Nepaug Bible Church - - Pastor's Adult Sunday School Notes -

Psalm Fifteen: A Practical Barometer Of Fellowshiping With Our Holy God
(Psalm 15:1-5)
  1. Introduction
    1. Jesus commanded His disciples to "abide" in Him in order to enjoy God's fruitfulness in life and service, John 15:1-8. This "abiding" state the Apostle John calls "fellowship" in 1 John 1:5-7 with 2:6.
    2. However, what does it mean to have "fellowship" with a holy God -- what is really involved?! HOW CAN ONE KNOW IF HE IS REALLY FELLOWSHIPING WITH GOD AS GOD DEFINES REAL FELLOWSHIP?!
    3. Psalm 15:1-5 asks the question of who can abide in fellowship with the holy God of Zion, and answers it:
  2. A Practical Barometer Of Fellowshiping With Our Holy God, Psalm 15:1-5.
    1. The psalmist, David asks the question of "who may sojourn in Your (God's) tabernacle? Who may settle down on Your holy hill (to remain, or "abide" there)?" in Psalm 15:1.
    2. In verses 2-5b, he answers this question with an elevenfold description of a very RIGHTEOUS person:
      1. Qualification One For Abiding With Our Holy God - One whose lifestyle is without blame so that no one can point a finger at him as being a hypocrite -- that one can fellowship with our holy God, 15:2a.
      2. Qualification Two For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who performs what is righteous as God defines righteousness in Scripture -- that one can fellowship with our holy God, Psalm 15:2b.
      3. Qualification Three For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who says what is true, but does so as a reflection of his real inner attitude -- that one can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:2c.
      4. Qualification Four For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who does not misrepresent another person verbally so as to tear him down -- that one can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:3a.
      5. Qualification Five For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who does not perform what is wrong against his neighbor, but who is upright with all he contacts -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:3b.
      6. Qualification Six For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who does not belittle his fellow man in any way -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:3c.
      7. Qualification Seven For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who withdraws fellowship with one with whom he is to avoid fellowship, doing so from the heart -- he can fellowship with our holy God, 15:4a.
      8. Qualification Eight For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who honors from his heart the man who really reveres the Lord -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:4b.
      9. Qualification Nine For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who is true to his commitments upon which others depend even if it costs him dearly -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15 :4c.
      10. Qualification Ten For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who does not take financial advantage of others who are at his financial mercy -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:5a.
      11. Qualification Eleven For Abiding With Our Holy God - One who refuses to let the lure of money permit him to do harm to innocent people -- he can fellowship with our holy God, Ps. 15:5b!
    3. In summary, David reveals that if one is practicing these things, he exhibits a level of righteousness so that he will never be moved from his "abiding" place in God's tabernacle, Ps. 15:5c with 15:1.
Lesson: To fellowship with God in truth, one must be so upright that he practices as a way of life all of these eleven descriptions listed of the holy man of God in Psalm 15:2-5!

Application: (1) If we see that we fall short of this righteousness, we do not fellowship with God, and either (a) need to be saved by believing on Christ as Savior, Jn. 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:17, or (b) to confess our sins to be restored to fellowship with God (1 Jn. 1:5-9) and then depend upon the Holy Spirit for behavior control to BE upright, Gal. 5:16-23. (2) If we know the Savior and are in right relationship with Him, all of the qualities listed in Psalm 15:2-5 should be present in our lives. If they ARE, it causes us to sense fulfillment and joy with the God Who superintended the writing of this Psalm (2 Tim. 3:16) in fulfillment of John 3:21 and 1 John 1 :3-4! THEN one has GOD'S estimation that he is fellowshiping with Him, and it doesn't get any better than that!!