pilgrimages to the temple are blessed in their seeking to obey God.
      4. Item Four - One who lives a life of faith in God looks to God for his growth into maturity, v. 7.
        1. The reference to going from "strength to strength" idiomatically pictures growth from one level of spiritual and physical strength to the next in a life of relating to the Lord, Leupold, Psalms, p. 606.
        2. Thus, the psalmist pictures growth, development while one is blessed in relating to God.
      5. Item Five - One who lives a life of faith in God anticipates God's blessing through instrumentality of the human leadership God has set up to lead God's people, Ps. 84:9.
        1. The personal hand-held shield is God's anointed one, verse 9.
        2. Thus, the anointed human ruler is used of God as a protector of the people, so the psalmist is anticipating God's blessing coming through instrumentality of the human leader appointed by God.
      6. Item Six - One who lives a life of faith in God depends on the Lord for overcoming setbacks, Ps. 84:6.
        1. The ""Valley of Baca" is a low point of a type of tree that grows in parched areas, a picture of a low point of difficulty or hardship in one's experiences in life.
        2. In God's turning it into a valley of springs, a source of blessing, the psalmist shows how a life of faith in God takes originally negative events in one's life to make them a source of future blessings.
        3. Then God makes the autumn rains to fall there, creating pools, a picture of a normal provision, indicating that, after the trial, God soothes over the pain and makes everything normal again!
      7. Item Seven - One who lives a life of faith in God views God's assignments, no matter how humanly menial, as far superior to the best occupations available outside of God's express will, Ps. 84:10.
        1. To be a doorkeeper was to be a slave; to dwell in tents was to be on the front lines of fame, 84:10.
        2. Thus, it is to one's advantage to be a slave of God than a ruler outside of God's will.
      8. Item Eight - One who lives a live of faith in God expects God's blessings to be entirely wholesome, and that keeps him fearless about any price to be paid for living a life of faith in God, 84:11-12.
Lesson: We live a life of faith when we look to God to meet all personal needs, when we seek God to fill our life's for mental or physical strength, when we seek His honor above all else in service, when we leave our maturity for God to develop, when we expect God to use human leaders over us as vehicles of blessing, when we expect God to make life's hard experiences sources of future blessing, and restore us to normalcy after the crises, when we unconditionally acce pt God's service assignments, and when we trust God to bless us with wholesomeness no matter what His will orders.